The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1579
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Chapter 1579

1579 The Elemental Techniques.

Meanwhile, after the scenery around them warped and shifted in a blur of colors and lights, Felix and his allies emerged on thesurface of a barren moon, the sky above dominated by the celestial panorama of stars and nebulae.

Before them stood the giant monolith, towering and imposing, its surface covered in intricate inscriptions that seemed to pulsewith ancient energy.

"Universal Codex..."

Felix murmured as he could feel the weight of knowledge and power emanating from the stone, each inscription telling a story ofcreation, destruction, and the intricate tapestry of the universe.novelbin

Lord Marduk was standing before it in his normal humanoid form...When he sensed Felix's presence, he turned around andasked with a stern tone, "Have you sold out to eternal kingdom? Or is your body inhibited by a celestial being? Out with it, thoseare the only two options | see that can explain a deity using celestial powers."

Even though the celestial flames were made out of illusion energy, he understood that Felix had to have utilized them oncebefore for real...Otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to copy their effects that well.

"The short answer is no. Before | can explain any further, | believe you owe me something." Felix replied.

Lord Marduk remained silent for a moment...He could see that Felix had no plans of giving up on his secret without getting thoseelemental techniques first.

Suddenly, Lord Marduk's voice, deep and resonant, filled the cosmic expanse as he spoke. "To create and sustain a galaxy isn'tan easy task and | have utilized a combination of two techniques to pull it off. They are called Elemental Expansion and ExternalNeutral Energy Conversion."

"Interesting names."Lady Sphinx murmured, her brain already analyzing the names and coming up with the perfect effects that represented them.

Lord Marduk raised his hand, and as he did so, a visualization of a nascent galaxy appeared above his palm, swirling with cloudsof dust and gas.

“Elemental Expansion," He explained, "Allowed me to reach out across the vastness of space, drawing in the ambient, neutralenergy that permeates the universe without any limits."

"Huh? Infinite pull?!"

“How can that be possible?!"

"Isn't this a literal glitch, allowing us to possess infinite energy for eternity?!"

Felix and the tenants were left absolutely stupefied at the sound of such an overpowered technique!

Even the elemental lords were taken back, not expecting such a technique to be written on their skin for billions of years withouttheir knowledge.

"It sure is a game changer." Lord Marduk agreed while pointing his finger at the inscriptions on the wall, causing a long sentenceto be lit up specifically.

The sentence was written as such: X%¥%¥# ...... &*&%, SDF#¥@# ¥#%¥%#, GFD%¥%# %¥K&...... %¥...... , #@¥#@*¥.

Lord Marduk translated it for them calmly before they could ask, "It read as such, universe's breath, elements bend, expand myreach, to infinity's end.”

“universe's breath, elements bend, expand my reach, to infinity's end..."

Felix and the others repeated it with intrigued looks...It had been forever since any one of them had listened to another universalcodex sentence getting deciphered.

Since Lord Marduk hadn't given them the sentence's reading in the universal codex to recite, the technique hadn't gottenactivated.

"The potential of Elemental Expansion is virtually limitless, allowing you to draw in neutral energy from distance solar systems,galaxies, the void between galaxies, or even the edges of the universe." Lord Marduk shook his head, "Though, the distancedoes affect this process heavily, and if you pulled from different galaxies, the neutral won't arrive until you have already forgottenabout it."

"It's still amazing." Fenrir shared, "All of us are forced to devour only neutral energy in our elemental manipulation range and fieldof sight, which is not enough for us."

Felix had it worse than primogenitors since his elemental range was significantly lower than theirs.This had always created energy problems for him as most of his powerful abilities were hungry hippos, always starving for more.

For example, he could easily reach the size of a planet, but he couldn't reach the size of a star, unlike other primogenitors withsize manipulation.

That's because the neutral energy's range was on the low, limiting his potential significantly.The same could be said about the void domain, totality collapse, and illusion domain.

If | had such elemental technique, | would be able to destroy entire galaxies with void domain or totality collapse.’ Felix sucked adeep breath, 'l can even put the milky way galaxy in my illusion domain and do whatever | want for my race. The possibilities areinfinite!’

No wonder the primogenitors were desperate for more elemental techniques...Each one was a massive upgrade to theirstrength, opening new doors to new heights!

“Elemental Expansion is good, but its true potential gets pulled out only if it was utilized with external neutral energy conversion."Lord Marduk added while highlighting another sentence in the massive monolith.

The sentence appeared as such: %...... ¥%...... ¥%...... , FDGS%#SS#% , YH#SVSH#%, VH$% Sdfg *%&%"& S#VSH%.He translated, "From cosmic void to my command, harness the unseen, shape it by my hand."

When he said this, the miniature galaxy in his palm began to take shape, stars igniting within the swirling clouds, creating amesmerizing sight.

“External neutral energy conversion was the true key to making the creation of a galaxy a dream becomes a reality. It allowedme to convert the neutral energy into my desired object without needing the energy to enter my body first.”


Almost everyone sucked a deep cold breath in shock and a tint of excitement at the sound of that.They already had an idea of what the technique does after hearing its name, but to have it confirmed was a different story.

"Infinite reach of neutral energyadded into externalconversion...Doesn't this mean thatthe elemental rangdis\cnipletelynegated, king everyone with thosetwo techniques utilize their elementalpowers from even different galaxiesas long as their senses reached?!"Felix shared while his heartbeatsaccelerated in elation. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Elemental range implied that elementalists could not create new abilities or control them outside of their range.

Their abilities could be created inside the range and go out of it without a problem as long as the fuel was provided...But, theycould no longer control the mentioned ability.

This was a gigantic limitation to all elementalists alike and only primogenitors and such beings could be said to have somewhatreduced this limitation by making supermassive ranges.

Yet now, all of that training to increase the elemental range, all of that pain and suffering could literally be negated by activatingtwo techniques in their elemental cultivation system...

Felix could simply leave a clone in a different galaxy with a wisp of consciousness and using his shared senses, control theneutral energy around the clone and turn it into elemental abilities!

This was merely one of the examples of using such an overpowered combination!

"| don't know why, but | feel like wewere never supposed to train ourelemental control or such..." Thormurmured, eles Hee @ultdredtechniqhes engraved in our bodies,and just three alone made most ofour efforts useless. If we havemastered all of the techniques fromthe very start of getting our gifts, wewould have become gods in the firstweek." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"| have the same realization..." Jérmungandr supported with a deep sigh.

All primogenitors went through a rough patch of adjustment and training that lasted for millions of years if not more before theyhad reached their peaks.

If they had those techniques in those trying times, the situation would have been so much different.

"Now that | know we were created forthe sake of their entertainment, |have a feeling that there must bsome sort ofa sickyokein thissllustio’ Fenrir remarked coldly ashe stared into the sky, "Give us thepotential to become gods but seal itin our skin for us to see on a dailybasis, just because we can'tunderstand their language..." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"When you put it like that, it does sound sickening." Thor narrowed his eyes frigidly, "It's like they are telling us even when theybestow intelligence upon us, we will always be seen as ignorant animals...F*ckers."

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