The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1626
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Chapter 1626

1626 The Parting Gifts. Ill (The End)

Amidst the ethereal expanse of the spirit realm, where wisps of consciousness drifted like stars in a vast, silent sea of the spiritrealm, Felix found himself face to face with the spirit of his grandfather.

He had no facial features and nothing resembling his grandfather. Yet, the sight struck a deep chord within him, causing a tumultof emotions surging forth.

He knew, no, he was certain that was his one and only grandfather...

His grandfather's spirit floated there, a solitary figure in the endless void, appearing lost and untethered.As Felix gazed upon him, a profound sense of sadness enveloped his heart.

Memories of laughter, wisdom, and warmth flooded back, a stark contrast to the forlorn figure before him.

Felix's eyes reddened a bit as he reached out, a silent apology forming on his lips for not being there, for all the moments lostand the time they could not reclaim...

The sight of his once strong and guiding grandfather, now a wandering echo in the spirit realm, filled him with a deep, achinglonging and distress that clawed at his very soul.

He wanted nothing more but to make a wish and save him from drowning in this endless sea, but his ice-cold calculative mindmade him drop such thought immediately.

He understood that the moment he went for it, he would fall off with Lord Hades and this would cause all of his plans to fallapart...

‘Just wait a little bit more...Grandpa...| promise you...! will return even if it's the last thing | do.’ Felix muttered under his breath, ‘Ipromise...’

With a single blink, Felix got rid of such emotions and carried on with his mission...He used the help of the universe to open aportal to the spirit realm.

When it was opened, he pushed Noah's spirit within it and then closed it shut immediately.

The instant Noah's spirit connection was severed from his body, Felix snapped his finger and deactivated his slothsymbol...Then, he observed Noah silently.

He understood that his symbol wouldn't retract Noah's spirit back to his body now that he was in the spirit realm.

As expected, afew moments later, Noah's eyes opened up to the desolation and infinite darkness of the spirit realm...The onlylight around him was of Grandfather's Robert and his spirit, shimmering akin to a candle in a pitch-black cave.

Felix and the tenants watched as Noah's usual composed and cold expression got washed in a visceral wave of fear anddistress.

The profound isolation and the eerie silence of this realm clawed at his mind, evoking a sense of existential dread that he hadnever known.

Panic began to set in as he realized his detachment from the physical world, the absence of familiar sights, sounds, and thewarmth of human connection.

His heart raced, and his spirit trembled in the face of this vast, unknown void.The enormity of his situation dawned on him at last...

‘| think you should pull him out.’ Elder Kraken sighed, ‘He is still a child, moved by his emotions, and this mission might consumehim alive."

Many other tenants agreed with his take, understanding that such a mission wasn't easy for even some primogenitors...It took adifferent kind of Will.

‘No, he will pull through.’ Fenrir said with a tone filled with undeniable conviction.

Just as the tenants were about to argue with him, Noah's expression turned cold again while eyeing the spirit realm with a tint ofdisdain.

Like he was challenging it to break him and stop him from reuniting with his little sister.

Without an ounce of hesitation, he caught Felix's grandfather with one hand and used the other to hold the compass in front ofhim.

Then, he burst through the realm with a godly speed in a single line, disappearing out of Felix's vision in the blink of an eye!

Felix wasn't surprised by his speed as he had already known that nothing could stop spirits from reaching the speed of light andmoving even through time in the spirit realm!

After all, there was nothing physical about them to hold their speed and they were traveling in a spiritual dimension.That's how the Charons traveled across the spirit realm in the first place.

The only reason other spirits couldn't do the same was because they had no consciousness in the first place to make them wantto do it...Meanwhile, those inside the heavenly plane were under the limitation of the plane's laws.

Still, this didn't mean that Noah's journey would be finished in a few seconds. It simply meant that he had a chance to succeed inachieving it.

"That's Noah for you." Felix smiled as he canceled his spiritual vision.He had a feeling that Noah would be the only one capable of achieving this mission before losing his sanity.After all, it was rare to find such a level of obsession with the protection of one's family.

"Speaking of obsession... guess it's time.’ Felix smiled wryly at what awaited him next.

