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Chapter 71

Chapter 71

This afternoon, all the agenda went well, even though Assistant Brown had to go back two hours fromthe existing schedule.

The effect of Miss Livia’s presence turned out to be very influential on the young master’s mood. All daylong, he even looked happy. He can even forgive the female CEO that did wrong.

“Brown …” Damian closed the report file he had just finished signing. The Alexander Group project thisyear, green lake.

“Yes, Young Master.”

Brown wakes up from his daydream and approaches Damian’s desk. He received the file that Damianhad finished checking.

“Don’t you want to come to the inauguration?” He guesses after receiving the report file and reading it.“Why? Do you also think I haven’t moved on?” Damian was leaning his head but looking annoyed. “No,Young Master. I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” “The green lake will be the place forAlexander Group’s dedication to this city. Just think of it. There is no story behind it all. I don’t want anyarticles about Helena after the inauguration of green lake. Focus only on Alexander Group.”

It should be like this.

Of course, at first, he would make the place a historical place for his wedding. But now, it will become afree city tour for the general public.

“Okay, Young Master.”

A knock on the door took Brown’s eyes away. He nodded briefly at Damian, then walked over to open thedoor. His secretarial staff was already standing at the door.

“What?” Damian asked.

“Sorry, Young Master. The Madam came and wanted to meet you. And…” she didn’t finish her sentencebecause she remembered what happened some time ago.novelbin

“And what?”

“With the young lady.”

“Let them in.”

The secretarial staff nodded. After Brown turned around, she closed the door silently. Breathe a sigh ofrelief.

Not long after she waited in front of the elevator, the president’s mother and the woman appeared. Thewoman who had made him lose half his salary.

She nodded his head politely. “Please, Madam, Mr. Damian invites you to come in.”

“I just want to meet my son. Why are you making things difficult like this.” The mother is angry.

The secretarial staff just looked down in no response. It’s better to see her angry than Damian. Shefollowed Madam’s footsteps, and Helena knocked on the door and ushered them in.

Then she closed the door again without making a sound. She doesn’t know and is not curious to knowwhat will happen in the president’ s room.

Brown nodded his head as he pulled out a chair in front of Damian’s desk. Invite the two guests to sit. Heglanced sharply at Helena. The girl was still shameless and looked at him with disgusted eyes.

After the two people sat down, he remained standing by the table. Finally, mom turned to AssistantBrown, shooing him out of the way. But of course, Assistant Brown doesn’t want to be too sensitive if hisbusiness is not with his employer. So he just stood there unmoved. “Don’t mind him. Why did you comehere unannounced?” Damian seems to know the mother’s discomfort. But he didn’t care. He didn’t evenglance at Helena, who was sitting next to her mother.

The woman who had been wanting to smile could only hold the chair tightly. Disappointed.

“Damian, there’s something I want to talk to you about. It’s about Livia.”

On his seat, Damian’s expression changed. There are indications that she is not happy with his mother’stalk just now. Especially now that Helena is sitting in front of him.

What kind of plan this woman was thinking. He knew this might be Helena’s idea.

“Livia is not a good girl and doesn’t deserve you, Damian.” She talked straight to the point and didn’twant to make small talk anymore.

All this time, her patience to wait seemed in vain. Because it looks like Livia managed to ensnare herson. The mother received the cellphone that Helena had taken from her bag.

“Look, he even met another guy behind your back.”

Brown reacted. ‘There was no way.’ The look in his eyes meant that.

There’s no way he’d be fooled like this. And he knew that Livia would not dare to act out of line. She onlydared to speak. But will not have the courage to make it happen. But the photo Helena brought instantlyannoyed him. Has he lost his ability to make everything around Damian run properly?

Brown received the cellphone in Damian’s mother’s hand, and the woman looked annoyed. She lookedlike she wanted to defend the evidence she had. Still, because of the look in Brown’s eyes and her son’s

silence with his secretary’s actions, she finally let go of her hand.

The phone has changed hands.

A faint smile appeared when Brown looked at the photo, and Damian heard him breathe a sigh of relief.

He handed the cellphone to Damian’s left hand with his right hand.

Now it was Damian’s turn to laugh, and he leaned back in his chair. Mother and Helena were surprisedby Damian’s reaction. This is beyond their plans. Helena was seen holding the chair handle tightly.

What is happening? He should be angry! Livia clearly held hands with men. I’ve even taken lots ofintimate-looking photos.’ Helena frowned.

“Mom, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you know that I watch Jen and Sophia? So I know who their friendsare and their current boyfriends.”

The mother swallowed. Feel stupid. That’s right; there’s no way Damian didn’t know. But a flash of regretdid not make her think well. “You should have known that if you just watched Jenny and Sophia. Youshould be watching your wife a lot more.” Emphasize the last word.


Helena was even more surprised when Damian threw the cellphone he held in front of her.

*Just ask Brown how he keeps an eye on my wife. And one more thing, I know the man in the photo. I’vealso slept at his house.”

“What!” The mother simultaneously answered.

Brown was really happy to see Helena’s Lil face. Then, her scared eyes met him. ‘Now that you’verealized it, how much do I know about you, Miss Helena.’

“Don’t worry, Madam. I am keeping an eye on everyone who is close to the young master. Miss Jenny,Miss Sophia, and The young lady . You don’t have to worry. I’m just making sure everything around theyoung master goes as it should.”

Helena’s face brightened. She even almost fell from her seat after hearing Brown’s words.

“Take him to the couch,” Damian ordered Brown to take Helena to sit on the sofa. He didn’t want to seethat girl. The look in her eyes made him even more irritated.

After Helena and Damian’s mother had sat on the couch, Brown came out of the room.

Soon he appeared with a bottle of water and a glass.

“Please, Miss, are you all right?”

Helena looked up, accepting the glass shakily.

“You should sit down and paint now. Why are you still doing useless things like this.”

Helena put the glass on the table because she was sure it would shatter because it fell from her hand ifshe was still holding it.

“Come!” The mother seemed to understand that Helena was nervous because of Brown. She took theglass and helped Helena drink. “What is wrong with you? Did Brown threaten you?”

“No, Mom,” she stammered to answer.

The air in the room seemed to be uncomfortable for Helena to breathe. Finally, she realized she had toget out of this place.

The situation is getting out of control. She doesn’t know who was with Livia, but it certainly didn’t manageto make Damian angry. She had to go now, so she could think clearly again.

Damian walked over and sat on the sofa while Assistant Brown stood beside him.

“Mom, Brown said you asked permission to have a birthday party at home.”

“Yes, because mom wants to make a family concept. Is that okay if–”

“No.” Damian cut off his mother’s sentence. “I don’t want people hanging around my house.” He glancesat Helena. It seemed his words were meant for Helena.

“So have a party in the ballroom as usual. Brown will send a female secretary to help you.” Damian gotup from his seat. “Take her away when she can stand up.”

Helena trembled. Was it true that she had completely missed her chance?

Brown had already opened the door. Damian stopped and turned around again.

“Mom, don’t forget to invite Livia to your birthday party. You have to introduce your daughter-in-law toyour friends.” The door closed.

The two women stared at each other.

The mother asked for accountability for the embarrassing thing that had just happened. But Helenacouldn’t even say anything. Assistant Brown’s words still haunted her mind.

‘Don’t worry, Madam. I am keeping an eye on everyone who is close to the young master. Miss Jenny,Miss Sophia, and The young lady. You don’t have to worry. I’m just making sure everything around theyoung master goes as it should.’

‘Was he also watching me all this time? Did he also know that …’

Helena’s hands are shaking.

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