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Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Now Sit!

曲: 57%

Lottie POV

“Perhaps not the right choice of words!” Sage whimpered as an almighty howl left Havoc’s lips, onethat had the chandeliers shaking and the windows vibrating. This sucked! The thought of evencontemplating rejecting either of my mates made my heart ache, a real tangible pain that felt like myheart was tearing apart.

“Why? Because it hurts?” I snapped at my wolf, hating how much she craved Havoc’s affection.

“Because we love them!” She whispered, “We were created for them, to fit them perfectly, tocompliment their..”

“What… Carnage? Can you not see the fucking bloodbath our mate has caused Sage!” | hissed atmy wolf while keeping my eyes locked on Havoc, my fingers pressing firmly against Kane’s side,willing him to heal! For Rolo to do his thing and. save my damn mate before I personally killed thisbig fucker!

“He didn’t mean to!” Sage tried to defend him, but even I heard how weak her tone was. I shouldhave just let it go; she was hurting too, but I couldn’t!

“HE had a choice! He chose to let Mike get to him, he chose to get wound up and jealous, he madehis choice, and now look at the consequences. Sage, the only fatherly figure I have, is over theirmotionless! My mate is a fucking lunatic while the other lies dying beside me! What about this wasTHEIR choice!” I snapped, anger rilling me up; I was so over this shit! Havoc and Knox had a lot toanswer for.

As if sensing my anger, Havoc’s head tried to rub up against my face, and it killed me not to leaninto his touch, to apologise for my threat and forgive him, tell him to carry me away and just keepme safe! I wanted him as much as Sage did! But… not at the expense of losing my other mate oranyone else! Neither one meant more to me than the other. Then, the pack I had just sworn toprotect one day! I couldn’t be selfish and bury my head in the sand. I had to.. lead by example, evennow when my heart broke.


Chapter 75: Now Sit!

Something Havoc needed to learn! And fast! Or so help me, goddess, I will reject him because it willhurt like fuck, and that, I suspect, is the only way I am going to get this beast of a wolf to retreat andgive me back his human counterpart before he rips a whole in this damn pack that is too big toclose. Leaving those of us left, vulnerable and alone.

“I MEAN IT!” I screamed, wanting to be heard over his temper tantrum.

“Lottie.. careful!” I heard Luna hiss from beside me as those she protected mewled, nervous I wasabout to set him off again.

I wasn’t! Havoc would listen!

“So YOU best park your fucking attitude or kill me, Havoc! Because as much as I love you!” With aburst of pain in my shoulder, I thrust it back to motion towards Kane. “I love him too!” I roared,shoving his enormous chest with my free hand.

Refusing to lower my eyes from Havoc and show him anything but how serious I was, I steadied mygaze despite the fact I could feel Kane’s blood no longer sliding from his wound. The gentle rise andfall of his chest was almost impossible to notice; I was losing him!

“Your brother is dying, Knox! Do you not care at all?” I asked as teeth snapped inches from my face,that hot breath returning to my lashes, making my stomach clench at the horrid smell.

“You do?” I laughed, shaking my head. “Because YOU did this! YOU! And if you don’t let me try tosave him, his death and everything that follows will be your own damn fault! So I suggest youfucking SIT!” I demanded angrily. Closing my eyes, I counted to three, realising as I allowed theself–pity in that I was out of choices and possibly out of time, I made a silent prayer to Selene- TheMoon Goddess!

“Please, if you are real Selene, like I truly believe you are, and not just a fairy story like Mikethinks… Please help my people by helping my mates; I can’t let them lose each other, Selene;without one, the other is doomed! I need them both! I will do anything, please! Please help them.” Ibegged, sucking down a deep breath, the air no longer lingering with blood and chaos.


13:11 Sat, 16 Mar

Chapter 75 Now Sit!

Opening my eyes, I sighed in relief, seeing Havoc had moved back, his eyes. glued on me as Iwatched him process my request. Confident for a moment that he would not attack, I chanced alook down at Kane, something unrecognisable but somewhat familiar returning to his eyes.


“Thank you!” I whispered, feeling the rise of Kane’s chest under my hand. I don’t know if it wasSelene. It could merely have been that I didn’t notice his breathing in the chaos and shock, but Iwould like to think it was her, that Selene had helped us when I called. That, after all, was whatgods and goddesses were meant to do, right? Protect those who worshipped them!

My eyes levelled on Havocs as they churned with emotion; the hues of his eyes looked like a bowlof heated gold, swirling and mesmerising, yet deadly! They were utterly breathtaking, and underbetter circumstances, I knew I would find Havoc to be just as magnificent.

“NOW SIT!” I ordered when Havoc finally stilled. Letting out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding,seeing him do as I asked and sit. Falling to my knees again beside Kane, I paused, feeling a wetnose nudge at my side and under my arm like that of a naughty puppy, desperate for attention: Amassive, dangerous puppy! I tried not to smile at how he was trying to move me out of the way, noaggression or anger radiating from him like moments ago. He was simply… calm. I refused to movemy hand from Kane’s skin, still applying the pressure I knew his wound needed but allowed Havocto sniff his brother’s body as he lay fighting for his breath while he slowly healed.

“You should have told him to stay!” Sage remarked sarcastically, and I smiled for the first time sincethe shit had hit the fan.

“No!” I heard Luna scream from across the room as Havoc lowered his muzzle to Kane’s still–lifeless body. A little whimper scurried from Havoc’s lips as he lowered to the ground beside Kane.His actions reminded me of a lion I had seen in a video online as it tried to cosy up to a smalleranimal.

“It’s ok!” I nodded to Luna, my free hand brushing through Havoc’s fur, realising that the anger hadpassed, and all that was left in Havoc now was regret and


13:11 Sat, 16 Mar

Chapter 75: Now Sit!

sorrow for his brother and for us. His nose nudged at my hand, trying to push it out of the way, but Iremained steadfast with the pressure, ignoring him. As if realising I would not be moving my hand,he sighed heavily, his tongue darting out and licking his wound around my fingers, lapping at it witha vigour that had me smiling weakly at what I assumed was Havoc’s attempt to clean his brother’swound.

“That tickles, buddy!” Kane chuckled, and I realised with absolute relief that I novelbin

was wrong.

It was to heal him.


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