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Chapter 28

Chapter 28


I was sitting in my office chair with a fucking smartphone in my hand and a headset on, watching somefilm on how to do oral sex. This looked like nothing hard, but somehow I still found myself agitated. Iwas worried that I wouldn’t be able to find her spot and she would just end up pretending and fakingthat she liked it but didn’t.

Now I wonder if I made the right decision to not have any sexual encounters to prepare me for thismoment with my mate. And I was so fucking close to calling Jacob to ask him for help, but I wouldnever give him the pleasure of blowing it to my face, so I just decided to get myself stuck in some lousyfilms with females moaning like they’ve been hit by a truck and not by an orgasm. I needed to findsomething that would be really helpful.

Just as I was trying to search for more, the door to my office swung open and Beta Dominic came in,leaving the door open wide..

His brows furrowed as he glanced at the phone in my hand before returning his gaze back to m y face.I pulled the headset away from my ears and turned off the screen before looking at him, my own browhiking up.

“Anything you need?” I asked, my voice cold from being disturbed.

“I thought I would ask you if you wanted to come with me to the center. I need to grab some stuff.”

“I’ll pass. Maybe tomorrow.”

“What happened to being visible? You didn’t even go to the training ground this morning as you usuallydo before.” I chuckled as I leaned my back on the chair, resting both my elbows on the arm rest.

“Just give me today, I’ll start working tomorrow.” He opened his mouth to say something, but he justshut it when Nadia’s voice erupted in the air.


She was yelling my name, but it was with excitement that I didn’t budge from my seat. There wasnothing to be worried about. And I was guessing, by the sounds of small footsteps echoing, that shewas running down the stairs.

A wide smile tugged on my lips, anticipating the arrival of my female. I haven’t seen her inapproximately two hours now, so this was a pleasant surprise. Beta Dominic’s brow hiked up as heturned his head towards the door, waiting for Nadia to appear from it.

And then she came in, wearing short shorts and a loose shirt, barefooted but still looking fucking sexywith her hair let loose and swaying with her movement. Her face lit up when her eyes locked with mine,

“Look what I found!” She exclaimed while beaming at me as she rushed forward, a phone in her handwith one headset attached to her ear.

As soon as she was beside me, I grabbed her waist and pulled her into my lap.

“What’s the deal with phones?” My Beta asked, and Nadia’s head snapped up in his direction.

She smiled at him while shifting her ass on my lap so she would be in a comfortable position.

” I didn’t notice you were here, Beta Dominic. Riley gave me a phone!” She explained excitedly, andshe wiggled the phone up in the air to show my Beta.

My eyes widened as I leaned forward to check if her screen was closed because I was fucking sureshe was also watching sex videos.

But thank Goddess, her screen was off.

Dominic chuckled.

“I see that. So now you’re both enjoying your phones instead of each other?I saw Nadia open hermouth, and I wasn’t sure what she would tell him, or if she was brave enough to be as bold as she waswith me to other people. But I wasn’t taking any chances.

My hand clamped over her mouth to shut her up.

“I was just teaching her how to use a smartphone. Now you’re excused, do what you needed to do andcover for me today.” He shook his head before he cocked his head to the side in submission.

“Alpha, Luna, I’ll go ahead. Enjoy… your new phones.” He snickered as he made his way to the door,before closing i t after he went out.

The moment the door closed, Nadia tilted her head to look at me, her forehead creasing.

“Why did you stop me from talking?”

“I was just stopping you from telling him you were watching sex videos.”

“I will not say that! How could you think I would say that?” She glared at me, but her mouth wastwitching, suppressing her smile.

“You can’t blame me. Your mouth has been spewing filthy words since last night.”

And then she smiled, that seductive smile that has been giving me a boner every time.

“Well, my filthy mouth is just for my Alpha. Otherwise, I’m prim and proper. Like an angel.” She said it inalmost a whisper before winking at me and licking her lips.

“Good girl…” I raised my hand to cup her face, letting my thumb run over her bottom lip. My eyes werefollowing my finger and I had to stop myself from kissing her. Her lips were still a little swollen from allthe kissing and biting I did to her this morning.

“What do you want to show me?”

“Oh!” Her mouth shaped like an ‘o’ and my dick just twitched in my pants. The image of her taking mydick in her mouth on our first full moon came flashing, and this was fucking torturous and blissful at thesame time.

“I found this video. And I think I will like it if you do this to me.” She started going through her phoneand was about to press it to play, but I stopped her.

“Send me the link and I’ll watch it. If I watch it with you, I will end up fucking you now.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we ended up fucking then?” She said it nonchalantly, as if she was just telling meshe wanted to buy some candy.

“Nadia…” I groaned, and my temptress started rubbing her ass into my erection.

She was enjoying this. She was fucking enjoying torturing me.


“Yes? Am I rubbing you wrong?”

Fuck! I coiled an arm around her waist and put one hand on her ass as I lifted her off my lap andpositioned her on my desk.

