The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1678
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Chapter 1678

1678 Zeus Vs Poseidon. II"| have to give it to you." Poseidon said with his eyes narrowed dangerously, "You are quite bold to bring your core."

"| knew you'd do the same." Zeus anwsered as he caught his returning spear. "You need all the help you can get to defend yourterritory."

Now that those two were engaging in battle, it was much easier to recognize that both of them had their cores within them.

Usually, they used spiritual pressure to hide it, and the only way for unigins and others to discover its existence was through thestrength displayed.

"What about you guys?" Athena inquired as she gazed at her peers.

"| left it behind." Artemis confessed, "| am not interested in making myself a target."

“Artemis, you are too soft." Demeter scolded, "What kind of unigin are you if you're incapable of protecting your own core?""A smart one," Artemis murmured to herself as Felix's sinister smile surfaced in her mind.

Demeter could only shake her head and leave her be.

In her eyes, it was safest to keep her core on her person as she trusted her strength above all else.

Most of the unigins felt the same and brought their cores with them to the event.

As for Felix? They already placed many countermeasures against him.

Meanwhile, in the boundless void that served as their battleground, Zeus and Poseidon's every move resonated with the powerto reshape the cosmos!

Zeus, wielding the authority of the lightning, summoned a storm of cosmic proportions.

His hands crackled with the raw essence of lightning, each bolt he hurled infused with energy potent enough to obliteratecelestial bodies!

With a thunderous roar, he unleashed a tempest upon Poseidon, lightning bolts tearing through the fabric of the void, each one aspear aimed at the heart of his opponent!novelbin

“Lightning can never beat Water!"

Poseidon, undaunted by the fury of the storm, responded with the might of the ocean's depths!

He raised his trident high, calling forth a tidal wave of cosmic scale, its waters dark and unfathomable.

This was no ordinary wave, but a deluge capable of engulfing stars, a manifestation of Poseidon's dominion over all waters!

With a forceful thrust of his trident, he directed this cataclysmic surge towards Zeus, intent on quenching the lightning with theoverwhelming might of the sea!

While the attack failed to land on Zeus, the collision of their powers was a spectacle of destruction and beauty, lightning andwater clashing with a force that shook the foundations of the universe!

“Let's get close and personal."

Zeus waved his spear once and his entire being was engulfed in intense pitch-black electricity, turning his regal existence into hiswicked version.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared out of his place and when he reappeared, his lightning spear was already about to slicePoseidon's head offl!

Posiedon merely murmured, "The Chill."

Then, out of his skin, a chilling blue mist emerged, and when the spear went through it, it began to freeze all over until it coveredthe entire weapon.

The intense lightning spear became an ice sculpture with its blade a mere inch away from Poseidon's neck.With a nonchalant glance, Poseidon uttered, "Expand."

The chilling mist exploded all of a sudden and it covered more than a million kilometers in the blink of an eye, turning thebattlefield into a frozen graveyard, where water, lightning, and even time seemed to be affected!!!

"Tsk, slippery as always." Posiedon clicked his tongue in irritation after noticing that no one was holding the spear anymore.Zeus had ditched his weapon the instant he expanded his chilling breath and had placed a large distance from the affected area."Absolute Zero..."

Fenrir muttered as he eyed the blue chilling particles floating by.

He didn't know what to feel at the notion of his ultimate ability, which took him a hundred million years of nonstop hard work, toget used in such a nonchalant manner like it was any ability.

The worst part? Even when it was used point-blank, it still didn't land on Zeus!

Suddenly, the lightning spear began to heat up intensely until it was so hot, that it became a spear of blinding light, causing thefrozen ocean and even time around it to unfreeze!

Against absolute chill, absolute heat was needed, and as the god of thunder, heat was a byproduct of his laws!The instant the spear was freed, it spanned once and disappeared out of existence again.

Meanwhile, a couple million kilometers away, Zeus caught the spear with his outstretched hand.

"Since you don't want to fight up close, so be it." Zeus voiced coldly, "Quantum Storm!"

As he chanted the name of his technique, the very fabric of space began to tremble, resonating with the imminent unleashing ofchaos!

From the depths of the void, a swirling maelstrom of cosmic energy materialized...lts core was a blinding nexus of quantumlightning, each bolt a bridge between existence and oblivion!

The storm expanded, engulfing the battlefield in a spectacle of unfathomable power.

Lightning, existing in all states simultaneously, struck with relentless fury, tearing at the fabric of space and time, causing thefrozen ocean to get obliterated!

Rumble!! Rumble!!"Damn it.”

Poseidon faced the oncoming storm with a deep frown, his trident glowed with an ethereal light, ready to counter theelectromagnetic onslaught.

Yet, as the Quantum Storm fell upon him, its sheer unpredictability made it a foe unlike any other!

The battlefield, once a stark expanse of void, changed under the storm's influence.Reality altered unpredictably, making and annihilating matter in fleeting moments of creation and destruction!The very essence of the quantum storm was chaos, which Poseidon sought to uphold.

“How does this make any sense?" Thor remarked with a dumbfounded look, "How can lightning be utilized to tap into quantumphysics?! | thought that was an untouched domain!"

Thor had spent his entire lifetime exploring lightning element and its powers to the point he believed that he had masteredeverything there was to be mastered.

Even when Felix used electromagnetic particles in his potion-making, he didn't think too much of it since he had no interest insuch a field.

But this? This was different!

He was watching with his own eyeshow each bolt of quantum lightningthat hit near vcekeease ? mMpptentiancatalyst or creation orannihilation, forcing the sea god tonavigate a battlefield that wasconstantly unmaking itself! Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

It was utter chaos and its origin was none other than an unsuspecting common element!

"Marvelous...Genuinely marvelous..."Lady Sphinx commentated with anastounded tone, "T ésehniqué!\

st bairariipGlat g theelectromagnetic fields at thequantum level to generate a storm oflightning that exists in a state ofsuperposition." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

She took a deep breath and continued, "In simpler terms, this storm can strike in multiple locations simultaneously, itsunpredictable nature making it nearly impossible to defend against."

Under the stunned eyes of thetenants, Poseidon was going throughthe worst possible timejn His Tife\Asthose liQaraing bolts didn't justemerge from the battlefield, but alsofrom his own body, causing him toget hit internally by lightning! Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Annoying prick!"

When Poseidon realized that he was being farmed for points since each direct hit was considered a point, he didn't hesitate tobreak into mist particles and move to a safer area.

He understood that as long as the Quantum Storm remained, there wasn't much to be done against it unless Eris herselfintervened...As the ruler of order and chaos, this was her fort.

Meanwhile, Zeus, from his vantage point, observed as Poseidon left his storm's territory."Five points, not bad. | just have to maintain my lead for the next minutes and the win is mine."A flash of satisfaction crossed his features as he prepared to defend those points with his life.

“Guys, | must get those two cores...! need my water and lightning manipulation back." Suddenly, Felix voiced with a tint of greenlight in the depth of his eyes.

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