The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1607
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Chapter 1607

1607 The Three Rulers’ Reaction.Her assumption wasn't far off from the truth as the three rulers had been spectating the entire battle from the start to its end...

Right now, the three celestial rulers sat on their respective platforms in the grand assembly hall of the cosmos, a place where thevery fabric of reality seemed to bow and weave at the will of its occupants.

None of them seemed to have the will to speak, leaving a heavy, profound stillness that seemed to resonate with the gravity ofthe moment.

The three rulers, beings of incomprehensible power and wisdom, sat motionless, their gazes fixed on a large, ethereal mirror thatfloated before them.

The mirror's surface rippled with images.

They witnessed the relentless assault, the transformation of Nimo's alter ego, the intervention of the Paragon of Sins, and thedramatic conclusion with the merging of the cores.

As the final scene played out, the mirror showed Felix, now transformed, his body radiating with the absorbed energy andmarked with the symbols of the sins.novelbin

The Paragon of Sins in Nimo's form gently picked up Felix's transformed form and began to descend into the depths of the voidrealm.

As she disappeared with Felix into the darkness, the mirror's surface gradually cleared, returning to its natural, reflective state.

The silence in the assembly hall lingered for a moment longer, a silent acknowledgment of the significance of what they had justwitnessed.

Then, one of the rulers finally broke the silence, his voice resonating with a mixture of anger and frustration."| knew she was up to no good, but | never thought her end goal was this...""Sigh, this just complicated our plans..."

"With Lilith's core devoured, and her main soul residing inside Asna's core, the universe will see it as there is no paragon of sinsin existence and will most definitely ascend the boy to the new position.”

The three rulers understood this subject more than anyone in existence.

No one figured out how the universe operated better than them, and in this exact scenario, they knew that Felix would becomethe new paragon of sins the instant he broke through to the origin realm.

Before, there might have been a chance of the ascension failing even with the core in hand and the foundation set.That's because Lilith's soul was still out there and she was the genuine paragon of sins.

The universe could not skip over her like that.

Lord Hades never told Felix about this, but the final step of their ascension plan was to defeat the paragon of sins Lilith!Obiviously, there was no way Felix could defeat her with his current setup.

However, if he managed to defeat Nimo and broke through the origin realm, he would possess strength similar to a falsenewborn unigin without a title.

The only way to become the real paragon of sins was by removing Lilith from the picture, which would allow the universe tobestow Felix with the title and the rest of the role's gifts and powers.

In a sense, the paragon Lilith had helped Felix avoid all of this and to straight out rise and become the paragon of sins, whichwas ten times better since the ascension would be natural!

But, the price was way too steep for such an opportunity...

“Based on what she did to the universe's heart, her goal is still the same...Freedom to the other side." The first ruler said with adeep tone as he gazed at the small white dot inside the celestial energy mist.

"She changed her method and decided to invest in the boy to make it to the other side." The second ruler nodded with a softtone, "Being inside Asna's core is the best way to see through this...We can't touch her, we can't banish her, and mostimportantly, she will soon break free from the universal shackles of her guardianship role."

"She went all out on this and has been preparing for a very long time for it. She has even shown us on many occasions herwishes to return to the upper celestial realm for almost a billion years now, baiting us to believe her reformation and bestow thisprepared opportunity to her." The third ruler said with a cold tone.

“Everything is too perfectly planned for at least a billion years now. She must have used her greed laws to wish to know the bestpossibility of her freedom and this is what has come up to her."

With greed laws in hand, seeing into the future wasn't difficult if the price could be afforded.So, it wasn't farfetched to believe that the paragon Lilith had seen the future and made her plans to shape it to her benefit.

"It might have been easier to question Kronos about this, but he is still slumbering after linking Asna's soul with that boy's andsending them back to the past in a new timeline." The second ruler sighed, "We have imprisoned him for this kind of powerabuse and when we finally released him, he pulled the same crap...It's best if he remains asleep forever."

As the sole unigin of time/space, he was considered the clock of the universe, the master of timelines, and one of the few uniginscapable of actually affecting everyone's lives, unigins included.

So, even the smallest action of his would result in a significant punishment from the universe!

"True, the universe's heart has been spewing fewer and fewer celestial energy lately. We can't afford to waste it on banishing himor anyone at a unigin’s level." The third ruler shook his head in displeasure.

If they were able to afford to waste celestial energy, they wouldn't have bothered to use the paragon Lilith to retrieve the core nomatter how much she tried to bait them.

They might have opened the gate and sent another unigin in the upper celestial echelons to finish the job.

Unfortunately, both the opening of the gate and the unigin descending required a significant amount of energy to sustain hispower level.

Lord Hades and the paragon Lilith never had issues with sustaining themselves because they own entire realms mirroring thecosmos itself.

So, while they didn't have access to celestial energy, the quantity of elemental energy in their realm was more than enough.But the same didn't apply to the rest of the unigins.

Not every unigin had a realm under their name to guard and feed them constantly in the universe, which made them forced tocreate their own in the eternal kingdom.

So, if they descended to the universe, their link to celestial energy/

elemental energy from their territories in the eternal kingdom might be cut off and they wouldn't have any similar quality of energydown here to offset it.

While this might cause their strength to weaken significantly, returning to its ‘normal’ base, any of them was still powerful enoughto finish off Felix with a mere glance.

Luckily for him, the price to do this was too much for the three rulers at that moment, forcing them to bet their chances on theparagon.

"What's done is done, we lost thebattle, but not the war." The first ruleruttered calmly, ‘Lilith has bound \herself Withthe boy and she knowsthat if she wants her freedom, shehas to come all the way here withhim." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

In other words, the core was going to be brought to them on a silver plate even if they didn't do anything.

After all, both Asna and the universe's heart were in this pocket dimension, which was considered the most secure area in theentire eternal kingdom.

Just to reach this place was a challenge on its own as even unigins don't have access to it! Only the ones in the upper celestialechelon could enter this place for a limited period.

"So, you are saying we do nothing?"

"Doing nothing is doing something."The first ruler said composedly, "Letthem come to us nd oy therwe Willhavecditeéied Shough celestialenergy and possess both Asna's andLilith's cores to give our planasecond chance..." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"| do you one better." The secondruler displayed a faint smile, "Weshould place a bourtyOn Aga's torethe secdudthe Boy steps into theeternal kingdom... The reward is adirect promotion to the uppercelestial echelons." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Uhmm, that's indeed much better." The first ruler approved, "Whether they brought us the core earlier or not, we will be losingnothing."

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