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Chapter 137

Chapter 137: The Problem!

Panic clawed at my insides, threatening to consume me, sensing the demon’s powers invaded mymind once again. It was like being trapped in a nightmare, unable to move or speak, while

the world moved around me in slow motion.

“So this is the A–team that wants to try and knock the crown off my head?” Astaroth laughed,clapping slowly. “A Lycan and his… bitch! A few Alphas and A Luna who frankly I think has biggerballs than most of the men in here and… of course, a couple of traitors!” He asked as he strode intothe room, exuding power and dominance, and it wasn’t just because of the fancy suit he wore or theair, of authority he carried. It was the dark energy pulsating from him, wrapping around me liketendrils of darkness, rendering me immobile.

“Kane, Pops?” I tried to say, but my lips refused to work, and nothing came out. I could still seethem, could still follow Astaroth’s

movements with my eyes, but everything else was frozen.

“They can’t answer you, buddy!” He laughed into the room, but his eyes remained locked on mypanic–fueled face. “They are all frozen, like you! So how about we have some fun!” He grinned,malice painting his lips from where he stood behind my father, tall



and proud, his hands resting on my Pops‘ shoulders while he eyed me through his own set of fire–red eyes. I wanted to tear through the room, despite the dread I felt eating at me, but my musclesrefused to obey my commands, leaving me helpless in the face of his overwhelming presence.

“What, nothing to say now, Lycan?” Astaroth laughed into the room, his attention shifting from me toBash. “Cat got your tongue?” My eyes found Sebastian’s fear–stricken face, I wanted to ask thecocky shit if he believed me now? But I knew now wasn’t the time for I told you so’s.

“Ah yeah, you can’t speak. Probably not a bad thing… I get the sense you were about to be kickedoff the team, and we wouldn’t want that now, would we!” Astaroth grinned. Desperation clawed atmy throat as I struggled to break free from his hold, to regain control of my own body. But it was liketrying to move through molasses, every movement sluggish and heavy.

“Brother, if he is here, where is Charlotte?” Like a lifeline in the darkness, Kane’s voice echoed inmy mind. Relief flooded through me at the sound of my brother, a beacon of light in the suffocatingdarkness, until his words registered.

“She’s safe! And unharmed. Although blondie, not so much,” Astaorth replied, into the room. Hishead snapped around to look at Adam, and I knew from his reaction that Adam’s thoughts had riledAstaroth up.



Chapter 137: The Problem!

“Why? Because he is too good–looking for a start, it was unnatural, I needed to fix that to give usugly fuckers a chance.” Astaroth grinned slowly as he approached Adam, but he paused, sideeyeing Sebastian, before flicking his wrist in Sebastain’s direction, his grin growing. novelbin

“Why don’t you share that with the group?” Astaroth laughed, his eyes locked on Adam, clearlyobserving his response.

“Do I have to force it out of you, Lycan?” He laughed, squeezing his hand in the air in union with thescream that left Sebastian’s lips followed by blood spluttering down his chin.

“Good! One less for me to kill later!” Sebastian choked out his eyes heavy with guilt as they metAdams’s furious gaze. “But what do you expect, Adam, you are meant to protect ME! Your loyaltyshould be to ME! The next Ruler!” With another flick of his demonic wrist, he silenced Sebastianand turned to face the group.

“Trouble is angry pants, you’re not the heir to the throne, not anymore.. The girl is! And then herpups. And then any pups they have… So unless you can wipe out her entire line…” His lips werepursed tightly as he looked between Sebastian and Lilly. “Which is what you’re thinking.” Henodded, his lips twisting into a frown. Before they fell on Lilly. “Well, aren’t you a jealous bitch!” Headded, making me wonder what Lilly had thought.

“Damn, even for me, a Duke of Hell! That is brutal!” He sighed, sitting on the edge of the tablebeside Mike. “But you see, there is



Chapter 137: The Problem!,

the problem. I can’t let anything happen to the girl!” Astaroth chewed his lip and looked over atAnthony with a sly smile teasing the corner of his lips.

“Kane,” I managed to choke out mentally, my thoughts tumbling over each other in my haste tocommunicate. “I’m trapped. I can’t move.” I could feel Kane’s concern through our mind–link, hispresence a comforting presence in the chaos raging inside me.

“Stay calm, Knox,” Kane’s voice urged me, cutting through the fog of panic threatening tooverwhelm me. “We’ll get through this together.”


With Kane’s words echoing in my mind, I forced myself to focus, to push aside the fear and panicthreatening to consume me. Whatever was happening, whatever dark forces were at play, I knewthat as long as I had my brother by my side, and my girl was out there somewhere breathing air andprotecting our future, I could face anything.

“So I know you all want answers, and I am happy to give them to you, but first things first… I needto borrow the twins.” Astaroth announced, my heart lunging at the prospect of being with my girlagain. No matter where that was.

“Oh, Alpha, I am sorry big fella, you don’t have much of a choice or say in this… But I promise, Iwill return them in one piece.” Astaroth’s announcement sent a shiver down my spine, but not out offear. No, it was the anticipation of being reunited with my mate,


Chapter 137: The Problem!

my queen, that coursed through me like wildfire. Whatever Astaroth wanted from us, I was morethan willing to pay it if it ensured my mate and pup’s safety, fuck the consequences.

“It could be a trap!” Havoc whimpered, announcing his presence as Astaroth approached us. Hiseyes glowed with the red of his demonic powers, yet I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement.With a nod, he opened a portal, its swirling vortex reminiscent of the one he had used to kidnapLottie.

“Could be, might be, most likely is! But let’s not pretend you won’t come with me, regardless of thethreat. “Astaroth laughed, and with a wave of his hand, he unfroze Kane and me, giving us a choice:“Go through the portal willingly or be forced. Either way the outcome will be the same.”

“The pack… unfreeze my family and I will come, but I am not leaving them defenseless.” Kanehesitated, voicing his concerns about leaving the pack unprotected. Which is why he was the betterleader, he considered everyone’s safety… Me, I would let them burn if it meant keeping her safe!

Astaroth laughed, his voice dripping with amusement. “Oh, don’t worry, Kane. I’m taking the biggestthreat with me,” he said, nodding in my direction. I felt a surge of pride at his words,

knowing that Astaroth saw me as a formidable force to be

reckoned with, something he clearly regretted sharing given the look of unease he wore on hisface.



Chapter 137: The Problem!

“Let’s do this!” I barked, already on my feet and walking towards the glowing portal, I looked back atKane and our father. With a smile and a nod at my father, I said, “Keep strong, Pop’s.”

Turning to my mother, who had a silent tear running down her cheek, I winked at her. “No tearsMa… Remember how I always said I would go to the ends of the earth to protect my family, just likePop’s did for us!” I added, my voice filled with determination. “I

meant it!”

Without waiting for a response, I stepped through the portal, leaving behind everything I knew forthe chance to be reunited with the love of my life. Whatever lay on the other side, I was ready toface it head-on, fueled by the unwavering love I held for Lottie.


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