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Chapter 11

Chapter 11 1-0 Lottie POV “Is this f ucker for real!” I snapped at Sage, who was ignoring me to make sappy eyes at Kane. “Goddess, give me strength!” I grumbled, looking at Kane with perplexity.“You know I am not twelve anymore, right?” I sighed at Kane with exasperation, holding my handout. “Can I have my phone back, please!” “No!” He grumbled, his face tightening uncomfortably. “Come stand with your family, let people seeyou, Charlotte, instead of hiding back here.” “I wasn’t hiding!” I barked, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. “Texting your “boyfriend’ then!” He sarcastically muttered. I narrowed my eyes at him, overcomewith an unfamiliar emotion I didn’t want to acknowledge. “Kane!” I started to say, stepping into him and ignoring the hand that he held out to me. “Let me, andyou get something straight right now.” The way his eyes blackened and the air around us becamethin told me I was playing a dangerous game with this alpha male.“The days where you and Knox boss me around, control my life and bully me.. are over! I am agrown-as s female and will do what I like! And.. WHO I like!” I snapped, storming past him andtowards Lilly, who was smiling at me giddily. Taking her arm, I leaned into her side for comfort. “Your brothers are the worst!” I grumbled and nodded to the waiter, who offered me another glass ofbubbly. Taking the champagne flute, I lifted it to my l*ps, only to have it sna tched abruptly from my hand.Kane’s scent invaded my senses, making me feel drunker than any sip of that champagne would.Turning, I looked at my best friend’s brother O 1/4 Chapter 11 1-0 and pain in my as s, trying to ignore the flutters I felt forming in my stomach, and instead, I forcedmyself to look at him like he had grown a second head. novelbin

“You are actually starting to pi ss me off!” I snarled, “You have a filthy mouth!” He growled, making me laugh as I leaned into Him to take the glass back. “Your brother said the same thing last night! Except he made it sound se xy! Not creepy!” I grinned,knowing I would hit a nerve. Reaching for the glass, I sighed because he was quicker than me. Iwatched him with a pout as he moved it away only to hand it back to a waiter; Kane glared at theyoung kid with ferociousness. “She!” Pointing at me. “Is cut off!” He snapped before flicking his eyes to dismiss him. “You’re an absolute as shole!” I growled, turning my attention to Lilly, who was watching us with amixture of amusement and puzzlement. No matter how scared of her brothers she was, she wasstill my best friend and would always side with me. “Here!” She grinned, handing me her flute, taking it in a smooth motion. “Thank’s Lill’s!” I brought it to my l*ps and downed the lot before handing the empty glass to Kanewith a smirk. “1-0”, I smirked before returning to Lilly and her new husband. “It was a beautiful ceremony, Lilly! Really! I am so happy for you!” I gushed as her knowing eyeswatched me. “Give her your drink, babe!” She announced to her newly mated wolf, who paled dramatically,looking behind me. I didn’t need to turn to know Kane was there, watching me. “Oh, for goddesssake!” Lilly laughed, taking his champagne and handing it to me. “Sip it, Lottie!” She laughed, making me smirk mischievously. O 214 19%5 Chapter 11 1-0 “Don’t you start telling me what to do too!” “Hey, what can I say? It runs in the family char!” She laughed, narrowing those beautiful eyes on meto watch me sip the drink she offered. Lifting the glass to my l*ps, I choked, feeling the presence of

a male behind me, his rock-hard b*dy pressing against mine; through my thin dress, I could feelevery defined line ahd… bulge. “Keep going, and I swear I will have no issue dragging you from this hall and taking you over myknee!” He whispered into my ear. “DO IT!” Sage roared in my head excitedly. My pu ssy throbbed desperately at the thought of himbending me over his knee. With flushed cheeks, I turned my head over my shoulder, purposelylowering my eyes to where his cro tch was pressing against my as s . “Wanna step back there, little fella!” His l*ps pulled into a lopsided smirk that had me more than alittle nervous. “F uck was that a mistake?” I asked Sage, who purred like a kitten. “No!” She whined needily. “F uck it was!” I whined with her, lifting the glass to my l*ps to try and wet my suddenly dry mouth. “Drink that, I dare you!” Kane grinned coc kily. I wanted to punch him in his smug face, no, I wantedto throw the da mn drink in his face, and the only reason I didn’t was because it was Lilly’s big day!And I was determined not to cause a scene. But if Kane wanted to. That was on him! Lifting the glass to my l*ps, I shot the drink back, keeping my eyes locked on Kane’s with anunspoken challenge. Shoving the empty glass in his chest again, I turned on my heels and steppedinto Lilly’s side, pecking her on the cheek. “I have a headaché, princess! I will be back.” I whispered to her, tilting my head O 2/4 14:51 Tue, 12 Mar Chapter 111-0 to her brother, who was already quick on my heels. “I need space!” I mouthed, her eyes brightening with an idea. “Kane, let’s go

go introduce you to people and see if we can find your mate! Pop’s wants you married next!” Sheannounced with a wink to me. It felt like someone had su cker-punched me right in the chest, hearing her words! Married? Just Kane? Or Knox, too! S hit, I had so many questions I needed answering, but the most important thing swimming aroundmy head: “Why did I give a f uck if they got married or not!” 4/4

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