She was lying on her stomach with her feet planted on the ground. Her short shorts were showing aportion of her ass cheeks, and I let my hand linger on that part, brushing it gently while hiking it a little

higher, giving me a view of her rounded cheek.

“Riley, if you’re going to fuck me, can we at least lock the door? I don’t think I would be able t o live it ifsomebody…”

“Oh, Goddess!”

I couldn’t stop myself from slapping her ass. She was torturing me, and she was playing like she hadno idea that she was doing it.

“Did you know that bad girls get spanked?” I asked her. I was already on my feet, standing between herparted legs, my hand rubbing the cheek I just slapped.

Her arousal was swirling around me, and I was fighting hard to keep my hormones under control. Herhands tightened their hold on the corner as she rested her cheek on the table. “I know… That’s why Ilike being bad with you.”


“Riley… please…”

“Please what, baby?”

“I don’t know…”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No… Dont stop.”


“Aaaahhh… More!”

I closed my eyes for a moment before I slipped my hand inside her shorts and slid her panties o n theside, giving me an excellent view of her throbbing pussy.

“Fuck!” I grunted as I let my thumb brush against her folds. She was whimpering under my touch,hiking her ass up. She was so fucking wet already and it was leaking down to her folds.

And my dick was too painful now.I parted her folds, letting my fingers soak in her slickness but notpushing in,


I let one finger penetrate her pussy, thrusting it in slowly before sliding another one.

“Is this what you want?”

“Yes… yes.”

I just let my fingers stay still, not moving, and my little nymph started moving her ass. I held her asswith my free hand, holding her from moving.

“Only bad girls get fuck, baby.”

“I’ve been bad all my life, I swear!” I couldn’t help but let out a smug grin. My mate was fuckingamazing!

“Yeah, how bad? Tell me.” I started thrusting in and out of her, in an agonizingly slow movement, andmy mate whimpered, making my dick harder than it was. novelbin

“The door, Alpha. Someone might come in…”

“Don’t mind the door. I can smell it when someone comes in. Now tell me, what have you done bad?” Icontinued to maneuver my fingers inside her. I wasn’t even sure if I was doing this right, but her pussywas clenching in on my fingers and, by the way she was whimpering, i t felt like I was doing this right.

“I steal money from my uncle whenever he comes home too drunk.” I thrust my fingers harder anddeeper, her body jerking from my assault.

“And what more?”

“I go skinny dipping in the stream whenever I can.”

“With someone?”

“Sometimes alone. But sometimes, with Tyson.”

“Who the fuck is Tyson?” I was finger fucking her harder and deeper now.

“Do you like him?”

“He’s gay and he has a crush on Alpha Darvin so no, I don’t like him! Oh please!”

“What more have you done bad, baby?”

“I don’t know. I masturbate while thinking of you. Is that bad?” Her voice was raspy as she panted.

Fuck! This female, She would be the death of me.

She was groaning and moaning, her body squirming while my hand was holding her shoulder i n place.


Sweat was forming on my forehead as I watched her body stiffen and felt her pussy clench around mythick fingers, her slickness leaking as I stroked in and out of her. She must be nearing her orgasm, andit just fired me up as I amped up my pace, watching my fingers do wonders in and out of her pink,swollen pussy.

“Oh, Goddess!” She moaned as her body shuddered with her release, and I felt warm liquid coating myfingers. I continued with my assault, letting her ride out of her orgasm while her moans and whimperswere like music to my ears.

I was too fucking close to fucking her, I wanted to slam my dick on her, and have my own release, butmy fucking Gamma interrupted at the most inconvenient time. Alpha, if you have time. Head over to thetraining grounds. The new members of Elites are here. I want you to meet them.

“‘Give me ten minutes.’ I answered back, trying my best to sound normal, even if my fingers were stillstroking Nadia and my breath was still hitching from watching my mate have her released.

‘Noted, Alpha.I slowed my pace as Nadia’s body started to melt. I withdrew my fingers from her andslipped them inside my mouth, sucking up her juices as much as I could. This would do for now.

She was still panting while I adjusted her panties and her shorts back to their place before I grabbedher limp body and pulled her into my lap as I sat on the chair, her back resting against my chest. Hereyes were closed and her lips were still parted. I ran my lips against her cheeks, leaving soft kisses.

“Are you okay?” She nodded her head, her lips curled into a smile.

“Yes. That was so good.”

“Did I leave you wanting more?”

“Yes… I want more. And more. And more.”

“Tonight, baby… for now, I have to go to the training grounds. I want to take you with me, but I wouldrather that you rest.”

“But I haven’t pleasured you yet.”

“I can wait till tonight…”

“I love you, Riley.” She whispered. Her eyes were still closed and her breathing was slowing down. Shewas falling asleep.

“I love you too, Nadia.” I kissed her cheek before I coiled an arm around her body and one under herknees before I stood up from my chair, carrying her.

“Sleep. I’ll take you upstairs.”

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