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Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 49

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 49

NADIA. Tonight was a full moon, and I stood beside Riley, watching as the male pups about to shiftcrumbled in agony. I remembered my own shifting, and although Alpha Darvin and his Gamma werethere, it did nothing to ease the pain. And I honestly had no idea if I should be doing anything orsomething to console or help them.

This was one of the reasons I didn’t want the Luna ceremony yet.

I had no idea what the title entailed or what was needed of me.

All my life, I was just told what I needed to do, and when I did something wrong, I would be punished.

And I didn’t want what I had with Riley to end this way.

I didn’t want to disappoint him.

I didn’t want him to change his mind about me just because I couldn’t perform well as a Luna.

So I took learning things seriously.

I had spent my days learning about the pack, how big the territory was, the traditions and customs, andthe people.

But somehow, it felt like what I was doing was still not enough.

And I have to do more.

“Shouldn’t we help out?novelbin

At least console them.

” I asked Riley in almost a whisper, my eyes not leaving the male pup who was crouching on theground holding his stomach.

Riley snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him before he spoke in a low voice.

“Sebastian and his team are handling that.

Of course, you can help and console the pups, especially if they are females.

But let the males take in all the pain themselves, it would make them tougher.

” I just nodded my head, hooking my arm with his.

And since there were no female pups shifting tonight, I just remained beside the Alpha for the rest ofthe night, watching as one by one, the male pups shifted into their wolf.

“We will start the run soon.

I’m not sure how it works on your pack, but I will give the signal through a howl and I will be the firstone to run.

You, as the Luna, will run after me before the Beta follows you.

The rest of the warriors and the newly shifted pups will follow after him, and lastly, the Gamma will bebehind the rest.

And since Jenny is here tonight, she would run with Sebastian.

” “Okay… Should we shift now?

” I asked him excitedly.

This would be my first run with a pack of wolves, aside from my first run when I shifted at eighteen.


And Nadia, run right away after I ran.

I want you to run beside me, not behind me, okay?

” A wide grin curled on my lips at his words.

He was letting me know that we were equal, and I couldn’t help the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

My hands went to the hem of my shirt and I was about to tug it upward when Riely’s hand stopped me.

“What are you doing?

” “Taking my clothes off.

” “Not here, behind the tree.

” “And why not?

You were about to strip off too.

” “Nadia, I’m the Alpha of this pack.

I can’t go and hide behind the tree before shifting.

” He told me in a hushed tone, frustration showing on his face, and I couldn’t help but feel a little bad forwhat I was about to say.

“Well, I will be the Luna of this pack.

I can’t go…” “Nadia…” His eyes were blazing with fire, and I could see Hunter behind them, and it justmade me roll my eyes at him.

“It’s not fair you go around naked for everyone to see.

What do you think I feel?

” A low growl vibrated from his chest as everyone’s attention turned to us, and I suddenly regrettedpushing Riley to his limits.

I smiled at the rest and was about to turn around and make my way behind the tree when I felt my bodybeing hoisted up and placed on my mate’s shoulder.


” I hissed at him, but he seemed to be in a trance as he walked us behind one of the big trees.

He placed me back on my feet and let his body hover over me.

His hands pressed against the tree, caging my body in between his arms.

“Don’t try to push my patience like that again, Nadia.

I can handle any jokes or games, but not of you being naked in front of other males.

I’m not sharing you or the sight of your body with anyone if I can help it.

You’re f*g mine!

” His face was leaning closer and I could feel his peppermint breath fanning over my face.

Instead of being scared, I could feel myself getting aroused by the anger I saw in his eyes.

“Do you understand that?

” “Yes, Alpha…” I answered.

My throat just suddenly felt dry.

But even after I replied to his words, he was still staring at me with his eyes swirling in black and wasnot moving from his position.

‘Alpha, Luna, we need to start the run, or should we go without you?

’ Gamma Sebastian’s voice rang in our heads, and Riley pulled away from leaning on the tree.

‘We’ll be out in seconds.

’ Riley answered him as he moved back, giving me ample space.

“Now take off your clothes and shift.

” He ordered me as he took off his shirt and pulled down his shorts, his hard c**k springing free as hedid and my throat felt drier.

He was standing naked in front of me and I was gawking at him as if I was just seeing his naked bodyfor the first time.

Arrow was howling in pleasure, and I couldn’t stop myself from licking my lips.

“Nadia… shift.

” I gasped for air, embarrassed with my actions before I hurriedly took off my clothes, throwing themwhere Riley’s clothes were and summoning Aarow to surge forward.

And in seconds, I was already on my paws, and Riley followed suit, letting Hunter out.


