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Chapter 6

Lottie POV

“What are you doing here!” I questioned, trying to keep my tone neutral, not wanting to give him thesatisfaction of seeing my upset. Allowing my eyes to roam over a dark blue pin-stripped tailored suitthat barely fit the muscular form of Mike. His dark eyes trained on me, his l*ps pulled into a scowl ashe looked down my b*dy, his l*ps twisting in distaste.

“Nice to see you too, baby girl!” He sighed, having just referred to Lilly as ‘baby girl’ to her father;hearing it sl*p from Mike’s l*ps felt wrong, but I couldn’t be bothered to argue with him about his petname for me now, not when Alpha and Lilly are on the other side of the door.

“Lottie?” He huffed, waiting for me to say something, but I had nothing to say, trying to hide hisfrustration by running a hand through his dark hair

“When he does that, he looks like he has just gotten out of bed!” I whispered to Sage, who waswatching Mike cautiously through my eyes.

“He probably has!” She sighed memories of walking in on him and another dancing across my mind.“She’s probably still there!” She added to drive her point home.

“I missed you last night.” He tried again, clearly trying to engage me in conversation.

“I wish I could say the same!” I grunted, annoyed at myself for acknowledging him, I crossed myhands across my chest. A part of me wished he would turn and leave me alone, go back to the she-wolf he had allowed to keep him company last night, but the stupid, naive part of me wanted to clingto him and ask him to fight for me!

“Your father sent me to find you!” He grinned a pearly smile that had my stomach fluttering; I hadn’ttold my father about the breakup, so he meant well, I assured myself.

“I can make my own way to the ceremony.” I snapped, lowering my eyes from Mike’s face; thedispleasure washing across his face made me feel self-conscious enough without another digsl*pping past his l*ps.

“Lottie!” He tried as I pulled my elbows closer, hugging them around myself, his cruel remark aboutmy weight last night still raw, even if I hadn’t let him know it had hurt me.

“You took forever!” He stated. “Probably putting all that slap on your face!” Pulling on my elbow, hehalf dragged me down the beautifully styled pathway towards the old church grounds at the back ofthe property.

“You’re hurting me!” I winced, a burn rising to my cheeks at the mention of my make-up! “Do I lookthat bad?” I moaned softly.

“Yes!” He sneered, not even looking at me.

“No! You look beautiful!” Sage interjected, lending me some of her strength to try and pull my armback from his iron-tight grip.

“You don’t even have time to change! The guests have all arrived!” He grumbled, ignoring me andshoving me forward so hard I sl*pped on one of the petals lining the old cobbled path. “F**k sake,Lottie, you always have to show me up!” He hissed, looking down at me with contempt.

“Get up then!” He snarled, his eyes lingering on the deep V n*eckline that barely held my boobs inplace; Lilly had picked the dress; like her wedding dress, it wasn’t my style, but this wasn’t my day!It was hers! Left speechless, I sat on the floor, looking up at my so-called mate, feeling the coldstone through the thin fabric.

“I can’t believe you, today is an important day for the pack, and you turn up dressed like… that!Representing me! Are you trying to destroy my reputation?” He snarled, shoving his hand out and

grabbing my elbow again, yanking me up by it painfully and shoving me forward.

“You look like a whore!” He growled from behind me, shaking his head angrily; I could feel Sage’sanger rising, and as much as I was grateful she had my back, now wasn’t the time to cause ascene. It was Lilly’s big day and an important day for the pack; with the Meadow pack all inattendance, along with all surrounding Alphas, it was a huge event in our world. The last thing AlphaLeigh needed now was his Beta’s daughter causing a scene.

“Well, you’d know all about whores!” I seethed quietly, spinning to face my so-called mate, “Howmany whores have you had in our bed?” I scoffed, looking at him with pity but unable to stop.

