The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1523
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Chapter 1523

1523 When The Sword Comes Forward, The Pen Falls Down.Back in the lab...

Felix was the only one who didn't hear the thunderous clap. He stood up from the table and sat on its edge with a disorientedlook, having a peculiar undescribable feeling he never experienced before.

"Is this what it feels like to return for death?" He muttered in a daze and lifted his head to look around him.

The moment his eyes landed on Lady Sphinx, he couldn't take them off from her anymore.


Felix rarely got emotional, but the sight of his master after losing his life made him unable to remain seated anymore.

Before Lady Sphinx could speak, she found herself enveloped in a deep, heartfelt hug. She gasped softly at first, her surprisegiving way to warmth as his arms encircled her.

Her guard dropped completely, and a gentle, genuine smile graced her lips. She leaned into the hug, her fingers softly caressinghis hair.

"Welcome back." She murmured.

Although Lady Sphinx was strict, stern, and always hard on Felix...She really cared about him just like a son and whether shecould admit it out loud or not, she missed him dearly in the past century.

"Sphinx, what's the meaning of this?"

Unfortunately, their heartfelt hug was interrupted by Lord Quetzalcoatl after his wisp merged with him and he witnessed whathappened to him on the other side.

His friendly tone was nowhere to be seen.“What are you on about?" Lady Sphinx frowned.

"Don't act dumb with me now, we are both above it." Lord Quetzalcoatl remarked with a disgruntled expression, "What's yourboy's relation to Lord Hades? And did you guys ask for my help while knowing that Lord Hades will be on me? I came to do youa favor and you set me up like this?"

It was within his right to be mad as no one would accept such a scenario.

"Master, let me handle it."

Felix interrupted Lady Sphinx, not wanting to put her in a position to be scolded for something related to him.Lady Sphinx smiled and remained silent, letting him take care of it.

"Kid, | wasn't addressing you." Lord Quetzalcoatl eyed Felix coldly.

Lord Quetzalcoat! might be playful, friendly, and upbeat, but it didn't mean that he would let anyone ride on his back anddisrespect him like this.

"This is my matter and you will talk to me." Felix replied collectedly."Is that so?"

Lord Quetzalcoatl applied his formidable spiritual pressure on Felix,expecting him to yield, and to bow to his authority as anElemental Lord.

But Felix, resolute and unfazed, refused to back down. