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Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Is Not My Mate!

Kane POV

Walking into my room, I felt the full force of the day crash down on me as the door closed behindme, my legs buckled, and I slid down the door to my ass, knees tucked up against me as Isurrendered, allowing the emotions I had been holding at bay wipe out any barriers I had up. novelbin

The tears came quick and fast in heart–wrenching sobs that made me feel like a child. But fuck, theidea of not having my father around any more crippled me; I had lost so much time travelling when Icould have been here with him. he didn’t even know half of what I had accomplished; Knox hadwanted to call with every joyful detail but me being the control freak I wanted to tell him and watchthe pride wash over his face!

Yet when I got home for Lilly’s bug day, I hadn’t had the time to tell him; I had returned and fell intobed with Charlotte, not that I blamed her, of course, but fuck, this sucked! I had hoped to feel mydad’s arms around me as he told me he was proud of me and the things I had done for this pack,the lessons I had learned. I knew it was selfish, but I longed for the day I would hear him tell me hetrusted me to lead.

My mother was suffering, Knox was fuck knows where, and I was heard sobbing like a childbecause I would never get to hear my father tell me how proud of me he was and how much hetrusted me to lead in his footsteps. But those words meant more to me than he would ever know!Then anyone would ever know! I had idolised my father; we may have disagreed the last few daysover Charlotte, but I could not think of a better man. And now he is gone!

“He WAS proud,” Rolo offered, and I shook my head free of my wolf’s words because as much as Iknew he was trying to help, he didn’t know that! It was an assumption and not the same.


“Kane?” Charlotte’s sweet voice swept through my mind, and I felt my heart.



13:15 Mon, 18 Mar CB

Chapter 98: Is Not My Mate!

“Yes, Charlotte?” I replied, exhausted but needy to hear her speak.

“I am just checking on Sebastian, and I am on my way to you! Are you ok? I can check on himafter.” Her voice was so soft it had my body relaxing back against the


“Kane?” She whispered, more desperate this time. I wanted to answer, to tell her I needed her, butthat would make me weak and selfish! She was trying to save Lilly’s mate, and I knew the hell thatwould erupt if he died, but honestly, I would take the consequences just to have her in my arms atthis moment.

“I am ok.” I lied with a sigh because she was putting our pack first like a true leader should, and Iknew this! I needed to pull myself together; people lost their fathers all the time, and Alphas died allthe time. It was a risk that came with the title. What right did I have to be so needy when others hadmanaged to be so


“I am on my way to you!” She cut through the link, her voice breathless and as exhausted as mine.

“But Sebastian!” I breathed, her snort cutting me off.

“Is not my mate Kane! YOU are.. you need me.. I am sorry, Kane, I was busy trying to helpeveryone when I should have been there for you!” She apologised, and my cheeks puffed in anger.“Forgive me!” she asked with inner resentment at

her actions.

“Never apologise for being who you are, Charlotte! That is who I love! the girl who puts everyonebefore herself, the girl who is the first to help and the last to leave! You are the Luna this packdeserves! You proved that tonight. It is me who is sorry; I should be by your side, showing the packthat we can protect them. It’s just..” Swallowing the lump in my throat at the memory of my father onthe bed. “I needed to be with my Pa.”

“I get it, Kane, and it’s fine… you were exactly where you needed to be! It is all going to be ok! Ipromise!” She declared with resolve that made me nod and believe every single word she said.


1315 Mon, 18 Mar GGG.

Chapter 98 is Not My Mate!

“Where are you?” She asked, and I felt my eyes swell with tears for the second time in minutes,only to realise by the way my father’s shirt soaked into my skin that I hadn’t stopped crying; I hadjust been distracted by her voice.

“Kane!” She burst through my mind. “Where are you?” She repeated like I was a child, and I felt mylip curl into a smile. I wanted to tell her I was in my room and just have a moment alone with her,just hold her in my arms and wallow in the events of the day; I needed her scent to soothe my

nerves and her lips to soothe my soul. But the image of Knox as he stalked away from me earlierflashed in front of my eyes, and I sighed, knowing he needed her, too.

“I am in my room, but I will meet you in yours; that is where Knox is!” I admitted, knowing he neededher as much as me.

“Five minutes, Ace. I am not the way.” She announced, and I could hear the lightness of her voice.

“I love you, Princess!” I smiled to myself as the words left my lips. “In case your didn’t know.”

Oh, I know! But I WILL insist you show me how much you love me for the rest of my life! You hearme, Ace? Now get your ass to my

room And with that, the line went dead. Slamming my head back against the wall, I felt a genuinesmile slip to my lips.

“You heard her!” Rolo snapped, and I grinned, knowing my wolf was just as amused as me at howshe commanded our attention. Pushing to my feet, I headed to the dresser and pulled out a newshirt and sweats; discarding my father’s clothes, I headed for the door.



Chapter 99 Where It All Started!

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