The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1707
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Chapter 1707

1707 Awakening The God of War.

Near the edges of the universe, in a somewhat sparsely populated galaxy, a pink planet orbited a red dwarf star at a distancealmost similar to that of Earth and the sun.

In the serene embrace of a vast pink-hued corn farm, under the gentle canopy of an ancient tree, an old man found solace in amidday slumber.

Dressed modestly with a wide-brimmed farmer's hat shading his lined face, a single stem of wheat rested idly between his lips,moving ever so slightly with his tranquil breaths...novelbin

The soft melody of birds chirping high above in the branches provided a sweet lullaby, enhancing the peace of this pastoralscene.

Suddenly, the harmony of nature witnessed an uninvited guest; a small green double-headed snake slithered its way down therough bark of the tree, drawn to the resting figure below.

With silent, calculated movements, it approached the old man, its forked tongue tasting the air, its eyes fixed on its target.

Yet, as it prepared to strike, closing the distance between its fangs and the man's exposed skin, an unseen force halted itsadvance.

The snake, perplexed, tried repeatedly to breach the invisible barrier that enveloped the old man, but to no avail.

Each attempt to bite was met with an inexplicable repulsion as if a shield of air kept the serpent at bay, pushing it away the moreit got closer to his skin.

Suddenly, the scene was momentarily disturbed as an invisible wave of communication pierced through the serene atmosphere,targeting the seemingly peaceful old man napping under the tree.

Stirring from his slumber, the old man lifted his head, revealing his time-worn face marked by the passage of countless years.

The double-headed snake froze for a second and then dropped to the ground, its body aging rapidly at a noticeable speed untilthere was nothing left of it besides four cracked fangs...

The aged man's voice, slow and mild, broke the silence.

"Do | need to remind you not to disturb my peace, first ruler?" Ares's words were tinged with annoyance, yet carried a wearypatience.

From the ether, the first ruler's voice emerged, a telepathic whisper that seemed to resonate with a sense of urgency. "Yourtranquility aside, we require your expertise, Ares."

Ares's brow furrowed in confusion, a rare expression for someone who had seen as much as he had."You have stumbled upon a hurdle that can't be handled by Eris, Uranus, or the rest?" He inquired."It's easier if | showed you."

The first ruler spent some of his celestial energy to send a spiritual capsule that showcased the recent events that had shakenthe foundations of their realm.

"Interesting..."As Ares watched, his expression shifted from mild irritation to a focused intensity.

The story of Felix, the new paragon, and his resistance against the rulers unfolded like a tapestry of war and strategy, a narrativethat piqued Ares's interest despite his initial reluctance.

When he finished watching the whole narration, he couldn't help but break off in a raspy harch laugh.

"| have never imagined a day will come when a child of a mortal birth will put the three rulers and the entire kingdom in such abind...How impressive, how impressive."

The first ruler remained silent, unbothered by his mockery...He waited patiently until Ares was done laughing and then he statedcalmly, "| believe Eris, Uranus, and Demeter will be enough to bring him back, but it will be guaranteed with your assistance."

"| don't know about this." Ares rubbed his small white goatee thoughtfully, "On one hand, it sounds too bothersome and energy-draining, but on the other, | am quite intrigued to meet this child. Though, he is currently weakened, so, the meeting might not bethat worth it.”

In Ares’ terminology, a meeting was considered a battle showdown. Otherwise, he never bothered to show himself and wouldrather keep himself isolated in peace.

“Whether you join us or not, you have been slumbering for far too long. We are close to our second attempt at breaching theuniverse's heart and | believe it's about time you partake in our mission." The first ruler added, "Otherwise, don't blame us formissing it."

"Is that so..."He might not have said it directly, but Ares picked up on the buried threat behind his last statement.

The threat was that Ares should not dream of even peeking at the other side if they were to succeed and he didn't contributeanything for it.

While the first ruler always came up as calm, stoic, and sometimes even as a pushover since he rarely showed emotions, inreality, he was simply holding it in...Holding it for the day he achieved his freedom.

When the time comes and the universe's heart breaks apart, he would no longer take anyone's bullshit, whether it was Eris,Uranus, or Ares.

As he would not need to respect their decisions and desires for the sake of maintaining the status quo and keeping his celestialenergy intact.

