The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1601
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Chapter 1601

1601 Both Sides Pushed To The Extreme!Whooosh!!!

Nimo's alter ego's body pierced through the air, tumbling uncontrollably at a thousand times the speed of sound, smashing intothe water tentacles, water beasts, and even some of the crystal platforms!

However, Felix, bound by the still-merging cores within them, found himself involuntarily flying after Nimo's alter ego.The connection between their cores created an invisible tether, pulling Felix along in the wake of his devastating attack.

Felix didn't fight off the momentum and used it to his advantage to speed through the air, wanting to relentlessly press againstNimo's alter ego!

The moment he reached him, Felix unleashed a torrent of punches and kicks, each infused with the pain and intensity of themerging process!

Felix's onslaught was ferocious.His fists soared with a speed and power that blurred their motion, landing blow after blow on Nimo's alter ego!Each punch carried the weight of his determination and the accumulated agony he was going through!

Nimo's alter ego seemed to allow this onslaughter to carry on as his widened and bloodshot eyes were seen staring into the skyabsentmindedly.

‘| got hit? | felt pain? Me? The paragon of sins? Against a puny mortal? Me?’Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!!

The air around them was filled with the sounds of the battle — the thud of fists against the flesh, the whoosh of swift movements,and the occasional crack of impact!

Felix moved like a storm, his attacks relentless and unyielding, taking advantage of all Nimo's alter ego's openings to cause himthe most damage.


Yet, he was the one groaning with a slightly twisted expression as the harder he went on Nimo's alter ego, the worse the pain ofthe devouring process got.

Yet, he toughened through it, gritting his teeth until sparks appeared, and continued his connection of fists/kicks to flesh!"YOU CAN'T STOP ME! NO ONE CAN!"

With one final furious roar, a primal sound that echoed his torment and resolve, Felix executed a nasty round kick straight atNimo's alter ego's face!


He hurled him flying yet again through the air, leaving behind him a trail of blood!

This time, Felix didn’t keep up with his close combat, deciding to employ the full extent of his pre-arranged battlefield assets!He clapped his hands once as he yelled, "RUIN HIM!"

At Felix's command, the water tentacles, which had been lying in wait, sprung into action!

These massive, serpentine appendages, crafted from the very essence of water and imbued with Felix's will, surge towardNimo's alter ego!

They moved with surprising speed and agility, given their size and the viscous medium they were made of.


The first tentacle struck, wrapping around Nimo's alter ego and hurling him into the air with tremendous force!

Before he could recover, another tentacle whipped forward, catching him mid-air and smashing him back into the ocean!

This was followed by a rapid succession of strikes from multiple tentacles, each one crashing Nimo's alter ego from differentangles, disorienting and battering him with their sheer insane power!

“Each tentacle is crafted with condensed water particles and the ocean's pressure, making their hitting force equal to million tonsof weight." Thor commentated while glancing at Elder Kraken, "You were never beaten in a water environment due to this exacttechnique."

This was the reason Felix had picked an ocean environment!

He was taught by Elder Kraken how to harness the sheer terror of the ocean's pressure and use it to his advantage by eitherextending it through tentacles like he was doing now or simply using it to self-

implode anything or anyone in it!

Simultaneously, Felix triggered the sniper rifles. These floating weapons, each enhanced with electrical rings and loaded with alethal mix of destruction and agadite bullets, opened fire!

The air filled with the sound of electric gunfire, a staccato symphony accompanying the assault of the tentacles!The bullets rained down on Nimo's alter ego, each shot aimed to exploit the openings created by the tentacles’ barrage!

Agadite bullets exploded on impact, releasing waves of energy that tore at the fabric of Nimo's defenses while at the same time,giving Felix free force to absorb!

Meanwhile, destruction bullets did absolutely no damage, making Felix understand that Nimo's alter ego must have wished tohave temporary immunity against it!

Unfazed by this, Felix waved his hand and a tentacle suddenly whipped Nimo's alter ego into the depths of the ocean, savinghim from the bullet barrage, but putting him in a much more dangerous predicament.


