The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1570
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Chapter 1570

1570 An Emergency Meeting. |It was clear to all that Felix was planning to use the primogenitors' humiliating purpose in life as a bargain.

"It's not going to be easy though." Lord Loki remarked causally, "All the elemental lords have made a pact to keep this toourselves, and while Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, and Khaos wouldn't care about you sharing it, Murdak won't be too welcoming."

"It's true." Lord Shiva supported with an irritated tone, "That geezer is too stubborn and cares about his face a great deal. Hewon't allow you to share it since you will need to provide context and we all know how bad it makes the elemental lordslook...Especially him."

"| see." Felix knitted his eyebrows thoughtfully.

He understood that if the primogenitors were to ever hear that the elemental lords were planning to eradicate the entire universewithout even informing them about it, they wouldn't be too happy about it.

Plus, the fact that their purpose in life was humiliating enough to set their hearts ablaze wasn't going to make their reaction anybetter.

“Additionally, you have to understand that the primogenitors' are being peaceful only because they have nothing else to do." LordLoki added, "If they were to ever know about their purpose, there is a great chance of them venting their rage on anything in theirpath."

"| know." Felix nodded.

This was one of the many reasons Felix and the tenants decided to keep the news to themselves, knowing that nothing goodwould come out of it.

However, the present day was different.

Felix smiled coldly, "| am strong enough to put them in their place if they decided to act nuts in my alliance. In fact, | will bepleased if they went for it.”

Felix had no plans to pick a fight with primogenitors, but if some of them went out of line and wanted to flaunt their strengthwithout caring about the civilians’ wellbeing, then he would gladly accept the free purities.

Gone were the days when he was afraid of them.Gone were the days when he would avoid giving them the wrong look."Jeez, you really are out for blood." Thor chuckled.

"Felix, just because your spiritual pressure is higher than enough, it doesn't mean that you should underestimate them."Jérmungandr warned, "Spiritual pressure is only useful if it is utilized."

In other words, if he got too cocky, he wouldn't know when or where he got hit before he could defend himself.Felix nodded in understanding."So, how are you planning to play this?" Fenrir inquired expressionlessly.

"| believe Master Sphinx should set up an emergency meeting in the council." Felix suggested, "If she used their purpose in lifeas the bait, | think the majority of active primogenitors will respond to it."

All primogenitors desired to know their purpose in life and it was one of the few remaining musts on their bucket list...So, it wasguaranteed to fill the entire council.

“Lord Hindu god of destruction will come with us since this entire situation is related to him," Felix said while glancing at LordShiva's expression turning into irritation...He clearly wasn't a fan of his plan as he didn't like to be bothered.

"Don't give us that look, you have to come." Thor incentivized with a faint snigger, "Aren't you interested in seeing Lord Murdak'sreaction when his face gets put on trial before us?”

"Mmmm." Lord Shiva's frown was turned upside down at the sound of that, which was enough for a confirmation of hisattendance.

“Lord Khaos, your attendance will be greatly valued too." Felix requested while staring into the sky.

"| will be there." An emotionless rumble resounded in the consciousness space.

"Much appreciated.” Felix smiled.

Felix wanted as many allies as possible behind his back in the council to bolster his presence even more.

Sometime later, the plan was perfected with caution and thought about many things, knowing that things were mostly going toget intense in the council after dropping such a nuke!

Three days later...

In the vast expanse of the universe, most of the Primogenitors received Lady Sphinx's emergency meeting invitation throughtheir AP bracelets or other methods.

They were scattered across galaxies and dimensions, and the message reached them all simultaneously, causing a ripple ofshock and astonishment among them.

-My fellow Primogenitors, | have uncovered the long-awaited purpose of our existence. Gather immediately for an emergencymeeting.-

It was short and straight to the point, making everyone understand that she wasn't messing about.In the fiery heart of a distant star, Phoenix yawned lazily, her golden feathers shimmering with ethereal flames.

She read the message, her eyes flickering with mild curiosity. "Well, well, what's this?" she mumbled, stretching her wings beforeanswering the call.

