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Chapter 9

Chapter 9: You Go Girl. 10%2 Lottle POV: It was a miracle that I hadn’t fallen flat on my face walking down the aisle with the sensations fromKnox’s touch rippling through my b*dy and the fierce burning I felt at the back of my head from histwin brother Kane! Quite simply, I was a hot mess! Sage wasn’t exactly helping either with herincisive rambling about how ‘fit’ Kane was! Like I didn’t have eyes in my f ucking head! I knew! I could see! And given the way my S*x wassoaked, I had a feeling even my insatiable pus sy had noticed! Ba star ds! Why couldn’t they have returned fat, ugly and riddled with spots? Or mated! “Charlotte, will you focus!” My father snapped through the link at me. “I am!” I lied, pursing my l*ps, I narrowed my eyes at him as he stood in the second row behindAlpha Leigh, who looked like he was about to cry. Turning my attention to Lilly, I took the flowersfrom her and smiled at the joy written all over her face. The excitement emanating from her wasunmatchable; I knew she had been waiting for this day forever to find a mate and make her familyhappy. But for me… I wanted more! Even if Knox was a good distraction, there was more to life for me than this mating bull sh it wewere brainwashed to believe in. “Like Kane?” Sage asked rebelliously as I stepped down from the altar-like contraption Luna hadinstalled. Walking to where my father stood, my dress sweeping around my ankles, I noddedrespectfully to my father and settled in beside him. “NO! Like travel and work!” I argued with Sage, pleased with myself, sensing her shut off from me,and finally settle down in the back of my head. I guess being a O 175 novelbin

Chapter 9: You Go Girl. wanton wh ore for the last twenty minutes had exhausted her! I sensed the threat before I heard his stiff voice whisper in my ear, making every nerve ending in myOdy tense painfully. “Lottie, can we talk, please?” Mike uttered; without looking at him, I shook my head, keeping myeyes on Lilly and her mate as they expressed their devotion to each other; the point of thisceremony was to have them ‘married’ under human law for extra protection, and I would be damned if I ruined it. “Please.” He pleaded, taking my hand and entwining his fingers with mine. Keeping my eyes steady,I gently pulled my hand away with a simple shake of my head. Something pulled my eyes to the left, where Kane and Knox were standing beside Lilly’s mate andnow husband; wanting to distract myself from the closeness of Mike, I allowed my mind to wander.Gasping audibly, seeing two sets of dark eyes glued on me, their irises yellow with the threat of their wolves. Inhaling deeply, I focused back on Lilly, unable to shake the feelings Kane and Knox’s intense stares summoned. “Please, Lottie, I just need a minute.” Mike continued taking my hand back in his and gripping ittightly. “Lottie, what is Knox’s deal?” He whispered, pulling me closer to him, his free arm slidingaround my shoulder like it would normally. My father’s angry eyes locked on us, a clear messagefloating in them. Be quiet! “Sorry Beta!” Mike apologised, pulling me closer to him. Sucking in a gasp, feeling the bones in myhand scream under Mike’s fierce grip, I smiled at my father and nodded an apology. I shouldscream, ask him to help, shove Mike or… “Let me rip his throat out?” Sage offered helpfully. But it was Lilly’s big day, the pack’s big day! And Iwas not about to pis s off my alpha, best friend and father all in one move, so I remained silent, myeyes ahead, despite the pain in my hand.

