The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1577
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Chapter 1577

1577 In Full Control, of Everything, and Anything!

By now, he came to the realization that Lord Marduk had baited him to expose his source of confidence while at the same timeputting the fight inside his own creation domain!

The chance to object or call him out for it had expired the instant he attacked him...Doing it now would merely make him alaughingstock.

‘But how? How can he escape from my spiritual pressure like that? My senses can't be wrong, he was the real deal.’ Felix knittedhis eyebrows in confusion.

'He has created an entire galaxy.’ Lady Sphinx responded, 'It's not farfetched that he managed to have a perfect understandingof his soul, allowing him to create other perfect versions with a 1:1 ratio."

In the case of destruction, Felix was able to destroy anything in the universe as long as he had a great understanding of it... Thiswas how concept destruction worked and how totality collapse was a slightly weaker version of the destruction domain since itwas just concept destruction ability with all of Lord Shiva's understandings packed into one ability.

Creation shared the same process. Lord Marduk could create anything as long as he had an understanding of it.This meant that it was possible for him to create other versions of himself with perfect copies of his soul!

If your theory is correct, then, isn't this a much better ability than Manananngal's true immortality?’ Felix sucked a deep coldbreath in shock.

His reaction was understandable when considering that Lord Marduk could literally create multiple perfect versions of himself,sharing the same intelligence, strength, and powers!

While it was difficult to accept it, Lord Marduk's escape from his spiritual pressure made sense.

He exploded into a colorful rainbow mist, which represented the elemental creation energy, entailing that everything about himwas manifested out of creation energy!

In other words, he merely canceled his ability and Felix's entire assault was foiled.

'| think it's best that you leave.’ Thor advised with a solemn tone, ‘Your spiritual pressure might be stronger, but you can't hit whatyou can't touch. In a sense, he is the entire galaxy just like Foremother Siamese and it's close to impossible to deal with suchbeings in their home ground."

Lord Marduk could be said to have transcended the level of a primogenitor and was on the doorstep of being a god.The only thing holding him back was his spiritual pressure, which was unfortunately impossible to enhance for him.Still, he could be said to be unkillable unless a true unigin in his peak form decided to erase the entire galaxy!

If Felix was anywhere close to that level, he wouldn't be struggling to handle a significantly weakened version of Nimo.‘No, | may not win, but | also can't lose.’

Felix rejected his suggestion while narrowing his eyes at the celestial projection of Lord Marduk.

"Well played elder, you possess such monstrous strength and powers, yet still, you sacrificed a clone to bait out my trump card."Felix praised with a cold tone.

It might not seem like much, but Felix had figured out that Lord Marduk had the entire battle planned out the moment heaccepted his challenge.

He gave him a month and a location, knowing that Felix would come at the earliest to check the battleground if it was fair or not.novelbin

When he arrived and Lord Marduk wasn't there, this planted an idea that his biggest chance was to assault him while he wasemerging from the spatial rift.

To stress it further and keep Felix's senses heightened to the max, he didn't make an appearance until the last couple of hours,making it impossible for Felix to change his plan.

All of this gave him the illusion of having to go all out right from the start on his clone.

In other words, Lady Sphinx wasn't joking around when she said that he was playing chess and was always a dozen stepsahead of his opponent.

"| can excuse your assurance to your young age, but | can't excuse your masters and my fellow peers’ confidence in you." LordMarduk expressed out loud with an interested tone, "Though, | didn't expect your source to be spiritual pressure. | kinda wonderhow you managed to increase it."

Lord Marduk completely ignored the woes and calls of the ancestors about his new elemental techniques.Yet, none of them complained about it and remained silent, knowing that his focus was still on the battle.

“How about we call this a draw and sit one out?" Felix suggested calmly, "Share me with your new techniques and | will share mysecret.”

Felix had no plans to continue this losing battle any longer. In fact, now that he knew it would be near impossible to demonizeLord Marduk and that he possessed new powerful elemental techniques, he preferred cooling down their conflict.

