The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1698
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Chapter 1698

1698 The Last Dance. VI"Chaos Element: Spatial Hijack."

With an expressionless gaze, Amun-Ra tapped his Was Scepter on the ground once and the void portal was instantlytransformed into a circular wooden door.

Due to his momentum, Felix was unable to stop or switch his paths, forcing him to go through the wooden portal!As Felix emerged from the other side of the wooden portal, he found himself directly behind Amun-Ra!!


The ruler, embodying the omniscience of a deity, did not need to look back to sense Felix's presence.

With a movement that melded grace and terrifying power, Amun-Ra swung his Was scepter backward, its tip finding its mark inFelix's stomach!


The impact was immediate and devastating. Felix coughed out a torrent of blood, his eyes bulging in shock and pain as if thevery fabric of the universe had coalesced into that single, unforgiving strike!

In the next moment, Felix's body was catapulted into the air, a ragdoll caught in the tempest of divine retribution.


The shockwave from the scepter's impact didn't stop with Felix; it rippled outwards, inflicting further ruin upon the dream realm.The ground trembled, and the sky, already marred with cracks, seemed to splinter further as if the realm itself cried out in agony!

This was not merely a physical assault; it was a clear demonstration of the gap between their powers, a chasm so vast that noteven Felix's cunning and resourcefulness could bridge it!

Before the tenants could even recover from their shock,Amun-Ra, with the casual ease of a deity playing a cosmic game,commenced a relentless assault on Felix.

He conjured wooden portals with a flick of his wrist, a network of spatial gateways that ensnared Felix in an inescapable loop.

Like a marionette yanked by invisible strings, Felix found himself hurtling through these portals, each emergence punctuated bya devastating hit from Amun-Ra's scepter!

Bam! Bam! Ban...The impacts were brutal, each one landing with the force of a supernova condensed into a singular point!

With every hit, Felix's bones shattered, a symphony of destruction played on the canvas of his body, with each note echoing apower of 150 million BF minimum!

This spatial ping-pong, with Felix's battered form as the ball, was a grim display of Amun-Ra’'s control over the elements andforce.

"Dear lord, he is treating him akin to a ragdoll..." Lord Loki sucked a cold breath at the sight.“How can one battle back?!" Jérmungandr tightened his fists in dread and anger, "Monsters...those three are actual monsters!"

None of them was able to see the actual one-sided beatdown as Amun-Ra's movements were occurring in less thannanoseconds. However, they were able to spot glimpses of Felix's bloody silhouette flickering from here and there.novelbin

Meanwhile, the victim in this slaughter was left completely disoriented as each strike shook his being to the core!

He had fought for his entire life and he would not hesitate to rank those strikes as the most fearsome and painful he had evergone through!

Whoosh!! Bam! Whoosh! Ban...Each portal opened a new chapter of agony for Felix, a relentless cycle that saw him flung about with no respite.

"If we didn't need you alive, a mere hit would have been enough to shatter your proud body into fragments," Amun-Ra utteredcoldly as he delivered one last strike, smashing him into the ground beneath his feet.

Cough...Cough...As he was lying on a deep cracked crater akin to a beatdown starfish, Felix kept coughing out life like he had an infinite reservoir.

While Amun-Ra was gazing down at Felix emotionlessly, the other two rulers shared their senses and were able to watch thewhole one-

sided beatdown.‘Get rid of the dreamrealm now and use the Akh to seal his powers." The first ruler uttered calmly, ‘Don't mistakenly kill him.’‘| know what I am doing.’ Amun-Ra replied coldly.

With a gesture of supreme authority, he pointed his Was Scepter skyward, summoning the very essence of the cosmos into itsform.

The scepter pulsed with overwhelming power, a brilliant white light emanating from its tip, heralding the unleashing of a beamcomposed of the universe's elemental forces!

The moment the scepter's tip directed its focus towards the heavens of the dreamrealm, a potent, white elemental beam burstforth, a dazzling manifestation of the combined elements that constitute the universe!

This beam, pure and all-encompassing, struck the sky of the dreamrealm with the precision of a cosmic lance, its impactresonating through the fabric of this ephemeral world!


Instantly, the dreamrealm's sky, already marred by the tumult of their battle, reacted violently to the beam's touch.

Cracks, previously mere hairlines in the realm's structure, widened and multiplied with alarming rapidity, a spiderweb ofdestruction spreading across the once-unmarred expanse.

Each fissure released a cascade of ethereal light, the realm's essence bleeding out into the void!

Meanwhile, lying on his back, Felixgazed up at the shattering sky withahazy barely conscious tare, his bodya broke vesselfrbah ich lifesbelrle to ebb away with the poolinglife around him...His soul barrierreflected the condition of the skyabove as both of them were filledwith dangerous fissures. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Felix was not acting in the slightest as the beatdown he received might have seemed simple, but it was nothing of such.The same experience that Zeus and Poseidon went through against him was now happening to him.Asituation where absolute unbridgeable strength was able to obliterate all thoughts, plans, and actions.

The worst part? He knew that Amun-Ra could have gone even harder than this and killed his ass in the first second, which meanthis strength was at least double the unigins' peak!

‘| never imagined it would come tothis,’ Felix thought, a wry smiletouching his lips degpite the Agony.‘To thinktKat fiere mortal couldstand against the titans of thecosmos. Was it ambition, folly, ordestiny that led me here?’ Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

The pain was a constant reminder of his previous mortality, yet it also served as a testament to how far he had come.From a world bound by limitations to challenging the very beings who dictated the laws of the universe.

Each decision, each step taken on this journey was fueled by a desire not just for power, but for a purpose beyond the confinesof his origin...

‘Now, here | am,’ He mused, his mindwandering through the labyrinth ofchoices that brou Re teary tathd"confrontarian with Amun-Ra. ‘Acrossroads not of paths, but of fates.My next decision... will it be my endor a new beginning?’ The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The realization that he stood on the brink of life or death was not met with fear but with profound clarity.

‘This may be the end of my road, or perhaps, just another turn...Whatever comes next, | face it as | have always done, head-on,with the courage of my convictions and the strength of my resolve."

As the last remnants of his strength began to wane, Felix closed his eyes, not in surrender, but in acceptance of whatever fatehad in store.

‘Let the cosmos decide...’ He whispered to the universe one last time before snapping his gaze open, ‘Dreamrealm, | invoke TheGodhood Ritual!"

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