Sometime later...

On the edge of a towering cliff, with the vast expanse of the world stretching out before them, Felix and Selphie sat side by side,their legs dangling into the abyss below.

The sky was painted with the brilliant hues of dusk, casting a soft, sad light over the scene.

Agentle breeze whispered around them, carrying with it the faint scent of the wildflowers that bloomed along the cliffside.Selphie had a sorrowful smile on her face...She was smart enough to understand what was going on in Felix's mind.

So, she tried to make it easier for him.

"Felix, you don't have to worry about me. | made up my choice a long time ago and | never regretted it for even a moment." Shesaid with a soft tone.

"..." Felix turned to Selphie, his eyes holding a depth of emotion that was rarely seen. "How can | not worry? You are one of myclosest and dearest friends...It pains me to know that you won't live your life to the fullest because of me..."

"Selphie," He continued, his voice low and sincere, "I've always known, felt, and deeply appreciated the genuine love you've heldfor me. Your kindness, your support, it's been a light in my darkest times."

Selphie turned to face him, her eyes searching his, a silent question lingering in their depths.

Felix carried on, the words flowing from a place of honesty and pain. "I'm truly sorry, Selphie. I'm sorry that | can't give you whatyou truly deserve...The love and companionship of someone who loves you as deeply and genuinely as you love them."

"You don't have to... You don't have to be sorry, | never wanted you to be sorry or love me back." Selphie held her dress tightly,tears threatening to flood down her cheeks, "I just wanted to be by your side...Nothing more, nothing else."

"But, that's unfair to you...Youdeserve someone who can sharetheir life with you, som one.wh@pangive you tnginwttolo'h rt. And while |hive'seven hearts, they all belong toAsna. They always have. | can't, and |won't fool you with false promises orhalf-hearted affection. It wouldn't befair to you." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Selphie listened, her expression a mix of sadness and understanding.

She had always known, somewhere deep down, that Felix's heart was taken forever, but hearing it, so plainly and earnestly,brought a sharp clarity to her feelings...

"Selphie, you are extraordinary, and you will find someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved. So, please, | begyou, let me free you..."

Felix turned back to her and placed a finger near her forehead...The tip was shimmering with pink light, a mark of using the lawsof lust.

Selphie neither moved away noryelled at him...She merely gave him a

sweet smile, a silent teardown eee

ete what that means, but |never uttered | was a prisoner. So, doas you see fit, | can't stop you but justknow this...! will always love you,now, and forever." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Felix's finger trembled near her forehead, having strong difficulty going on with his decision and Selphie's words weren't makingit any easier.

“As long as your race's quirk is in place, you will never have the option to let go since you don't understand such a concept in thefirst place."

"Then, get rid of it." Selphie uttered with a gentle tone, "I will prove to you, that my love has not been affected and will neverbe..."

Felix stared profoundly into her loving watery eyes, seeing a different kind of conviction than that of Noah's...His trembling fingerstopped and the color of his finger's tip got brighter.

Then, he touched her forehead, making her close her eyes in acceptance of whichever decision Felix had made.

"You are free to love whoever now,and if you still decide to continue

loving me, it's not enetarchahge

cripdchhave b Vee and doneenough." Felix caressed her cheek fora moment before pulling his handaway, "Goodbye, Selphie...May fatereunite us again." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

When Selphie opened her eyes, she found that Felix was nowhere to be seen, leaving behind floating particles carried away bythe ocean's breeze.

Selphie neither cried nor uttered her goodbyes as she gazed at the disappearing particles.

Her heart was broken, but not shattered as Felix had decided to respect her wishes and remove only the quirk aspect of herrace, not manipulate her emotions of him.

This implied that she finally had the decision to either genuinely continue to love him even after all of this or just give up andaccept the reality before her.

In either case, she would be responsible 100% for her decision and this was all Felix ever longed from her.

Selphie stood up and dusted her dress, then walked away, her back facing the serene ocean, having the opposite representationof her current emotional state...

As she was walking away, she gazed into the sky and uttered one last time with a tint of hopefulness in her eyes, "See you later,my love..."novelbin

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