Such powerful techniques were a must when dealing with Nimo...One could even say, it was best to prioritize them over thedevourer/

dragon marks.Alas, Lord Marduk didn't share the same thought.

“Not so fast, little one." Lord Marduk smiled coldly, "My friends clamored about your greatness, and how you are our only hope todeal with those beings. But from what | have seen, | am not too impressed."

"So, the only way for you to leave this place is either dead or if | decide to let you go.""Is that so?" Felix narrowed his eyes frigidly.

Felix was no longer a child who would allow himself to get treated lower by primogenitors. It was clear that Lord Marduk didn'tsee him as an equal, otherwise, he wouldn't be trying to test him like this.

Unbothered by his attitude, Lord Marduk waved his colossal hand and conjured a cosmic chessboard, an immense and intricatelattice that stretched across the stars!

Each square of this board was a window into a different reality, each with its own unique environment and set of laws! Eachsquare had a massive cosmic projection of the chess piece that stood on it, ranging from bishops, knights, kings, queens,pawns, etc.

"He is really in full control of everything here..."“How fascinating..."The ancestors watched in silent awe as these realities flickered into existence.

One square revealed a world where time flew backward, another where gravity was a mere suggestion rather than a law, and yetanother where light bent and refracted in impossible ways!

The chessboard was a masterpiece of creation, showcasing Marduk’s unparalleled ability to shape and manipulate the fabric ofthe universe!

Felix, undaunted by the grandeur of this spectacle, found himself within one of these realities. He stood in a realm where theground beneath him pulsed with alien energy, the sky above swirling with colors that defied description.

Marduk's voice boomed across the cosmos, "How about a simple game of chess? Navigate these realities and reach my side.Then, | will have that tea with you."

"No, thank you."

However, Felix refused to play by Marduk's rules.

He understood that engaging with these individually crafted realities would be playing into Marduk's hand, a game with endlesspermutations and uncertainties.

Plus, it would make him look like someone with no backbone or character to abide by someone's tests, just because they hadsomething he desired!

"Totality Collapse."

With a steely resolve, Felix tapped into the depths of his destructiveness and channeled wholeness collapse, targeting thoseconstructed realities!

Felix's form glowed with an intense light as he released his energy, sending crimson ripples across the cosmic chessboard.

One by one, the squares of thechessboard began to flicker anfade. The realities) Aadba comp exconstru St Marduk's creation,started to unravel with the totalitycollapse's horrific rapid expansion!The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

The backward-flowing time began to normalize, the warped gravity stabilized, and the bending light straightened.The chessboard, once a kaleidoscope of alternate dimensions, became a blank slate, the realities erased from existence!

Asplit moment later, the chessboard followed suit and got sent back to the ether, leaving behind the same pitch-black darknessfrom before.

Most of the ancestors gasped in a deep cold breath at the sight of Felix standing all alone amidst nothingness.

Erebus, his voice laced with surprise, mutters, "It's been a long while since | have seen wholeness collapse in action...It's sure asfrightening as ever."

Marduk, witnessing the dismantlingof his cosmic ehess poate: Get epalan eyeli _Hisyeved tnbde twin stars,buirléd righter as he regarded Felixwith the same indifferent look. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"Boy, you know | can recreate it again just as fast?" Lord Marduk mentioned calmly."| can also destroy it just as fast," Felix replied.

"| know you can, but for how long?" Lord Marduk smiled faintly, "You see, this entire galaxy is made out of formation element,even the neutral energy is part of it.”

The moment Felix heard this, hisexpression turned slightly for theworse. He realizeq that bord Martukmeant, that his conversion techniquewas useless in his galaxy since hecould disable the neutral energy inthe cosmos entirely!! The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

In other words, his energy tank was confined to what he had in it at the moment and it would not be able to sustain spammingwholeness collapse for long!!

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