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Chapter 14

Chapter 14 My Escort!

Knox POV

“Have you seen Lottie?” I asked Lilly, who was cuddling into her mate, her head nuzzling under hisn*eck all cute and shit.

“Oh, Hi Lilly. Congratulations on your mating ceremony! I am so pleased for you!” Lilly grumbled,lifting her chin to look at her mate, amusement flashing in his eyes as he looked down at her.

“Yeah, yeah! Charlotte?” I repeated, growing increasingly irritated with each passing second. I hadsearched the whole damn church and hall for her, TWICE!! had even stormed into the bathroomand checked each bloody cubicle, much to some chick’s anger. She was nowhere to be seen! Andneither was Kane! Causing the green–eyed beast to ripple through my b*dy.

“Do you think I look pretty?” Lilly asked, pulling from her mate’s arms to twirl in front of me, her longwhite dress floating around her feet. Rolling my eyes, I nodded, knowing my vain sister needed thereassurance.

“Yep! You know who else looked pretty! Lottie! Where is she, Lilly?” I asked with

a deep sigh that seemed to spur my tipsy sister on.

“I am prettier, right? It’s MY big day; no one is meant to outshine me!” She pouted, looking betweenme and her mate, who had wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest to plant a k*ss onher l*ps. Pretending to retch loudly, I grinned, seeing my sister spin and narrow her eyes at me.Goddess, she looked like Mom when she did that!

“She was with Kane!” She spat spitefully. “He was all up in her grill; he upset her, so she left!” Sheshrugged.

“Upset her? How?” I snarled, stepping closer to my sister; her l*ps opened, but whatever sarcasticcomment was coming from her l*ps was cut off by the dinner bell

ringing. novelbin



Chapter 14 My Escort!

“Will everyone please join us in the dining hall for food?” My mother announced, nodding to Lilly andher mate to join them. Turning to look at me, Lilly poked her tongue out, reminding me of howchildish she can be. Goddess, help her mate! Giving her a dead arm on her wedding day might befrowned upon!

“Brat!” I hissed as she walked away towards my mother and encouraged bthers to follow her intothe dining hall. Standing still, I watched people filter through the doors, checking for Lottie or Kane.As the last b*dy disappeared through the large oak doors, I clenched my jaw, tension building in mychest.

“Knox!” My father called from the doorway, pulling me from my dangerous thoughts. “Everyone iswaiting for you.”

Not everyone, clearly!

Nodding to him, I sucked down the beast I felt tearing through my b*dy and strode into the hall;walking towards the top table, my feet failed me, catching sight of Lottie entering through the otherdoor, Kane quick on her heels.

“You gotta be kidding me!” I hissed, storming over to the pair of them, trying to keep the jealousyfrom my face and tone.

“Where have you two been?” I snapped, failing miserably.

“Why?” Kane scoffed, taking Lottie’s hand and guiding her around me to the table we were allseated at. Stepping in their path, I shook my head at my obnoxious brother.

“She is MY escort!” I growled low, outstretching my hand to Lottie, who looked. at it, then up to myface, anger flashing in her sapphire pools.

“Not any more!” Kane laughed, pulling her towards him again.

“Will the pair of you pack it in! People are starting to stare!” Lottie winced, barging past me to thetable that Lilly sat at proudly. I watched her talk to my sister, her shoulders sagging just a little asshe placed her hands on her hips, drawing my eyes to her bubble butt, which I had got a goodgrope of last night! Lottie and Lilly’s heads turned in sync to look at us, their eyes narrowing onKane and me, letting ust




Chapter 14 My Escort!

know they were indeed talking about us.

“Move!” Kane snapped in his usual ‘don’t fuck with me‘ tone that tended to get him what hewanted… from others! Not me! Stepping in his path, I tightened my eyes on him, my back stiffening,

smelling a familiar scent on him. Stepping closer, inhaling the air around him, my eyes locked on hisangrily as the scent invaded my scenes and pulled glorious memories of Lottie and I last night, herstraddling my hips as we made out.

F***ing bastard! My wolf might be hiding somewhere right now, but I knew without a doubt that shewas mine! Somehow she was, I just… hadn’t realised it before! And if he has tried to lay claim toher in any way, I know we are going to end up putting out brotherly bond to the damn test!

Looking at him, my eyes tensed on my brother’s large form, his solid stance and smug smile.Shaking my head once, I knew I had one more card to play to keep him from Lottie! Something Ididn’t realise I had to do until I smelt her on him! I nodded to the bouncy brunette who wassashaying her hips over to us, taking Kane’s arm and clinging to him.

“I have missed you boo!” She moaned against his cheek. She was his escort like Lottie was mine.Lilly’s idea, I am sure!

“Conny!” I nodded to the brunette clinging to my brother like a bad smell. She was my sister’s friendfrom school; she had always been the ringleader of the trio, the one to sneak alcohol into the packhouse, take the girls to parties and teach them how to get away with shit growing up.

I hated her, but Kane despised her more. Although we both knew that she was a good booty call ifneeded! Desperate to bag an Alpha and rise to the status of Luna! Well, she had no chance with meand even less with Kane but like fuck was I telling her that!

“Knox, you drew the short straw, I see. Having to bring Lottie to the wedding, she’s such a prude! Ibet she is so lame to talk to.” She giggled, looking up at Kane, whose eyes were still locked on myface, the anger swirling in his pools unmissable. Unless you were Conny and so self–absorbed, thatis!




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Chapter 14 My Escort!

“I hear Mike is having to sleep around because she doesn’t put out Poor guy has pretty muchfucked every female in the pack because he is so unhappy with Lottie!” She grinned at me like Iwould take pity on the low–life scum! He clearly didn’t know a good thing when it hit him in the face!

“She doesn’t have a clue either! She is so gullible! She thinks he is working late for your father!”She continued to spit spitefully. “Poor Mike! Trapped in a loveless relationship!”

“Poor guy!” I mocked, clenching my jaw. I took a step closer, ready to defend my Queen, when I felta hand on my shoulder; the way the tingles spread through my b*dy at the simple touch, I knew whoit was without turning.

“Hey, beautiful!” I grinned, leaning my head over to press a soft k*ss to her hand, the tinglesspreading to my l*ps, making me suck them into my mouth to prolong the sense of pure pleasureher touch gave me.

“Knox, come sit; dinner is coming out soon.” She whispered, allowing her hand. to linger on myshoulder a second longer as she looked over at Kane and the slutty brunette giggling into hisshoulder, clearly having overindulged in the free booze.

It would be a shame if she tripped and ruined that pretty face of hers!



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