She had just woke up a couple of years ago from a slumber that lasted eons. She had no clue about what was going on in theuniverse and neither did she care to know.

But, this? This was different.

Meanwhile, above a deserted moon with two massive white stars in the background, Lord Marduk sat before a colossal monolith,which was inscribed with the universal codex.

This monolith had nothing to do with the monoliths Lady Sphinx was collecting...He created it and engraved all the inscriptions ofeach primogenitor on it.

The monolith, towering and enigmatic was still an unsolvable puzzle that had consumed Marduk's attention for eons.As he deciphered the intricate patterns, his fingers tracing the age-

old inscriptions, a ripple of energy disturbs the tranquility of his surroundings.

Acommunication from Lady Sphinx, an emergency meeting invitation, materialized before him.

The message, imbued with a sense of urgency and importance, spoke of revealing the purpose of their birth, a secret as old astime itself.

"Hmm?"Lord Marduk paused, his eyes lifting from the monolith to the floating message.

"Sphinx, how did you find out? No, even if you found it, you are intelligent enough to understand that such news can't beshared..." Lord Marduk narrowed his eyes, "Something isn't right here."

Without wasting time on empty speculation, Lord Marduk reached out to Lady Sphinx. It rang twice before the call was picked up."Sphinx, what's the meaning of this?" Lord Marduk asked expressionlessly.

“If you want to understand everything, feel free to join us in the meeting." Lady Sphinx replied calmly before giving him a politehead nod.

Then, she hung up the call, having no desire to listen to his attempts to prevent her from doing this.

With a deep, contemplative sigh, Lord Marduk stood up, his towering humanoid form casting a long shadow across the monolith.

As he prepared to leave, Lord Marduktook one last look at the monolith, asilent promise ta.revira to Gis questfor, Kno Gye... But for now, the callfrom Lady Sphinx held a much moreserious problem. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

‘| have no idea who told her or if she even knew the real truth, but | can't have her blabber about what happened.’ Lord Mardukremarked coldly.

In the grand chamber of the Primogenitors' Council, located in the UVR, a tumult of voices filled the air.Each Primogenitor contributed to the cacophony of voices as they discussed the impending revelation promised by Lady Sphinx.Erebus, the embodiment of shadow, conversed in hushed tones with Siren, sticking close to his crush akin to glue.

Nearby, Cyclope's singular, piercingeye scanned the room engagingyin avisual dialogue with¥ gumo,whdde orm shifted subtly betweenthat of a spider and a woman. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Achlys, her presence a mere foggy wisp, whispered into the ear of Lord Quetzalcoatl, whose voice was loud enough that itechoed across the hall.

Even the breathtaking Lady Pheonix could be seen yawning at the corner while being surrounded by a couple of primogenitors.

Some were updating her on some ofthe important events that h pperedduring ker slumber War fie some likethe h\agma primogenitor Cherufewere hitting on her on the low. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

The chamber buzzed with theories, questions, and speculations, a symphony of voices representing the vast spectrum of theuniverse.

Yet, there was a different conversation on going between the attending elemental lords and Felix's masters.

‘As | thought, your boy can't sit tight without creating trouble, haha!’ Lord feathered serpent deity laughed, knowing that it must beFelix's idea.

After all, elemental lords still cared about their promise and they wouldn't break the agreement they made with each other.'He is doing this for a legit reason.’ Thor coughed, ‘Totally unrelated to his greed.’

"Sure sure, haha, where is he though?’ Lord feathered serpent deity asked, ‘Is he planning to make a dramatic entrance? Hownovelbin

fun."Dramatic? Well, you can say that.’ Thor chuckled with the rest of the tenants as he eyed the restless demonized darkins.‘This is the worst day of my life..."

‘Just shut down those thoughts, they won't do us any good. We knew this was happening ever since we accepted theenslavement.’

The darkins could be seen sighing with a tint of hopelessness and humiliation in their eyes, not able to imagine their peers’reactions once they saw them...

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