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Chapter 50

Chapter 50: SHE Didn’t Offer!


Lottle POV

“Tell him!” Sage encouraged me, but I still felt so nervous; what if he wanted to know everything? Iwas ashamed of what I had done to get the information, but in truth, the boys finding out that newsdidn’t scare me half as much as them finding out about the debt my father was effectively offeringas my dowry. novelbin

“Knox and Kane will sort it!” Sage tried to reason with me, and I knew she was. right, but what shefailed to see was THAT was what I was scared of! I didn’t want anyone to die! Not just so I could behappy! What sort of person would I be if I put my happiness with them over a life? Sighing, I lookedover at Knox, seeing his tight jaw and the tension in his eyes. I knew he was fighting to push me forthe facts.

“But I refused his..request!”

“It was hardly a request; your ribs still hurt!” Sage whispered weakly; I knew she felt just as betrayedby our father. Ignoring her, with a sigh, I continued with my explanation.

“My father was angry because of a debt Mike had agreed to pay if he was allowed to marry me.” Iwatched his eyebrows knit together as he frowned; I knew he wanted desperately to comfort me,but I knew if he did, I would melt and tell him. the uncensored version of events. I could see theanger boiling in Knox and understood he was answering for fear of saying the wrong thing andmuting me again..

Chewing the inside of my cheek, I debated telling him about the beating my father had administeredbut decided against it; it wasn’t important to the story, and It just made me look weak! They neededa strong mate!

“So you went to see Mike to ask him what the debt was.” Knox summarised when I had evidentlypaused for too long. His tone was almost as cold as Kane’s, making me regret opening up.



Chapter 50 SHE Didn’t Offer!

“Yes, because my father said you two would have taken it on, and I didn’t want that for you!” Iadmitted truthfully.

“That isn’t your decision to make, angel!” He started to say, feeling my anger boiling up; I held apolished nail up to shh him..

“Really? you wanna play that card!” I mused. My eyes bore into his angrily, telling him I was aboutto say something antagonistic, but seeing the challenge dance in his eyes, I decided against it atthe last minute.

“Did Mike tell you?” I asked instead, tightening his eyes on me, he nodded, and my heartplummeted.

“He may just mean the debt!” Sage tried to soothe me, but seeing the glimmer of jealousy in hiseyes, I knew that was not all he knew.

“Did he tell you?” He returned the question, and I sighed, knowing he was testing me, wanting toknow if I would tell him or hide it.

Dickhead as if I would lie to him outright!

“No, just suck another’s dick!” Sage spewed, still angry about my earlier actions.

“Yes.” I admitted, turning to look away from him, “But..” With Sage’s anger washing through me andthe look of disappointment I could see on Knox’s face, a soft sob left my throat as I closed my eyesand fought with myself to find the words.

“But you had to convince him, and you walked in on him with a girl.. so you offered to finish whatshe started in return for the information?” He asked as calmly as I am sure he could.

“He thinks.. I did it willingly!” I mocked Sage, who was silently pacing inside my mind. “Why would Ido that when I have everything I want with them!” I added with a deep sigh.

“You willingly drank whatever that shit was to silence me.” Sage offered up her


Chapter 50 SHE Didn’t Offer!

only answer to this mess. Having had enough of being guilted by my wolf, I closed my eyes andswallowed my pride.

“Do you have any idea how scared I am.. truly? For my wolf, someone meant to be in tune with me,you are acting like I wanted this! Do you think I wanted to risk everything I have with them overMike? AND HIS DICK! I don’t..” I growled at thy wolf, running my hands down my face.

“But there is more to this than that sage! My father might be an asshole, but he has never raised hishand to me like that, and you are right my ribs still hurt! A constant reminder of my father’s threat..that he would kill me! Or worse, The boys will have to take on this stupid debt so that they can bewith me!”

“They won’t be that stupid!” Sage grunted at me, my eyes almost popping out of my head at howimmature she sounded for someone who was meant to be filled

with untold wisdom!

“You have seen them, right? Over the last few days? Do you really think they are just going to say:‘No, it’s ok, Beta, we don’t want to murder some INNOCENT! You keep Lottie!”

“No!” She muttered cautiously.

“No.. exactly! They are going to do it! I don’t want that!” I sighed, sensing she was following mythought process.

“But.. you can’t control everything, Lottie!”

“No, you are right! But I can try and keep them safe! And if sucking Mike’s gross dick was what ittook to get that information. What choice did I have? I love them, Sage! I know I shouldn’t.. I shouldreject them to keep them out of this chaos and safe, and if I have to, I will, but I am being slightlyselfish; I need to at least try to fight for them! For us! So either help me or stay silent!” Realising Ihad stayed quiet too long, I let out a breath and focused back in on Knox’s heavy breathing frombehind me.

“I understand, Lottie! I don’t like it! But in your own fucked up way, you did it to keep us safe!” Knoxspewed with a heavy sigh. With a gasp, I felt Sage push to take




Chapter 50 SHE Didn’t Offer!

control, silencing me, spinning to face him, her eyes glossed with fury.

“SHE did not offer.” The words flew from my mouth, but they were not mine,

just like I knew the beautiful purple hue shining in my eyes was Sage.


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