“Tell me did they fake it like I did? They must have because there is no way your .. little.. friendcould have satisfied them! Lord knows it never did me!” I blurted out angrily, narrowing my eyes athim challengingly. The darkening in his iris had my heart skipping a beat, and not for the rightreason. He was pissed!

“That’s your problem, Charlotte; you have never known your damn place.” He grinned manically,taking a step toward me before I had a chance to react; his hands scrambling to my wrists that I hadcrossed across my chest, gripping them in a solid vice, he pulled me non to gently into an alcove ofthe garden, hidden by the white Jasmine vines.

“But that’s ok; I will teach you now!” He breathed into my ear as he slammed my chest against thestone wall, knocking the air from my lungs and leaving me unable to cry out even if I wanted to.Gripping my hands again, he yanked them above my head, holding them together with one of hislarge hands.

“I really did miss you last night!” He groaned, rolling his hips against me, pressing himself upagainst my back, his b*dy flush with mine. Feeling the hardness of his dick against my back, Isucked down what little air I could manage and stilled, knowing from experience with Mike therewas no use fighting; it would end bloody and with him getting his way regardless!

“So you’re going to give in?” Sage moaned. “F**k this!” Pushing against my attempts to silence her,I felt a tear sl*p free and rain down my face.novelbin

“He is bigger, stronger and quicker than us!” I whispered to her, trying to calm my almost feral wolf.

“AND!” She screamed at me, making me wince and not from Mike’s roaming hands travelling downmy side.

“If we try to fight him now, he will be more brutal with us, and this is Lilly’s day! I refuse to let thisbastard ruin it for her!” I snapped, feeling relieved as Sage backed down slightly. She loved Lilly asmuch as I did, and we both knew all hell would break loose if we appeared at this ceremony withany marks or bruises.

“So you’re just gonna let him.. what? F**k you!” She asked, disgust rattling through her as Mikekneed our legs open, his hand grasping the hem of my dress and lifting it up my legs.

I couldn’t answer! Because I didn’t know! I didn’t want this! To be taken against my will, what girlwould! Yet.. he was all I knew! This was all I knew! And in his f**ked up way, this was how heshowed me he cared! Loved me even!

“This isn’t love!” I heard Sage grumble, shutting herself off from what we both knew was coming.

Mike’s hot breath fanned against my n*eck, his l*ps trailing up to my ear, where he sunk his teethinto the soft flesh of my lobe; blood trickled down my n*eck making me whimper from the pain andfear. Finding myself praying it would not touch my dress, THAT Lilly would notice!

“Nothing smart to say now, huh?” Mike whispered into my ear, I didn’t need to look at him to knowhe was smirking smugly down at me, but from his position, I imagined it looked like he was indeedteaching me a lesson, and perhaps he was! But not the lesson he thought!

“I can smell your arousal!” He moaned into my ear huskily. Despite my compromising position, mys*x was throbbing, desperate for attention! I wanted to scream at Mike, to tell him the wetnessbetween my thighs wasn’t for him but leftover remnants of my time with Knox last night.

However, even I knew that would only prove his point! That I was a whore! So I kept quiet, insteadfocusing on the feeling of his hands gripping my burning flesh, the sensations rippling through myb*dy as his hard cock rubbed up against me.

“You’re enjoying this?” Sage spat disgusted at me. Shame tore through me at the realisation that Iwas!

“I don’t know!” I admitted although I knew a part of me liked the feeling of being helpless, vulnerableand at his mercy!

“You were right; I know a thing or two about whores!” He grinned, pressing his hips into my assharder, his hand on my wrist tightening as if wrongly expecting me to fight whatever move he wasabout to make. Gripping the hrm of my dress again, he lifted it onto my hips, baring my ass to him,my p**sy only covered by the tiny nude thong I was wearing.

“And I know that you, Lottie, will always be MY whore!” Sucking in a breath, hearing the familiarsound of his zipper, I knew what was coming and as much as I hated to admit it!

I wanted it!

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