The tenants kept holding their breaths in astonishment and distress as they watched Felix concentrating the ocean's pressure onNimo's alter ego!

The ocean responded to Felix's will, its waters twisting and gathering momentum. In a display of elemental power, the watercompressed around Nimo's alter ego, exerting an enormous pressure that would crush any ordinary being!

However, the outcome was not as Felix anticipated...Instead of being crushed by the immense pressure, Nimo's alter ego's jointscracked and popped...

It was like the insane pressure gave him a relieving massage.

Before Felix could process this unforeseen turn of events, Nimo's alter ego's eyes snapped open, wide with rage, seeminglyfinally coming to terms with this humiliating experience.

"You filthy peasant, you dared to lay your hands on me...You dared, YOU DARED!"

At that moment, a powerful red aura enveloped his body, pulsating with raw, unbridled anger. It was clear that he wasn't harmedsignificantly or damaged by Felix's onslaughter...In fact, he was more affected mentally than physically.

Now, he had enough of messing around with Felix.

He saw him before a mere ant and he tried to use his feet to stump on him instead of using a blowtorch. But now, he realizedthat he needed an entire military tank to get the job done!

"RAMPAGE!" He roared, sending out a powerful shockwave through the ocean until it emerged from the surface as a shatteringexplosion!

Following the bellow, a manifestation of his rage took form above his head — a formidable red dragon, its presence a symbol ofhis peak fury!

The dragon, a creature of wrath and power, roared in tandem with Nimo, adding to the intensity of the moment!

"Oh, your little boy is in a big trouble." The paragon chuckled as she tossed popcorn in her mouth.

She didn't have to tell them as everyone knew what this unfiltered level of rage signified.

As they expected, it managed to trigger the final form of Rampage Symbol, granting him an unprecedented boost to his strength—a staggering triple increase!

Felix's expression wasn't pleasant in the slightest as he was told by the paragon that if their rage reached the limit, the symboltripled down on the enhancement!

It might not seem like much, but for beings at such a level, double the strength or triple, meant an increase of tens of millions atonce!

Now, Nimo's alter ego's strength was above ten million BF, a level, Felix could only dream of reaching!‘There is still 30% for the devouring process to end, | can't have it end like this.’

Before Nimo's alter ego could make a move, Felix narrowed his eyes dangerously and brought out five of God's PillarPotions...Everything in his stock!novelbin

‘Felix don't! That's an instant execution after the buff duration ends!!’Lady Sphinx warned him with a distressed tone, but alas...Felix ignored her and poured them down his throat at once!

Instant execution? Felix knew that he would be executed right now and here, if he didn't do it...Might as well bet on the odds afterthe duration ends.


The effect was immediate and intense. The potent liquid coursed through his veins, a surge of power that felt almost volcanic inits intensity!

His muscles responded to the influxof energy, swelling and expanding, atan astonishing pate yicthe Goin thatthe fabri Ot his clothing strained andtore in places, unable to contain theburgeoning muscle mass beneath!The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Felix's skin became a canvas of pulsating power, with vivid green and red veins standing out prominently against his flesh!

These veins throbbed with the potent mixture of the potion and his adrenaline, visibly transporting the enhanced energythroughout his body!

Internally, Felix's seven hearts kicked into overdrive... They beat with a ferocity and speed that would be unsustainable for anyordinary being!

But it was a must as this heightened cardiac activity was essential to manage the immense pressure building within his body, apressure that made Felix feel as if he was teetering on the brink of self-


The transformation left Felix feelingboth immensely powerful andalarmingly volatile, Fach movenehthe madeWas\inibued with a strengththat seemed to defy the laws ofphysics, yet he was acutely aware ofthe fine line he was walking. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

When Nimo saw and felt Felix's insane strength enhancement, which seemed to rival his own, his expression turned for theworse.

"F*cking vermin mortal. The thingsyou have to do to mimic a fraction ofmy powers." Nima'salter eg mMgtanged artis! core, which was slowlydisappearing into Asna's, and thenglanced back at Felix. "You pushedme into this, blame yourself!" Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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