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Chapter 23

Chapter 23: No Backsies!


Lottie POV

I don’t know if it was a few minutes or half an hour. Still, Knox kept working on my p**sy with thattongue of his that had me travelling to the highest peak only to push me off into a pool of liquid heatthat consumed me entirely, leaving me an incoherent blubbering mess. Never had I felt sooverwhelmed by foreplay… or S*x, if I was honest.

“And this is just his tongue. Imagine how it will feel when he uses other b*dy parts on us?” Sageproclaimed wantonly as my eyes fluttered closed, and I gave in to the orgasm that was pooling inmy stomach.

“That’s it, baby girl, cum all over my tongue.” Knox coaxed as he lapped at me greedily.

“How does she taste?” A voice I recognised asked in the distance. I wanted to turn and look, so Icould put a face to the name, but I was having difficulty moving at all right now.

“Sweet like f**king heaven!” Knox announced, lifting from between my legs to lean over me. Pantingsoftly, I tried to speak, but words failed me as I stared into a pair of piercing blue eyes.

“She is spent already!” That voice from earlier grumbled, the disappointment registering somewherein the back of my mind.

“No! She wants more, don’t we, angel?” Knox asked as his fingers trailed over my collarbone, up tomy chin, tilting my head so I could look at the voice in question.

“Kane!” I purred as my eyes drifted over him in all his masculine glory. He stood leaning up againstthe door, his suit jacket gone along with his tie, his shirt. unbuttoned down the centre to exposesmooth, tanned skin that rippled as he moved off the wall, my eyes glued at the way his musclesflexed as he moved.



Chapter 23: No Backsies!

“I want to lick them!” Sage growled in my head, making me smile widely.

“Me first!” I chuckled back at my horny wolf

“Is my brother right? Do you want more?” Kane’s smooth voice cut through the erotic thoughts in mymind. I tried to nod, but I wasn’t sure if I did it or not, and as he closed in on the bed while unzippinghis pants, his eyes froze me in place, making me shiver. He was so serious all the time, but when inthe bedroom, that seriousness became utter dominance that had me almost cumming all overagain.

“It seems you were wrong, brother.” Kane grinned, zipping himself back up. I was about to protestwhen Knox’s hand swatted down on my p**sy, making me whimper; my legs tried to close, but theycouldn’t. Looking over at Knox, I growled, seeing he had removed his clothes, and his tattooed b*dystood between my legs, in utter splendour.

“What do you want, Lottie? Use your words?” Kane demanded, his tone causing my p**sy to clench,I wanted to refuse just to get him to punish me, but the need for more of Knox and now Kane wastoo fierce to fight.

“Both!” I announced, swallowing the lump of fear in my throat. “I want you


“How?” Kane asked yet again, unzipping his flies as a reward for my good behaviour novelbin

“Every way possible. Anyway, I want it all.”

“Are you sure? No, going back once I put my dick in you, Lottie!” Knox asked just as seriously asKane had been a second ago.

Chewing my l*p, I considered what he was saying, but knew he couldn’t mean it; it was just said inthe heat of the moment to turn me on because what girl doesn’t want to belong to a gorgeousmale… or two!

“Charlotte, look at me.” I lifted my head to look at Kane, who had crawled onto the bed, andsomehow I hadn’t noticed. My eyes locked on his ocean hues; licking my l*p, I moaned, feelingKnox’s hands circling my clit in a feather–light touch.




14:08 Wed, 13 Mar w

Chapter 23: No Backsies!


Without realising it, my hips rose to meet his hand as a moan ripped from my throat, but I did asKanee commanded and kept my eyes on him.

“Do you understand what we are saying?” He asked, and only then did I notice the phone in hishand pointing at me as I sprawled out on Knox’s bed semi–n*ked, Knox between my legs and Kaneat my head.

“Yes,” I whispered, my eyes on the phone. “I want to,” I stated firmly.

“Want to what, angel?” Knox asked, still teasing at my centre lightly. F*** I wanted him to push thosefingers inside me.

“I want you both. No one else! Just this!”

“For tonight? As a one off?” Kane asked, making me frown at the thought; there was no judgementin his eyes or lacing his tone; he clearly just wanted to understand what I wanted from them.Shaking my head, I looked at him with determination. Knox removed his touch, and I pouted,looking between Kane and the phone.

“It’s just so there is no doubt tomorrow.” He explained, nodding to the camera. “I will be turning it offin a second. And either leaving or staying. That depends on you?”

“Staying… Always!” I stuttered before he made good on his threat and left.

“Always what?” Knox asked, his fingers tracing lines on my thighs, delicately distracting me. As ifsensing this, Kane tuted, and Knox chuckled, removing his hands from my heated flesh. Empty… Ifeel empty without them! I realised panic erupted inside me, and the words sl*pped from my mouthbefore I had time to really. consider what I was saying.

“I want you always.. both of you!” I rushed out, lifting my hips to meet Knox’s fingers.

“Ok, princess.” Kane grinned, throwing the phone on the bed with a nod to Knox, a secret signalpassing between them, a message I was evidently clueless about. I wanted to ask how many timesthey had done this. Shared a girl? The way



14:08 Wed, 13 Mar

Chapter 23: No Backsies!

they moved, as one told me, they were very much in their comfort zone.

“No backsies now angel!” Knox announced, making my insides flutter; why would I want to take itback?




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