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Chapter 3

Lotties POV

Distant memories of the annual pack ball danced across my vision; Lilly and I were expected to goas we had come of age; we had both expected the twins to try to sabotage the whole evening! Butthey hadn’t! They seemed as uninterested in our plans as they were in their daily chores! Lilly and Ihad assumed it was because our fathers had insisted we attend, and they outranked the twins!Something we knew grated on the boys!

The guy I had been crushing on at school had asked me to be his date; I was beyond excited! I hadgone all out and had my hair, nails and make-up done. I had worked overtime to save up for adress, I had spent a small fortune, and for once, I felt beautiful!

He treated me like royalty, something I was not used to, given how the twins liked to controleverything Lilly I did behind the walls of the pack house, but the twins had not said anything aboutme going with the young male wolf; I thought they had finally allowed me some freedom. Wedanced and laughed, and I thought he would k*ss me! I never wanted the night to end; it had beenperfect until I found the twins laughing about how desperate and pathetic I was and how theycouldn’t believe I had actually thought HE would like ME! It turned out the twins had paid the maleto take me out; even in my newfound freedom, they had seized power and kept me under theirguardianship!

Unable to watch anymore, I turned to leave only to see other classmates recording me, laughing atme and my tears. It didn’t take long for it to be uploaded to social media and sent around school,making me a laughingstock! I had never understood why they were so obsessed with what I did! Igot that they protected Lilly, but I was not kin! And this behavior was unwarranted!

I tried to speak to my father about it, but since my mother had died, he had checked out, leavingLuna Louise to raise me; his only care was the pack and keeping it safe! And I could hardly go to

her and moan that her precious sons were making my life hell! So I had no choice but to put up andshut up! Only when they left at 16 did things get easier; I finally knew peace, friendship, and fun!And somewhere in between, I met Mike.

Opening my eyes slowly, the memories faded only to be replaced by the concerned face of Knox,staring down at me with such warmth my stomach fl*pped. His fingers traced my cheek as reliefspread over his features.

“Get. Your. Hand. Off. Me!” I seethed, slapping it away aggressively, my eyes narrowing on the iceblue hues of Knox, forcing myself to ignore the flicker of hurt that sl*pped across his face.

“Hush, baby, let me check you over. You hit your head hard.” He cooed, and my eyes widened indisbelief at the sincerity in his tone.

“Get your STI-riddled hand off of me before I break it the f**k off!” Snapping my mouth closed,feeling the light touch of his fingers on my l*ps.

“You have a filthy mouth, do you know that!” His brows knitted together as he looked my face over,his gaze locking on my l*ps; his tongue ran over his l*ps needily, making me uncomfortable. “Ishould teach you a lesson!” He mused a smirk split his face, seeing the shock wash over mine.

“You’re disgusting!” I spat, pushing myself up, looking around confused, seeing I was not on thefloor but instead laid out carefully on the bed, Knox beside me. He had apparently swept me up andtaken care of me, but I could not think why for the life of me. Shoving him aside, I attempted to climbover him. But his hands gripped my waist, locking me mid-stride over his torso.

“I have to admit, you have changed a lot!” A grin slowly sl*pped across his face, his fingers trailingup the soft fabric of my new lingerie. Lingerie meant for Mike. “Not the whiny brat I left behind, huh”Shoving his chest hard, my long ice-blonde hair sl*pped free, framing my face in a wall of glowingwhite.novelbin

“You look like an angel!” He whispered breathlessly. Looking at him with disgust, my eyes trailedover his strong jaw, slightly stubbled with dark blonde hair that trailed down his n*eck, his chestcovered in dark tattoos that swirled under where my fingers laid on a hard wall of muscle. His handsgripped my waist, trying to lower me onto him, my legs parting further to accommodate his largechest.

I didn’t want to admit that he had changed, too; he had grown into a gorgeous male.

“And buffed up!” Sage added to my inner thoughts, bringing me back to reality. Ignoring her ludecomment with a groan, my hands covered his that were rubbing up my sides.

“Seriously, stop touching me!” Pushing his hands off me with a snort, “Dick!” I grunted.

“Hmmm, yeah, I have a dick… wanna see?” He taunted, his hands returning to my hip withsupernatural speed.

“YES, I wanna see!” Sage purred excitedly.

“Seriously! Do you remember all the shit he put us through” I snapped, trying to pull away from hisgrasp as he slid me down his b*dy rolling me against a thickness I was not expecting?

“God’s”, A gasp escaped my l*ps, feeling his solid length rub against my core.

“F**k!” Knox moaned, his fingers digging painfully into my sides as he held me in place, his hipsrolling up to graze against my soaked slit. Apparently, my p**sy was as big of a slut as Sage!

“Crotchless!” He smirked up at me. “Not so innocent, it seems!”

“UGH!” I growled, trying to lift off of him, but his fingers dug painfully into my hip, forcing me alonghis cock again, making me cry out as my p**sy clenched needily, loving the sensation of pain mixingwith pleasure.

“Deny it all you want!” He whispered, “But I can feel how wet you are already!” He taunted, provinghis point by thrusting his hips against me again, sending another burst of pleasure rippling throughmy b*dy, bathing my features in a lustful glow.

“YOU?!” I scoffed, “Why would I want someone who spent years making me feel like nothing!” Ihissed through my teeth, seething. The pain that instantly washed over his face had my stomachyearning to soothe the guilt I observed eating at his brows. But as quick as it appeared, it vanished,his usual cheekiness mask in place.

“Well, Give me an hour; I promise I’ll make you feel like the queen you are!” He breathed

“Let me make this crystal clear for you, Knox! I do not want you!”

“Liar, liar, bums on fire!”, Sage snipped, making me wince. “You wanna k*ss him; you wanna touchhim; you wanna ride him!” She taunted me in a loop in my head.

“F**k off!” I roared at her.

“No one’s gonna know! Just do it! Or I will!” Sage stated all playfulness was gone.

“Really? Sage seems game!” He grinned slyly, licking his l*ps

“The scent she’s giving off.. says otherwise!” Driving his hips up to meet my core, a purr eruptedfrom my l*ps as Sage fought for control.

“She’s a slut!” I announced, angry at Sage’s betrayal!

“Mmm, My slut?” He beamed, his hands sliding up my back, twisting in my long blonde hair to pullmy head back, the other gripping tighter on my hips as he ran his solid length along my soakedp**sy l*ps; it was millimeters from my core, it would take a simple thrust of his hips to bury it insideme, but he was waiting for me to give him the green light.

“Like he had ever given a shit what I wanted before!” I snarled at Sage, who was still fighting me forcontrol! F**k the pair of them! Thinking I was so easy to manipulate.

“Bold of you to assume I will give into you that easily!” I declared, mimicking the same cocky smirkhe had just worn.

“Beg me, Knox!” I challenged!

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