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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

I don’t think I had ever experienced what pleasure felt like but in this moment, I knew. Like a sense ofeuphoria washing over me, I was submerged deeply, my heart throbbing, my mind blank and my eyesrolling to the back of my head… everything just faded away. My shivering hands gripped the end of his tshirt, my breathing quick and erratic and uneven a s his lips kissed the side of my neck, his tongue rollingover the skin with soft strokes. I had never felt this way. My heart was racing, my lips moist and my skintingling. I felt like I was about to explode. I didn’t know what was happening but it felt great. His fangshad retracted, but his mouth stayed on the reddened spot where a dark mark of a moon with fangs hadappeared.

His lips kissed the same spot again and again, my sensitive skin was bursting with small fireworks, andall I could do was cling on to him for my dear life as the relentless strokes of his tongue slipped up anddown on the side of my throat hungrily. “Ah…” a loud moan escaped my mouth when his teeth suddenlynipped at the spot below my ear, my toes curled, my body falling forward in his arms as my knees turnedweak.

The feel of his chest against mine was like nothing like I had ever known. His body was like a steel wall,enclosing me in warmth, and protecting me from the cold. His hand in my waist was like a lifeline, andthe other one gripping the back of my head was like a vice, keeping me from falling to the ground. Hisintoxicating scent had engulfed me entirely. He smelled like a mixture of rain and soil and something elseI couldn’t place.

My whole body was stock still while I shuddered, my heart had never beat as fast as it was beating now.My mouth had gone dry and the only thing I could think about was the touch of his tongue on my skin.Slowly, softly, the strokes of his tongue and lips slipped from the side of my neck, up to my cheek andthen his lips hovered above mine, softly touching but never going away. I could hear the sound of hisnovelbin

heartbeat which was just as loud and fast as mine but I did not know if it was just my illusion or if he wasalso just as affected by my closeness as I was with his.

Alpha Alessio’s lips were stained with my blood and his gaze was stuck on my face like I was the mostfascinating thing he had ever come across.

His parted, pink lips mixed with the intoxicated look in his eyes, they were giving me an illusion that I wasthe only girl in the world that he was desperate to taste.

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. His mouth was so close to mine that I could feel his breathon my skin. I could hear the sound of blood rushing into my ears as the ghost of the touch of his lipstormented me to the point where I was just a moment away from arching up and kissing him on themouth to end this torture.

But then, that very moment his hands dropped at once, he took one step back, the warmth of his bodyleft me and I felt the loss of it like a bucket of cold water being thrown in my face. I was brought back toreality, and that too, very harshly. Every desire, every desperate need that I had seen in his eyes just afew moments ago had gotten replaced with an indifferent, cold stare like he was staring at a stranger.

I realised what just happened between us. His mouth on my throat, his mark on the side of my neck!Horror and panic washed over me, I whispered, “Wh- what did you just do?”

He walked around me to go sit on the couch near the fireplace, facing me. His one leg resting over theother while he leaned back, and stared up at me with raised eyebrows in question.

“What did you just do?!” my voice was louder this time, more shrill, “didn’t you already reject me? Whatthe hell is the meaning of this?” He smirked, laughing, “Don’t flatter yourself, little omega. I did not markyou, and I have no intentions of marking you as my mate. I gave you the pack bonding mark, isn’t thiswhat you had come here to get?”

I stared into his eyes blankly. Was he trying to say that I was the hypocrite and maniac one here?

“On my neck?” I questioned, “you marked me on my neck for pack bounding?”

“On the neck, on the hand, what does it really matter?” he shrugged his shoulders, dismissing me withhis hand, “get out of here now. I have other important work to settle than to listen to you whine aboutyour damn mark”

I was about to lose my mind. He had marked me where my ‘mate’ is supposed to mark me as hissoulmate. Right on that damn spot in my neck! He marked me where he is never, not in a million years issupposed to leave any impression of his binding to me.

My face had turned red, my whole body shook with the need to smash his arrogant face with a brick forhaving the audacity to ridicule me after what he had just done.

“You are adamant on ruining my reputation, aren’t you, Alpha Alessio?” I spluttered through furious,raging breaths, unable to even form the words because my throat was choking, “you damn well knowthat this is the ONLY part of my body where you are not supposed to leave any mark of yourcompanionship. You bit me where my mate’s mark is supposed to be!”

“You came to me, begging to finish your binding to the pack.” his gaze was arrogant, prideful, and cold,“you are now being nothing but an attention seeker with your constant whining in front of me.”

“Are you fucking serious?!” I cried out, “this is the utmost sign of insult and degradation! You bit me onmy fucking neck! Do you want me to walk around with this mark on my neck with people calling me yourmistress or a slut my whole life?!” He nonchalantly grabbed a magazine from the side table, flippingthrough its pages with a bored sigh, “What other people say is none of my business.”

Tears stung the corner of my eyes as I could not even think anymore. He knew what he had done, butwas adamantly ignoring it, dismissing me like I was the crazy one here. “You just snatched my hope for

any ‘acceptable’ future.” I hissed, trying to control my tears and hold myself back from marching to himand just strangling his neck with my bare hands,“ now all I will ever have is a fucking miserable, lonelylife until the moment I die and maybe now you are absolutely pleased and satisfied with your evil desireof ruining my future in every way possible.”

His hands stilled at my words, his eyes shooting to me with a burning, irritated stare. For a momentsilence fell between both of us as I took long, deep breaths to consume the overwhelming anger runningthrough my veins.

He then threw the magazine aside, and stood up from the couch. His long strides marching up to meuntil he was standing right in front of me, his hands in his pockets and his jaw clenched tight, pissed off,“If you are so much affected by this damn mark, I can remove it right now and banish you.”

