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Chapter 30

Chapter 30


I stretched my arm only to feel my side cold and empty. I slowly open my eyes and notice that it seems

undisturbed, as if no one slept on it last night. I came to the conclusion that Sebastian didn’t sleep here

last night. It seems like Sebastian didn’t come back to our room last night.

I looked at the wall clock to check the time. It’s only six in the morning. He’s probably buried in his

work; that’s why he didn’t manage to sleep here last night. I’m still feeling heavy from the events

yesterday. My heart is still filled with fear and anxiety about what might be its effect on our relationship.

Despite the fear lingering in my heart, I still tried to get up and cheer myself on. I decided to prepare

breakfast for Sebastian before he went to work. I had a quick run in the bathroom to wash my face and

brush my teeth. I didn’t bother taking a bath since I might miss Sebastian. Once I’m done changing into

my usual clothes, I go out of my room and go straight to the kitchen.

I found the household help in the kitchen, busy preparing for breakfast. “Do you need anything, Miss

Blaire?” Candice asked when she finally noticed my presence.

It seems like everyone was almost done with the meal, and there’s nothing more I can do to help.

That’s when I decided to prepare a cup of coffee for Sebastian and bring it to his office.

“Just a cup of coffee, Candice,” I said.

“Oh, no problem. Why don’t you take your seat, and I’ll bring your coffee to your table?” she replied

with a sweet smile.

“Ahm, actually, it wasn’t for me. I was planning to bring Sebastian a cup of coffee. It seems like he had

a rough night,” I said.

Her smile immediately fell from her face. It didn’t take long for me to realize that something was not

right. She tried to put back the smile on her face when she noticed my reaction.

“Mister Foster left the house last night,” Candice said, frowning.

“He did?” I responded in surprise. I thought he spent the night in his office. I wasn’t expecting that he

wouldn’t spend the night here at all.

Candice tried to lighten up the mood when he noticed my reaction. “He probably didn’t want to disturb

you last night,” Candice explained.

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Chapter 30

It makes sense now why she seemed quite surprised when I told her that I wanted to bring Sebastian a

cup of coffee. I tried to force a smile on my face, pretending that Sebastian’s obvious attempt to avoid

me bothers me at all.

“Yeah, probably,” I replied. “I’ll just go back to my room. Before I turned around, I heard Candice’s voice


“Are you going to join them for breakfast, or do you want me to bring your food into your room?” she


I frowned upon thinking who she was referring to if Sebastian was not here. “Them?”

“Your father and your stepmother are here. That’s why we were preparing them some breakfast,” she

answered innocently.

If they are here, then who’s staying with Catherine at the hospital?

I hadn’t noticed that I’d been spac ing out for quite some time now, not until Candice called my

attention. “Miss Blaire, are you okay?”

I quickly snapped out of reverie and pretended as if nothing were bothering me. “I’ll probably eat in my

room, Candice. Thank you. I didn’t wait for her answer. I immediately turned around and walked briskly

towards my room. But it seems like ? ran out of luck when I bumped into my father and Stacey on my

way to my room.

“Good morning, Blaire.” Stacey greeted me with extra enthusiasm today. It was as if she had something

to celebrate. “I hope you had a good night,” she added.

“Yes, I did, Stacey. Thank you. How thoughtful of you,” I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

To my surprise, instead of taking offense as she would usually do, she smirked, giving the impression

that she knew something I didn’t. “Of course, even if you didn’t come from me, you’re still my child.”

“Drop the act, Stacey. We both know you never treated me like your own child.”

“Blaire, your mother is being nice to you. Quit being a brat,” my father interrupted me.

“It’s fine, hon. She’s probably in a bad mood because of Sebastian. We should understand her now

more than ever,” she said.

“I’m not. And why would I be upset because of Sebastian? We’re perfectly fine,” I responded.

She raised an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on her lips. ‘Fine? Are you sure?”

“What are you implying, Stacey?” I retorted, uneasy about the insinuations in her tone.

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Chapter 30

The air in the room thickened with unspoken tension as Stacey continued to wear that knowing

expression. It felt like she was dancing around a hidden truth, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling that

there was more to her words than met the eye.

“Oh, nothing, dear. If you say both of you are fine, then I believe. I’m sure Sebastian will inform you that

he volunteered to take care of Catherine in order for us to come home. and rest for a while,” she said.

I wanted to rip off that fake smile on her face. I clenched my fist, trying to hold back my anger. I’m not

entirely sure to whom I am pointing my anger. But I’m furious right. now, and my heart is filled with

rage. Despite all of that, I tried to remain calm: I will not give Stacey the satisfaction of seeing me lose

my wits.

But I failed miserably because, despite my efforts, it seems like Stacey has an eye to see right through


“He didn’t tell you, did he?” she asked. “Oh, my! I’m so sorry! If I knew he never told. you, I wouldn’t say

anything,” she said as if she really meant it. But I was perfectly aware. that she meant the opposite.