I howled to the moon, a signal that the full moon run would start, and began padding my paws on theground as I let Hunter launch us into a run.

Seconds later, Arrow was already running beside me, and I couldn’t help but stare at her from time totime.

I was still in awe at how beautiful Nadia’s wolf was.

I needed to find out more about her family.

Maybe her father was still alive.

I put the thoughts aside for the time being to enjoy the feel of the wind against my fur and the serenityof the night with Nadia and Arrow’s scent swirling around me.

This is life.

And I hope moments like this will never come to an end.

We were running towards the middle of the forest, aiming for the southern border, and I could sensemore wolves joining the run, which was an ordinary occasion.

The full moon run would always start with just the rank wolves and the newly shifted pups, buteveryone was welcome to join in along the way.

And in no time, the pack of wolves running grew in numbers.

We were almost at the last turn before we headed back when Nadia’s heat scent hit me and it came infull force.

I had to control Hunter from growling and stumbling on his paws because he wanted to leap towardsArrow.

‘Beta, take the lead.

’ I didn’t need to explain further as his wolf, Pyro, increased his pace until he was ahead of me andArrow.

‘Slow down, Arrow…’I mind-linked Nadia.

‘Riley…’ Nadia’s voice was panting, and I knew her heat was already starting to cloud her senses.

Arrow slowed down and I nudged her to turn in the other direction from where the other wolves wereheading.

And now that we were alone, it was harder to control myself.

Her scent and the smell of the forest were amping up my desire for her, and I knew we wouldn’t make ithome.

I had to have her right here and now.

When I found the spot where we could stay, Hunter leaped high and caged Arrow on his paws, makingthem fall and roll over to the ground.

Hunter was hovering on top of Arrow as he began licking her face and neck while I fought my hardestto take over.

There was no way I would let Hunter mate with Arrow before I’ve had my fill of Nadia tonight.

Arrow shifted and it was now Nadia spread out naked on the forest ground.

A low growl vibrated from Hunter’s chest as he swiped his tongue over Nadia’s p*y, making my synymph whimper and giggle at the same time so that I couldn’t help but chuckle as well.


She looked too s**y and innocent at the same time.

I didn’t have to force my way out.

Once Hunter was done swiping his tongue over Nadia’s core, he gave me back control and shifted tomy human form.

I was now hovering over my mate, my hard c**k, pistoning over her mound as her arousal was evidentin the air mixed with her sweat heat scent.

“Someone is excited.

” I taunted her.


” “I can smell your arousal, Nadia.

” “I’m a female, Riley.

Of course, I have my needs.

” “And I’m a male.

I have my needs too.

Now be a good female and open those legs for me…” I didn’t need more words as my lovely temptressopened her legs wider and pressed them against her naked chest, caging her bouncy b*s.

“Can I f**k you here, baby?

” My hand was already on her p***y, rubbing and opening her wet folds.

She was leaking heavily, and her warm juices were already coating my fingers.

Her eyes were beaming with l**t swirling around them as she nodded her head and licked her lips.

I know I should have been pleasuring her first and doing the fg foreplay like I always see in those fgvideos, but my hormones were raging and I just wanted to bury myself in her, so I threw everything I’dseen and learned in the last few weeks and just did what my body wanted me to.

My hand cupped the back of her head and pressed it closer as I crushed our lips together, and withoutany warning, I thrust my c**k into her brutally.

Her body jolted and stiffened at my intrusions, and I felt her stretched to her limits, but it didn’t take longbefore her p*y relaxed around my dk, and it was only then that I started rocking my hips back and forth,slowly at first before amping up my speed, until I was slamming in and out of her in a deeper and fasterstroke.

While my mouth continued assaulting hers, kissing and biting her hard, knowing fully well, that by thetime I was done with her lips, they would be swollen.

“Am I hurting you?

” I asked in between our kisses.



Please don’t stop!

” Her cries of pleasure were enough to keep me going, driving me wilder, as I grunted and groaned withevery thrust.

“Oh, Riley!


” Sweat formed on my forehead, my eyes enjoying the look on her face as she took in everything I wasgiving her.

“Still f*g tight, baby…” I hissed before I dipped my head and captured her breast with my mouth,sucking and playing with her hard nipple with my tongue, while I continued to pounce into her.

“Oh, Goddess!

” She moaned loudly and I could sense her body was starting to stiffen, making way for her release, butI didn’t stop f*g her wildly until her body shuddered with the force of her om.

A smug grin slowly crept into my mouth, enjoying the ecstasy written on her face and the way her bodywas squirming under me.

We were just starting.

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