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Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Don’t Drink It! Turning to look at Lilly, I rasped, seeing Connie had joined her in the doorway, still wearing herdress although her make-up had worn off. I had always envied the attention she got from boys.However, something clicked in me today, making me realise that the attention she got was notbecause of her personality nor her pretty face that she hid under mountains of make-up, butbecause of how she flaunts her b*dy. Today is an important event that should set our standing within the community, and her dress is soshort and low-cut that I am confident she will have a wardrobe malfunction by the end of the night and embarrass herself and us! “It isn’t my style!”“True, but neither is throwing yourself at every male!” Sage interjected, making me smile. If this iswhat it took to make Connie happy, feel confident or whatever… who was I to judge? “I am totally judging her!” Sage laughed. Connie locked her dark eye on me with no remorse; shedesperately wanted to seem unfazed by the fact that I held the night’s fate in my hands. III о r 1/6 15:16 Fri, 15 Mar G Chapter 59: Don’t Drink It! 15% “She can come, but she stays away from MY mate’s Lilly!” I warned without looking at Connie. “Youwill be responsible for her!” Knox quickly on my heels, his hand settling at the base of my spine. “Geez, thanks ‘Luna”” they both giggled from the doorway before the door slammed shut, and thefear that I had made a colossal mistake licked up my spine. “That isn’t a good idea!” Knox cautioned me, my eyes meeting his angrily just as Kane’s voice cutthrough my head, stopping me from giving him a gob full. novelbin

“Charlotte, what are you doing? We are trying to protect you!” Glaring at Knox, I mouth ‘Snitch’ athim, to which he shrugged, leading me from Lilly’s room and down the beautifully decoratedstaircase.“She is my best friend! I want her there!” I snapped, standing my ground as much as I could. I lovedthe boys, but I loved Lilly too. She had been there for me when they hadn’t. She had picked me upmore times than I could count: when my father, Mike or pack life knocked me down. I understandshe is angry, but she will calm down; our friendship has to mean as much to her as it does to me. “After what I witnessed today, I want her as far away from the ball as possible so she can’t cause ascene!” Kane growled. “Even Sebastian agrees!” He added as if that made everything ok. “A scene is what we need, KAne! If we are going to pull this sh it off and fool my father, we needsomething or someone to set off the spark. And Lilly’s jealousy over ||| 1/6 15:16 Fri, 15 Chapter 59: Don’t Drink It! having me outshine her tonight, mixed with Connie’s bitterness at not getting one of you two… willbe just that!” “I don’t like it!” Kane growled, “I don’t want you upset!” اد“I know, and I love you for it.. but.. we need them if we are going to fool my father and Mike.” I triedto get him to see reason. I could sense his unease through the bond, but ultimately, he knew I wasright, and given the way Knox was looking at me, he did, too. “It’s ok… Seriously, I am not going to break over some mean girls.” I grumbled “Have you seen the film Mean Girls?” Knox asked through our heads, allowing his hand to slip around me. “Yep! She gets pushed in front of a bus, right?” “YEP!” He grinned wide with a wink. “Something I should remind my sister of.” “T wat!” I laughed, rolling my eyes. “But seriously, I need you both to have some faith in me!” I

sighed, feeling pride wash through the bond. I beamed softly. < 2/6 15%! Chapter 59 Don’t Drink It! “We do have faith in you; we know you can do this. That’s not why we banned her from coming.”Knox admitted, his hand poised at the bottom of my back as he hovered his lips close to my earwhile leading me towards the great hall. “Then… why?” I asked my mates, half distracted by Knox’s lips. I did not understand the issue ifthey believed I was strong enough to put up with a bit of catty behaviour. “Because I don’t want to start a war with Sebastian when I remove his mate’s tongue for insultingyou!” Kane growled possessively. “That is your sister!” I reminded them, knowing they were just being dramatic. There was no waythey would hurt Lilly. “And YOU are our priority… Always! So, make no mistake, Charlotte… Sister or not, Lilly will giveyou the respect you deserve, or she will need to learn sign language..” “And fast!” Knox added with a sly smirk that made heat pool between my thighs. “So what is the plan, then?” Knox asked through mindlink, his hand falling to the bottom of my back.We had arrived at the entrance to the main hall; its beautiful white flower displays hung from theceilings, fairy lights that glistened with the warm glow of sunshine entwined with the enchantingflowers, making the whole area look magical. 4/6 15:16 Fri, 15 Mar @ Chapter 59: Don’t Drink It! 8 15% A curtain of white and gold velvet hung at the door Knox kept us behind. Peeking through it to get aglimpse of the hall and how many people I would be facing, I sucked down a gasp seeing over five

hundred people crammed into our great hall. Packs from all over had sent their Alpha and Beta toshow respect to Lilly and her mate; I guess that made sense, given Sebastian’s standing. My eyes settled on Mike, standing at the bar chatting with the bartender. I watched him like onemight watch a shark, trying to work out its next move and who it had in its sights. My lips curled intoa snarl, watching him openly pour something into each of the drinks on his tray, all but two, which hemoved to one side. “It’s that sh it he made you drink!” Sage growled through my head, her eyes narrowing on the vile hewas slipping back into his pocket. Unrivalled anger rippled off her at Mike’s blatant attempt to hurtand betray those I loved! “Are you sure?” I asked, watching as Mike took the tray and approached a group of people Irecognised immediately. Seeing him hand drinks to those I loved, my eyes almost popped out of myhead. Even with their masks, I recognised Alpha Leigh and our Luna instantly. “Kane!” I whispered, even with his back to me; I knew the large male my eyes were glued to wasthat of my mate, Kane… Mike grinned as Kane took the offered drink before he handed my fatherone of the ‘clean glasses’ and took one for himself. “KANE! Don’t Drink it!” Sage roared through our bond, panic exploding in my III 5/6 Chapter 59 Don’t Drink It! core. 01 AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry For the delay! I have been so poorly, like the rest of my household. I will tryto get the last few chapters I have written, edited and uploaded later today too! III 616 O

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