The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1545
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Chapter 1545

1545 Welcome To Your Personal Hell. lVAcouple of seconds earlier...

Within the lunar post, Wendigo and Saurous had established a temporary sanctuary for themselves, far removed from thewatchful eyes of others.

They sat in a meditative position, several meters apart, each engrossed in their training routines.The interior of the lunar post was minimalistic, bearing the hallmarks of a functional yet spartan living space.

Gray metal walls surrounded them, stark and utilitarian, devoid of decoration or embellishment. Dim, sterile lighting cast anunyielding pallor over the room, accentuating the desolate atmosphere of the moon's surface beyond.

It was clear that Wendigo and Saurous spent most of their time using their wisps while leaving their main consciousness chillinghere.

Suddenly, both of their eyelids were snapped wide open and they turned to each other with solemn expressions after their focuswas switched back here and brought with it everything that occurred to their wisps.

"Do you..."

"Yes! The f*cker must have never left and placed our wisps in an illusion domain!" Wendigo remarked, his voice sounded livid butalso a bit surprised.

With the time difference being one in a million, it was easy to figure it out after returning to their main consciousness. Whatsurprised Wendigo the most was the fact that Felix found out about them knowing his disguise.

He was sure that no one would be capable to pick up on his soul inspection as he had perfected the skill, not even elementallords would know if he was peering into their souls!

"| don't know what he has gotten from our wisps and we shouldn't stay here to find out," Saurous suggested while standing upswiftly.

Although no less than a minute passed in the real world compared to their entrapment in the illusion, they were not a fan of nothaving the upper hand.

So, to be completely safe, they knew that moving out was a must.

However, just as they were about to make a move, both of them lifted their heads sharply after sensing the emergence of anoverwhelming aura and unhindered bloodlust.

"He is already here?!!"They were left shocked, knowing with great certainty that the aura belonged to Felix!Unfortunately, the second they wasted reacting to Felix's arrival was their damnation...

It was less than a second, but it was more than enough for Felix to release his monstrous spiritual pressure at the lunar post akinto an unstoppable tidal wave!

"Impossible...BLOCK IT!"

With Wendigo's spiritual sensitivity, he was the first to notice the grave danger that awaited them if they got caught by theincoming overwhelming pressure!

Knowing that it was already too late to escape from its clutches, both of them were forced to hold their grounds and join theirpowers, combining their spiritual pressure in a desperate attempt to block it!!

The tension in the chamber intensified, causing the very air to vibrate with their conflicting auras!

But Felix's might was unmatched, and his sheer determination to overpower them was evident.

With a surge of his will, his spiritual pressure shattered the feeble barrier formed by Saurous and Wendigo's combined efforts!BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!

The lunar post quaked as the shockwave from the clash of spiritual forces reverberated through its walls. Metal groaned, andlights flickered in response to the immense pressure!

Ultimately, Felix's dominance prevailed. Saurous and Wendigo, their resistance shattered, found themselves frozen in place,unable to move or escape his grasp.

The chamber fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of their labored breaths.

‘Impossible...Impossible...Impossible...This must be another illusion.’ Saurous kept repeating in his mind with a freaked-out lookwhile trying his best to free himself.

Alas, spiritual pressure lockdown made it impossible for anyone to even cast an ability as it was the same as putting a chain onthe soul. With the soul being forced to stay in place, nothing else could move!


With a sudden and dramatic entrance, Felix pushed the broken rusty gate open, letting out a series of eerie, creaking noises,echoing through the chamber.

The dim lunar light filtered in, casting elongated shadows across the room's gray metal walls.

With a faint but peaceful smile on his face, Felix stepped into the chamber.

He was resting his cosmosbreaker on his shoulder, putting a hint of menace to his serene appearance."It's been a while gentlemen.” He greeted.

Wendigo and Saurous turned their frigid but tense eyes toward Felix.

There was an unspoken stiffness in the air as they locked eyes with their unexpected visitor, knowing that this scenario wasn'tgoing to end well for them.

Felix's voice, laced with ridicule, cut through the tension like a blade. "You thought you could hide from me, but there is noescaping my reach. You had your fun while I was gone, and it's time to collect the debt you owe me."

‘You aren't him, you can't be...’ Saurous uttered telepathically, his voice growing louder with each statement. ‘It's impossible foranyone to have a stronger spiritual pressure than primogenitors besides being a unigin!! SO, WHO ARE YOU?!"

Even when Wendigo had confirmed Felix's identity through his soul, Saurous refused to believe that his spiritual pressure wassurpassed.

He could believe such a miracle if it occurred to the elemental lords, but not to Felix.

Never, he could never believe it!

"Stop coping, you are making an embarrassment of yourself." Felix smiled at Wendigo, "You should learn a thing or two fromyour partner here."

"..." Wendigo remained silent, but the looks he was giving Felix were enough to kill.Unlike his brother, he didn't question Felix's identity even if this situation was simply too inconceivable.

‘Get it over with and finish us.’ Wendigo remarked calmly, not wanting to give Felix the satisfaction of seeing them beg orstruggle.

He understood that it was futile to struggle against someone while caught in his spiritual pressure.It was a literal death sentence even for primogenitors.

"Finish you? Oh no, no, no." Felix shook his finger close to their faces, causing their already seething hearts to burn furiously atsuch humiliation.

Unbothered, Felix brought a chair infront of them and sat down. Heplaced one leg abo the athen and§ ic witht 6st labolical tone, "Ihave readied way too manyarrangements for this specific dayand | am planning to take my sweettime with each one of them." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"You think we will sit by and let you torture us?’ Saurous sneered, ‘I would rather blow my soul.’While spiritual pressure could chain the soul, the command to blow it up was always available for the owner.

"lf that was an option, your brotherwouldn't have died in my h ndsjandyou knaw ity Felix\res! with a faintstnile seemingly unbothered by theirthreat. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

Saurous felt shivers course on his spine as he gazed around him, realizing that they must have already been placed in anillusion domain!

Still, fighting against his self-perseverance instincts, Saurous gave the order to implode his soul.Alas, seconds went by and nothing happened...His consciousness ocean remained as peaceful as ever.

"Just like | told your past partner incrime, in my illusion domain, you canconsider me as a gadis your god, |am {n oda Sour life and death."Felix leaned in and patted them bothon the shoulders, "So, prepare tospend some quality time with me."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

"Oh, | almost forgot." Felix showed a similar sinister smile to the one he showed Manananggal before saying, "Welcome to yourpersonal hell."

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