I kept on glaring at him. He knew that was not an option. He was taunting me. His head tilted to the sideas his expressions relaxed a bit and he muttered, “Or you can live as my mistress? Isn’t that going tobump you up to a much higher position than being an omega? This is what you had wanted from thevery start, right?”

His face was covered with grim lines, seriousness but a smirk playing on his lips. I could not evenunderstand if he was being serious right now or if he was just using those words to insult me.

I was furious, my anger was a hot flame, and I felt like I was going to explode. My teeth were clenchedand I could not speak. I could not do anything but stand there, and stare at his cold face that had nosympathy, no feelings for what I was going through. Even though I had a million words to insult him, Iswallowed everything down and turned away from him. The tears from anger finally made their way onmy cheeks. I did not have any other choice. There is no use of any argument anymore and I was tooweak to fight with an alpha like him. Clenching my fists tightly, I took a deep breath, and stormed out ofhis office.


I quickly put down the hot pot on the ground before grabbing the plate of salad and placing it o n thelarge tray, preparing lunch for the pack members. My position within the pack remained the same, anomega. The only difference was that now I was no longer getting beaten to pulp b y the alpha. I still hadto do all the chores to keep my place within the pack, but I did not mind much.

I had gone through the absolute worst, this was perhaps a way of mercy on me by the moon goddess.Within an hour, with the help of other omegas I had already set up the lunch on the large pack housetable for all members. By the time everyone gathered, all the dishes had been served already. Sincemembers and warriors of the Silver Lining pack had also joined us, we had to cook extra food. “TakeAlpha’s food in his room,” Beta Daniel ordered an omega while taking a seat near the head chair, “he isbusy.” The omega quickly rushed inside the kitchen to prepare the plate of food for me.

“Busy with what? Thinking about the ways of torturing innocent people?’ I thought grimly.

Because of him and his damn mark on my neck I had to put a tape-on bandage on my neck to hide itfrom everyone. I would have already gotten buried in the ground with insults if I had not found a quickway to hide it. “Mia?” Beta Daniel’s voice brought me out of my thoughts as he ordered, “go bring a bitof salt for me.”

I stared at him, then at the small bottle of salt right next to his hand, and then back at his face. I walkedto him to pick the bottle and hand it to him when he said, “I want new salt. Bring it from the kitchen.”

I was confused but had no right to question him. I ran to the kitchen which was about thirty steps awayfrom the dining table, and rushed back to give him the new salt in a small bowl.

He took it from my hand, placed it on the table. Everyone had already started eating.

“Bring me a new spoon.” he ordered again. I did as he said and came rushing back to hand it to him.

“Bring a new fork” “Get me a fresh glass of water.” “A glass of juice.”

“Knife.” “Butter.” “More salt.” “More water.”

I had to run back and forth like a maniac at his every order, bringing each thing that was already on thedining table for him again and again from the kitchen while trying to catch my breath. The people aroundthe table were snickering, laughing openly while staring at Beta Daniel’s way of torturing me.

I was pissed, and irritated but all I could do was do what he wanted because he was the higher rankingwolf in the pack and I was just a mere omega Beta Daniel also joined in on the laughter of the packmembers when they saw my miserable state.

I was exhausted when I’handed him a new glass of water, in addition to the three full glasses that werealready in front of him on the table with clenched teeth. He perhaps saw the aggression on my face, hiseyes lit up with a cruel smile as he asked, “Aw... are you angry?”

I gritted my teeth, shoving down the need to throw the water in his face before muttering, “No.”

“I think you are.” he grinned openly, shrugging and leaning back in his chair, “see, I am also reluctant todo such trivial tasks of having fun with you, but I can’t ignore alpha’s orders, can

l?» My downcasted eyes shot up to look at his face in shock. Alpha Alessio told him to frustrate andbother me??

What the hell was his problem? Was he thinking that I will leave the pack on my own if he doesn’t let mehave a peaceful hour throughout the day? How old is this man?! My heart throbbed in my throat, mymind racing with all kinds of painful thoughts as I tried t o ignore how Alpha Alessio was finding pleasurein making my life in every smallest way possible. I had not even slept at night because the other nineteenomegas who slept in the

same room as me had refused to give me any space to sleep because they were afraid of being taintedby my reputation. None of them had ever liked Alpha Wyatt, but they did not want to b e associated with

someone whose reputation was already blown into oblivion as a traitor for killing the alpha. They hadalmost kicked me out in the open, cold ground but I had stayed adamant to stay in the room and sit in adamn corner the whole night without getting even a few minutes of proper sleep.

As if that was not enough, Alpha Alessio found this new way of making me depressed. “Bring a bucket ofwater.” Beta Daniel’s next order came. The table of people erupted in snickers and giggles. I shot him anannoyed look. Bucket of water? Seriously?! He just grinned playfully, enjoying the whole charade ofmaking my life a living hell. My knees and back had started to ache from running back and forthconstantly so much. I

rushed to the bathroom to get the bucket full of water. Just as I stepped out of the bathroom door, the wetground made my foot slip, and I fell down hard, the bucket of water soaking me from the top of my headto the toes. I blinked painfully, my mouth opening and closing to take some breaths inside my lungs aswater dripped from my head and face. The loud sound of my fall must have been loud enough to reachthe lunch table as within a few seconds, Beta Daniel came rushing towards me. The moment he came toa stop in front of me, the look in his eyes changed from a playful one to that of shock, his gaze stuck tomy face…?

No, my neck My hand shot up instinctively to the bandage on my neck that I had covered the mark with,only to realize, it was not there anymore. Shit!

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