If it wasn't for knowing that unigins' cores consumed a significant amount of celestial energy when birthed again by the universe,he would have already slaughtered them all alone.

Felix had demonstrated fully well that the three rulers were more than capable of doing this."What can | say? Stretching for a while doesn't hurt."

Not planning to miss that eventful day,Ares began to rise, his movements slow and shaky, reminiscent of an aged leaf quiveringon the brink of being carried away by the wind.

Initially, his form seemed frail, as if the mere act of standing was a combat against time itself. Yet, as he continued to ascend, anextraordinary transformation unfolded.

With each passing second, the years seemed to reverse around him. His posture straightened, the wrinkles smoothing out as ifthey were being erased by an invisible hand.

The gray strands of his hair reclaimed their dark hue, flowing back like the mane of a warhorse ready for battle.

His skin, once marked by the passage of countless seasons, now radiated with vitality, tightening around his manly muscularframe.

The transformation was swift yet profound, leaving behind a figure that embodied the prime of life, a mature middle-aged malewhose presence alone commanded attention.

But it was his eyes that marked the most dramatic shift.

Gone was the weariness of age, replaced by a piercing hunter's gaze that seemed to cut through the very fabric of reality...Hisaura, once subdued, now roared to life, a testament to his true nature as a warrior destined for combat.

Ares, fully transformed, stood tall and formidable...The aura of frailty had vanished, leaving behind the undeniable presence of agod of war, reborn and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"So, do you want him alive or dead?"

Ares asked indifferently as he cracked his neck, his voice seemed laced with a touch of death as the entire corm plantation agedrapidly until it became a sea of golden crops.

“Alive if possible." The first ruler shared, "He possesses four unigin cores along with Asna's core. Securing them all for our usecould propel us to the brink of liberation."

"| will see what | can do,"“Are you planning to head down now?"

The first ruler asked with a tint of surprise after noticing that Ares had seated back in a mediation position. He expected him toreturn to the eternal kingdom so he could join the party.

"| would rather move solo." Ares replied calmly, "With all due respect to the beautiful Eris, | have no interest in carrying extra


For someone to consider thegoddess of order and disor: enagehindrange,goyld eau Gets questioniffthey rnisunderstood or if thespeaker was overly presumptuous.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Yet, the first ruler didn't see him as such at all."| don't care how you achieve it as long as you return with the desired results."“Fine by me."

With that as a last remark, Ares commenced another extraordinary transformation. His towering form began to diminish,becoming smaller every nanosecond!

To the observer, had there been one, it would appear as if Ares was dissolving into the ether, his figure blurring into thebackground of reality itself.

But this was no simple vanishing act; Ares was navigating through layers of existence far beyond the grasp of conventionalunderstanding!

Past the realm of atoms, beyond the subatomic, he delved deeper than the quarks and leptons that danced within the heart ofmatter.

As he shrank, the familiar universe of galaxies, stars, and planets expanded into an unrecognizable vastness.

He passed through the gates of thequantum realm, where realityflickered and pro abilignruled inte adimenstehnwhere the vibrationalstrings, the very sinews of theuniverse, weaved the fabric ofexistence! The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Yet, he did not stop there...Ares ventured into a domain so profoundly minute, it lay beneath the level of these strings, into adomain untold and unseen.

Here, in this ultimate depth of reality, Ares existed beyond the constraints of physical laws, where the concepts of size, time, andspace unraveled.

It was a domain so fundamental, it was beyond the vibrations that constitute the universe's essence.

While everyone knew about the Quantum Realm, not many knew that it was split into three levels; The Ground Level, The StringLevel, and The Quantum Level.

Ares had entered the ground level, the bottom of the bottom...A place, so bizarre, so unique, not even unigins could survive in itwithout being extra cautious.

Here, the laws of physics were not just moot; they were unformed, fluid, a canvas of chaos awaiting the brush of consciousness.

This was a domain of purepotentiality, where thought coul 1reshape existenae aad the Fabric ofreality: Snalleable, responsive tothe will of those who dared venturethis deep. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

In this unfathomable depth, Ares found himself in an expansive colorful void, yet it teemed with an invisible, pulsating energy.It was as if he stood at the edge of creation, where the universe itself was a thought yet to be conceived...With a faint smile, Ares sat in a meditation position and closed his eyes.

“Home at last." He murmured in the endless void, "The Realm of Infinity and Finality.”

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