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Chapter 118

Chapter 118: We See That!


Knox POV

“Tell Knox to bring me a shirt; this fucker bled all over mine.” I heard a familiar voice snarl; thesound of skin slapping skin echoed down the phone.

“You hear that?” Adam asked, a frown slowly spreading over Kane’s face, his hand slapping mychest and nodding to the phone as if I hadn’t just heard the

blonde bastard’s voice.

“Chase?” I asked, tightness returning to my voice. Lottie watched me closely, no doubt picking upon the way Kane and I physically tensed.

“Of course, who else! Hasn’t she told you what’s happening?”

“SHE has a name!” Lottie yapped down the phone, Kane’s hands wrapping around her stomachand holding her to him, his eyes flaring to mine in confusion and fear, but the jealousy at thefamiliarity between her and the Alpha’s clear in his eyes and no doubt mine too.

“Sorry Luna” Chase apologised.

“Lottie is not fucking luna, she is nothing!” I heard spill from her father’s lips as Lottie pursued hersbefore looking up at Kane with a shrug. My fists clenched and released at my sides as anger torethrough my body.

“That cunt has a fucking death wish!” I snarled to Kane through mindlink, but

Lottie cut me off.

“He isn’t wrong. Your mother is still!” She winked, wanting to defuse the tension we all felt growingin the room, but the hard–set line of Kane’s lips told her that he didn’t find the insult aimed at ourmate half as amusing as she did.

“What have I told you about keeping her name out of your fucking mouth.” I heard Adam seeth themuffled noise on the phone, followed by the sharp intake of


11:35 Wed, 20 Mar S

Chapter 118: We See That!


breath and an agonising scream, settling the beast threatening to explode inside

me a little, but not enough. I wanted to get my hands on that piece of shit!

“We are on our way,” I growled, ending the call, my eyes shining with the vibrancy of Havoc.

“Wanna fill us in angel?” I asked, handing her back the phone, but Kane’s hands. released our matequickly to snatch the phone from me.

“I took her phone for a reason; I didn’t want her to have one!” He snarled angrily like the controlfreak he was.

“Could you be any more of a possessive alpha male, asshole?” Lottie growled as she pushed pastus. Playful anger rippled off her as she yanked my dresser open and began pulling t–shirts out.

“Yes.” Kane snapped. “I could keep you tied to the bed 24/7, your pussy filled with our cum, andonly allowed up to eat, shower and pee.” He added with a wink. A smile tugged at the corner of mylips.

“Now, I like the idea of that a lot!” I remarked with a nod, pulling the shirt from

her hands.

“Wow, eat, shower and pee… damn, how lucky am I!” She mocked as I nodded. for her to hold herhands up for me to slide the tee over her. She did as I instructed, a pout teasing at her lips.Stepping into her, my eyes danced with hers as she stepped back against the open drawer. Myhand slid behind her into the drawer, my lips hovering close to hers, a smirk on them.

“You will need these if you wish to leave this room!” I grinned, pulling out a pair novelbin

of sweatpants.

“The tee is long enough to be a dress; it’s fine.” She replied stubbornly. She wasn’t wrong; it camejust above her knees. But if she thought I wanted her out wearing a dress that short, she wasinsane! Let alone one without any panties on!

“Sweats or tied to the bed, your choice.” I winked. “I know which I would



20 Mar

Chapter 118: We See That!


“Dickhead!” She barked, yanking them from my hand to dress. I refused to move, not even an inch,forcing her to flash me that pretty pussy I am addicted to as she dressed dramatically, shoving herlegs in the pants. “Happy now. I look like a homeless slob!” She groaned, her eyes narrowing onme.

“Prettiest homeless slob I have ever seen!” I admitted pecking her lips gently, feeling the irritationspill off my brother in waves.

“Today.. Charlotte!” Kane growled, his eyes watching her with just as much amusement as minedespite the mood ripping through him. With a sigh, Lottie nodded, moving to step away from me, butmy arms enveloped her, pulling her against my chest so she could see and talk to Kane, but I hadher in my arms, where

I liked her.

“When Sebastian was hurt,” She started to say, looking over her shoulder at me to roll those prettyblue eyes as my hands slid under her top to cup her boobs. “I went looking for Mike and my father,hoping to find out what was in the shit they gave everyone or if they had an antidote because yourfather died, Knox, you were losing your damn mind, and everyone thought you were dead Kane,they still do! And then… Sebastian, he was at death’s door, and if he died too.. the pack neededhelp before there was..”

“Retaliation.” Kane nodded, following her train of thought.

“I couldn’t risk Bash dying, so when I found Mike, he was with my dad, plotting. They insulted me,and Alpha Chase stepped in; he knocked my father to the floor. Liam pulled me away, and Adam,well, he is scary as hell and has a real issue with my father disrespecting me.”

“We see that,” I replied, squeezing her nipples to get her to continue.

“They restrained my father, and I tried to get them to tell me what I needed to know while theysecured the pack, but Mike wouldn’t tell me shit, so they offered to extract the information.” Sheshrugged, chewing her lip as she ran everything. through her head. “Then l/met Selene, and youknow the rest! That’s everything.” She nodded, her hands slapping mine off her rock–hard peeks.My eyes travelled up to meet Kane, and I smirked, seeing him shift to hide his hard–on.




Chapter 118: We See That!

“Oh, they know about Mike’s trick with the drinks; they are pissed! At him.. not us!” She nodded,Kane’s hand running down his face

“So, that is how you got everything under control?” I asked, my eyes tight on Kane, watching for hisreaction.

“Yes.” She smiled, hoping we were proud of her.

“Why?” Kane asked. “Why did they help you?”


“Honestly, I don’t know. And I wasn’t exactly going to turn it down. As far as they were aware, oneof my mates had lost the plot and murdered the damn guests. The other was dead. I suspect theytook pity on me.” She shrugged, my eyes settling on my brother again with a heavy sigh.

“They don’t take pity on anyone, Charlotte. The Sparrow brothers fear no one. Respect no one. Doas they like.” Kane instructed, and I nodded; we had spent some time together on our travels, andwe got on with them mostly, but one thing I did know was that Adam and Liam were not to beunderestimated, and Chase was to be given a wide berth at all times. The fucker scared even me.

“We best not keep them waiting.” I nodded to Kane. “What are we gonna do about you, brother..they think you’re dead; might be a card worth keeping close to our chests.” I shrugged, but I couldalready tell by the way his jaw set in a firm line that that shit was not happening.

“You think I am going to let either of you in a room with those men! I would rather trust you with themoon goddess.” He snapped as he shoved his feet in his

shoes and threw a hoodie at Lottie.

“I can see how hard your nipples are through that t–shirt, and so help me, I will go to war over thosetits; cover–up!” Her lips curled as he opened the door, his eyes looking back to meet hers, and Iknew what she was going to do before she did it- lifting her top to flash Kane her chest before lettingit go and pulling the hoodie over

her head.

“Yes, sir!” She winked, walking out the door all sass and pain in the ass!

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