The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1723
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Chapter 1723

1723 The Echoing Tower. IISometime later, inside Felix's new room..."Care to explain?" Felix asked with a hint of displeasure in his voice.

He didn't like having Apollo make decisions without counseling him first. Especially, when those decisions were related to a lifeand death situations.

"You should be thanking me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help you get rid of the celestial chains much faster," Apolloreplied lazily while lying on his side and eating grapes, piece by piece.

"| will thank you if you explain the situation." Felix's eyelids twitched.

"| guess it's only right you learn about what awaits you.”

"You think?"

"Don't patronize me now."

Apollo gave him a bombastic side eye before fixing his posture. The moment he sat straight, his expression turned serious."The Echoing Tower, Ah, it's a place in the quantum realm beyond ordinary, which defies the very fabric of reality as we know it."Felix shifted closer in intrigue. "How so?"

"It's called a tower, but in reality, it's being referred to as such merely due to its cylinder-tall-like appearence." Apollo shared, "It isbelieved to be built around the heart of the first quantum creature to ever exist. When it died, that extraordinary heart remainedbeating for eternity."

“What about the Stone of Reality? Is it the heart you mentioned? Why is there a tower around it?" Felix raised an eyebrow, hisconfusion growing more.

"Yep," Apollo nodded. "The heart has been called the Stone of Reality due to its powerful presence capable of altering the realityaround it after each heartbeat. Laws, rules, and even the principles of the universe began to crumble in its vicinity... The quantumrealm itself starts to morph, creating illogical changes and lawless alterations."

"My idiotic counterpart even believes that the universe's authority is subjected to alteration."

"Doesn't that mean if | managed to get close to this stone of reality, there is a possibility of getting rid of the celestial chains onceand for all without serving the punishment period? That sounds too unrealistic to be true..." Felix commented with a deep frown.

If there was one thing Felix was certain about, it would be the universe's rules and laws being constant across its entireexistence.

Even in the quantum realm, where most of the universe's laws didn't exist, there was a sense of order and logical reasoning thatmaintained it.

But, to have an object capable of breaking the universe's rules to this degree? It was hard to believe as not even the three rulerscould pull it off.

“Of course, this is all a mere theory and nothing has been tested." Apollo shrugged, “After all, no one had yet to get even pastthe tenth floor, don't even mention reaching the ground floor."

"| see." Felix nodded and fired a bunch of questions, "What about the tower, floors, and such? How can there be one hundredfloors? What's making the tower too dangerous to explore?"

"It's not certain, but it is believed that to prevent these alterations from spreading further, the quantum realm itself beganconstructing the tower, layer by layer, floor by floor, encapsulating the stone and its chaotic influence. What started as a singlefloor has now grown to over a hundred over the past eons."

Apollo continued with a solemn tone after taking a breath.

"As for the dangers? Each floor has become a separate dimension with its reality, rules, and laws. Some were peaceful andsome would make even unigins fear for their lives since they might land in a dimension with their entire law erased. As theembodiment of said law, their existence would be deleted too the instant they step foot inside the dimension."

"The f*ck? Is he being for real?" Thor exclaimed in shock and dread."He doesn't seem to be joking." Lady Sphinx narrowed her eyes.

The rest of the tenants all felt their hearts skip a beat in fear at the notion of being deleted at the first step...If even uniginscouldn't escape from said fate, how could anyone dare to mess with this tower?

Of course, the unigin cores would be reborn again in the eternal kingdom from the universal's heart, but still, for an object to havesuch an insane authority over the universe's laws was too hard to ignore.

“And you think | should enter this tower in my condition? Do | look like | am courting death?" Felix asked with a speechless look.

After becoming a unigin, there weren't many things that scared him. But this? He had heard enough about this tower tounderstand that it was bad news.

Anything that stripped unigins of their authority must not be treated lightly as it was the same as dealing with the universe itself!

"Don't worry, we won't leave the first upper floors." Apollo assured him, "All we desire from the tower is the accelerated timedifference and we are bound to land on a floor with said quality in the upper floors due to its commonality."

Felix pondered the idea, the weight of the decision evident in his gaze. "I know my sh*tty luck, nothing ever goes my way in suchsituations..."

Apollo grinned, the excitement undeniable in his expression. "But think of the adventure, Felix. The Echoing Tower isn't just aplace; it's a challenge, a puzzle to be unraveled. And who knows, we might just find something that could help you save Asna."

“After all, the tower alters reality to illogical degrees and it might give birth to something that shouldn't be possible to exist in ouruniverse.”

As Felix absorbed Apollo's words, he couldn't deny the attraction of such an opportunity.

While The Echoing Tower was filled with unknown dangers, it was also packed with unknown rewards, and if it wasn't for such,the quantum realm's nations would have long stopped sending their troops in it.novelbin

The stone of reality was nothing but the final and ultimate treasure, but in reality, everyone knew it was nearly impossible toobtain it and they were comfortable enough to get some other goodies if they got lucky.

‘The heart of the first ancient quantum being...How true is this statement? How come its heart is capable of overruling theuniverse's ultimate authority? Does it belong to the first entity to be born in the universe? Is it the heart of the universe? But, itcan't be, since the universe's heart already exists in the eternal kingdom.’

Felix was left deep in his thoughts.

He understood that somethingwasn't adding up. Either the stone ofreality wasn't the egrtof aoféatleard it righ? be S mere anomaly inthe fabric of the cosmos, or therewas more to the grand picture thanhe had predicted. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"| wonder, how come the three rulers have never made a move to collect this stone?" Felix inquired.

"Are you kidding me? They have leftno stone unturned.” Apollo shook hishead, "They sent Aseey af Apes} |

is, Uragus, ane en Lilith to collectit billions of years ago to no avail.This happened before Lilith gotbanished and while the tower measlyhad ten floors." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

When they heard this, Felix and the tenants sucked a deep cold breath in shock.

"Such a stacked-up squad failed to collect it? Are you being for real?"

No one anticipated him as the implication was simply too mindblowing!

Those four were the strongest unigins to exist in the universe without mentioning Lord Hades and Kronos.For them to return empty-handed changed their whole perspective on the tower's true danger!!

"You know nothing, some of themhardly managed to leave out of therealive." Apollo rajsechar( eyebrow, "lamshotked ith hasn't told you aboutthis, given that she was the closestone to touch the stone." The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

When Felix and the rest heard this, they all turned to stare at Lilith who was sunbathing lazily near the pool with an icy drink inher hand.

The image of Lilith being a badass was really too difficult for them to imagine when she spent most of her time lazing around akinto a house cat.

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