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Chapter 104

Chapter 104: The Ledge!

Lottie POV

I found myself utterly dumbfounded, unable to speak or move. I felt like my brain was still playingcatch–up with my eyes and ears. This just couldn’t be happening; how had Knox, the cheekychappy who loved life and everything in it, even be contemplating this? Especially when he haddone nothing wrong! Why

didn’t he see that?

I watched Knox glance behind him into the darkness and followed his line of sight while Kane edgedcloser to Knox in what I knew was a crazy bid to get that dagger off him, a blade I knew was puresilver from the way it glistened in the light. I held my hand out to Kane to get him to halt becauseKnox seemed manic, and I did. not want him using the blade in frustration without meaning to andthings being unsalvageable.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched a shadow in the darkness move, a glimmer of red flashing,the shade I had seen already tonight. Twice! Once in Havoc’s eyes and once in… Astaroth!


“Did you see that?” I asked Sage, who was already focused on the firey red

“Yes!” She whispered, and I felt my heart twist because that meant he had. gotten his claws into mymate, but also, it meant Knox wasn’t really feeling this way, at least not truly and if I could just parthim from the source of his misery, maybe I would be able to get through to him.

“Ok.” I finally announced, stepping closer to Knox, my hand sliding over Kane’s arm to get him tocalm down.

“Knox, if I come up to you, will you hurt me with that thing!” I asked, nodding towards the dagger. Iwatched him look at it and then back at me, his eyes popping, enraged that I would ever think hewould harm me. And I didn’t, not even for a second. But I had to play my role, and I had to play Itconvincingly.



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Chapter 104: The Ledge!

“Of course not, angel! I love you!” He whined, his eyes shining with the first pangs of resentmentfrom my comment. I smiled and nodded, Feeling Kane tense beside me. I wanted to reach out tohim through the mind link and tell him my plan, but I couldn’t risk the fucking Demon not listening inand throwing a spanner in my


ou see…

“But you loved your Dad, Knox. And you claim that you killed him, so you Stud, I can’t believe you!And I can not take the risk! So, if you mean what you say and want to be a fucking moron and endyour life… FINE. But you are NOT saying goodbye to me until you have put that fucking thing down!Do you hear me!” I demanded with a seriousness I meant because I wanted him to put that thingdown

before he hurt himself!

ic eves r

“Angel.” He wailed as he narrowed me stubbornly, just as Kane spun to glare at me angrily, painripping him apart; I just hoped he would forgive me when I saved his colossal nightmare of a twin!AGAIN!

“Are you fucking insane? YOU are going to let him do this?” He roared like I two had lost my mind. Icould sense that Kane was ready to explode and take matters into his own hands, just like I knewKnox hated that I even thought he would hurt me, but it wasn’t enough; he was still clutching thatfucking weapon like it was a lifeline- ironically!

“What, Kane? You hear him, right?” I growled, spinning to eye my mate with determination. “He hasmade his mind up. He is going to throw away our bond and love like it never meant anything!” Kanemade a move to grab me and calm me down, but I slapped his hand away angrily. “No Fuck him“, Ihissed, and I saw Knox falter, his resolve wavering.

“So are you serious about this Stud! You wanna say goodbye to me?” I screamed, stepping awayfrom both the boys I loved more than life itself and back to the exit I had just walked through withKane.

“Wait!” Knox roared his hand in the air, tightly gripping the dagger. Turning to look at him, I shookmy head in disgust.

“Do you have ANY idea what I have done for you tonight? To prove you are Innocent! And thisis how you thank mel” I snapped, waving him off, hating how


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Chapter 104 The Ledge!

cruel I was being.


“NO! You wanna do this, then do it, Knox,” I screamed, calling his bluff because, in his grief, he hadforgotten I could sense him through the bond and I knew he

didn’t want to!

“I mean it; drop the dagger, Knox, or I walk out of this room, and you can do what you want, but youwill be doing it WITHOUT saying goodbye to me! And I will NEVER forgive you!” I roared, my toneso severe I knew he had brought what I was buying because even Kane was pleading with me withhis eyes to stop.

“We are meant to be pulling him off the fucking ledge Charlotte not pushing him off it!” Kane hissedthrough mindlink, and I shook my head, my eyes glued to Knox

“No! He has made his choice, Ace!” I snapped aloud for Knox to hear; turning on my heels, Iheaded to the door only to pause, hearing a clunk as something hit the floor and slid towards me;looking at the floor at my feet, I saw the dagger and finally let myself breathe.

“If you can hear me, Demon, know I will find you, and when I do, I am going to let my mates use thisthing on you until you are screaming for death. Do you hear me?” I declared internally, knowing hewould hear me like he had before.

“I look forward to it, princess!” He replied just as coldly as he did earlier. “But until then, good luckwith lover boy… I hope you have a padded cell hidden away in this packhouse because lord knowshe will need it… Unless you are willing to make a deal with me, of course?”

“Go. To. Hell.” I hissed as I bent down to pick the blade up, only to see it had novelbin

vanished without me knowing.

“Sorry, Luna, I can’t take the risk.” He laughed before whatever link he had used. to enter my mindsnapped.,

Turning, no longer caring for the Demon, my eyes travelled over Knox, who was looking at me withtear–filled eyes, the threat of me never forgiving him enough to get him to relent. His arms loweredin defeat. Quickly, I glanced at Kane, who looked. at me with a mixture of love, confusion andabsolute pride.


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Chapter 104: The Ledge!


“Next time you wanna call his bluff, wanna tell me about it first.” Kane snapped as I rushed past himand threw my arms around Knox’s neck, feeling Kane behind. me instantly, wedging me betweenthe two males I loved irrevocably!

“You ever pull a stunt like that again, Knox and I swear I will kill you myself!” Kane seethed, his griptightening around Knox’s shoulders, squeezing us tighter together.

“But, you don’t understand. I did it… I killed Pa. I know I did; I saw it!” Knox blurted out, broken andbeaten, and my heart sank, knowing we still had a battle ahead of us to convince him he wasinnocent. But he would be alive to fight that battle, and we would be at his side.



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