“Have you f ucked him?” Mike asked vulgarly through the mind link, taking me O 2/5 2.19%2 Chapter 9: You Go Girl. by surprise. “Who?” I asked aloud, looking at the smug look on Mike’s face. I knew exactly who he meant, but Irefused to give him the satisfaction of admitting anything. Nodding forward, I saw who he meant, Knox and judging by the fierce look on his face, he knewMike was talking about him, and he disapproved. Neither did his brother, for that matter, but thenthe pair of them had always had each other’s back. “No!” I grumbled, trying to pull my wrist free; his response was to squeeze it until a yelp left my l*ps.Moving closer, so his l*ps could hover close to my ear, taunting me. “I don’t believe you!” He chuckled into my ear, “And that’s ok, you can have a get-out-of-jail-freecard this once, after what you witnessed last night!” “Jeez, thanks! How big of you!” I snorted, looking back at Lilly, who was looking over at me; seeingher smile falter briefly, I shook my head to reassure her. Her eyes were manically darting betweenMike and me. Mouthing to her that I was okay, I leaned my head on Mike’s shoulder lovingly,wanting to mascarade that all was fine so SHE could concentrate on her big day! Not me! “There’s a good girl!” Mike grinned, pressing his l*ps to the side of my head. “Yeah f uck you as shole! I ain’t your good girl, but this is Lilly’s day, and you won’t get a rise out ofme!” I hissed through the link between us.“Watch your mouth!” He barked back at me, his grip like a vice on my wrists. “I don’t know what’sgotten into you! But it’s starting to get on my nerves! Where is the sweet, obedient girl I was in arelationship with? I miss her!” “Dead!” I laughed stubbornly. “Probably of shock from seeing your hairy as s on top of that she-wolf!” I announced through our link, not wanting to alert my father to our drama.

“You go, girl!” Sage sassed, ignoring Mike, I smiled at the cuteness overload coming from Lilly asshe flung her arms around her mate, planting a k*ss on his l*ps, making everyone laugh. O 3/5 14:51 Tue, 12 Mar DE Chapter 9: You Go Girl. 0919%2 Everyone but Mike, who was staring at me like I had just run over his kitten! As everyone stood andcheered Lilly, Mike’s grip on my wrist tightened to a point I heard the bones in my fingers break andfound it hard to breathe through the pain; nausea settled in my stomach. “You’re hurting me!” I cried softly as he dragged me from the hall and through a side door into thehall. With a sharp tug, he pushed me up against the wall, his b*dy caging mine effortlessly. “So, Knox, what the hell is going on with the two of you? You have been sleeping together?” Hesnarled in my face, wincing at the pain shooting through my wrist up to my elbow. “No!” I whispered, trying to pull my wrist free for the millionth time. “Admit you slept with him! I won’t be cross!” “BULLSH IT!” I roared, “Now let me go!” “Well, we didn’t do a lot of sleeping, did we Angel.” Knox provoked from the side; how the hell hadhe got here so quick! “I knew it!” Mike snarled, his eyes locked on mine with a furious rage, letting go. of my wrist to spinto look at Knox, who was standing directly behind him, unfazed. I watched with amusement as Mikesunk back into himself and stepped away to get some space; Knox easily doubled Mike’s size. As ifreading Mike’s mind, Knox wasted no time in closing the gap on him. “Not too smart, is he, angel?” Knox mocked, winking at me and for once, even Sage remainedsilent, aware of the growing tension between the two males. “I thought I had already warned you about being too close to Lottie!” Knox announced like I was stillten years old and in need of ‘protection.’ Overwhelmed by the amount of testosterone in the smallspace, I pushed past them and walked back into the hall, hoping to find safety in the presence of my

best friend and family. Walking into the great hall, distracted by the chaos I heard coming from the side room, I foundmyself walking into a slab of pure muscle. E O 4/5 14:51 Tue, 12 Mar Du. Chapter 9: You Go Girl. 19%0 “Sorry,” I mumbled, keeping my eyes on the ground, not wanting to embarrass myself by lettinganyone see the pathetic mess I had gotten myself into. “Charlotte, look at me!” A stern voice demanded, and no matter how much I wanted to refuse, myeyes lifted, settling on the dark eyes, chiselled jaw and impossibly handsome face of Kane. “Who was the male Charlotte?” His smooth, husky voice purred, and f uck did I want to tell him, totell him everything I had done since I last saw him and beg for forgiveness… or punishment!Honestly, I was game for either! “None of your da mn business!” I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest to glare at Kane. Theflash of amusement in his eyes rilled me up more. “Cute! Answer me!” “Cute; go f uck yourself, Kane!” I hissed, storming past him and towards Lilly. F uck! I had always wondered what it would be like to be Lilly and have men falling at her feet, butno I had three men sniffing around, acting like I was the best thing since sliced bread, I had toadmit, IT SUCKED! 5/5

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