“No, it’s fine, Stacey. Besides, she’s his sister-in-law. Of course, Sebastian would volunteer on behalf of

me. Surely, you wouldn’t think he’s interested in Catherine; that’s why he’s doing that, would you?” One

thing I’m sure about Stacey is that she wouldn’t dare to break her innocent facade in front of my father.

She forced a fake smile on her face before she answered. “Of course not, dear.

“Then, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to go to my room now.”

I didn’t wait for them to respond. I immediately turned towards the stairs and climbed. up to my room.

Upon reaching my room, I quickly looked for my phone. Once I did, I dialed Sebastian’s number. It tooknovelbin

him a few rings before he finally answered.

He remained silent when he answered the phone. I wait for a few seconds before I speak. “Sebastian?”

I started, but I was surprised when I heard a female voice on the

other line.

“Hi, Blaire! I’m sorry, Sebastian is in the bathroom. He’s taking a shower before he goes to work. Do

you want me to give the phone to him?”

I was left speechless for a minute. There’s so much going on inside my head. My legs suddenly felt

weak, so I slowly sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Blaire, are you still there?” She repeated, her voice carrying an innocent tone that belied any potential

harm. It was evident, though, that her answering Sebastian’s phone wasn’t accidental. There was a

deliberate undertone, a subtle message she intended for me-a reminder that Sebastian had spent the

night with her.

09:09 Mon, 22 Jan R EI

Chapter 30

“Catherine? What are you doing with my phone?”


My heart sank as I heard Sebastian’s voice on the other end. I fought back the rising tide of tears,

attempting to compose myself before responding. It didn’t take long before Sebastian called my name,

his voice carrying a mix of concern and confusion. “Blaire?”

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, attempting to quell the storm of emotions within me before

answering. The weight of the situation pressed upon me, and I knew that how I responded would shape

the course of the conversation and possibly the trajectory of my relationship with Sebastian.

“I’m here,” I finally replied, my voice carrying a fragile steadiness. Opening my eyes, I confronted the

reality that lay ahead-a conversation that held the potential to unravel the threads of trust between us.

There was a pregnant pause lingering between us as I struggled to find the words to say.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to wake you up last night before I came here. Catherine insisted. that she

wanted me here, and given her difficult situation, I couldn’t say no,” he immediately explained.

But none of those words were comforting enough to lighten up the heaviness that’s slowly eating up my

whole system. Instead, those words only added fuel to the growing doubts and fear in my heart.

Catherine’s voice interjected, her words a deliberate choice that cut through the tension. “Sebastian,

honey, can you please hand me a glass of water?” she said.

The use of “honey” stung as a reminder of the familiarity they shared. I clenched my fists, battling the

surge of emotions threatening to engulf me. “Sebastian, can we talk?” I requested, and my tone was a

plea for understanding.


response was measured: “I’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

The line went silent, leaving me alone with the weight of the unfolding situation. I paced the room,

grappling with a torrent of emotions-betrayal, insecurity, and the gnawing fear that the foundations of

our relationship were unraveling.

As I waited for Sebastian’s call, my mind raced through a myriad of scenarios. Was Catherine

intentionally inserting herself into our relationship, or was this an innocent coincidence? The uncertainty

hung in the air, casting a shadow over the once-clear path we had trod together.

His words hung in the air, à heavy revelation that added layers to the already tangled web of emotions.

As Sebastian spoke, the weariness in his voice hinted at a burden he hadn’t anticipated carrying.

*Catherine wanted me there. She needed our support now more than anything,” he



Chapter 30

explained, the weight of responsibility underscoring his words. The unexpected turn of events left me

grappling with conflicting emotions-understanding the desire to

support family yet feeling the strain it placed on our relationship.

“Why didn’t you tell me? We could have gone there together,” I asked, trying to understand what

happened. The lines between us seemed blurry, and I worried that our connection was slipping away.

Sebastian explained, saying, “I’m not sure what will be your take on this, Catherine and I’s shared

history. I just don’t want it to be awkward.”


His words hung in the air, leaving me torn between understanding the unexpected situation and feeling

uneasy about our privacy being intruded upon.

“I know this is difficult, Blaire. But I need you to be more patient and understanding,” Sebastian said

with regret in his voice. The strains in our relationship, influenced by external factors, made me

question the strength of the bond we had.

“I am, but until when, Sebastian? You don’t expect me to stay on the side while is trying to steal you

away from me, do you?”



“My Go d, Blaire! No one is trying to steal anyone! We are all trying our best to make Catherine

comfortable. Do you even care about her? Have you even tried to put yourself in her shoes? She has

brain cancer, for Pete’s sake! Your jealousy has no place in here right now.”

I felt a lump in my throat as I continued to listen to his hurtful words. Each word feels like a knife

piercing right through my heart. I remained speechless. I don’t know how to react when Sebastian

continues to invalidate my feelings. Am I wrong for feeling this way?

“I have to go. I still have a meeting. Let’s talk when I come home, he said before hanging up the phone.

After ending the call, I felt alone, trying to figure out where our relationship stood with all the

complicated things that happened. I’m not sure where this will take us.



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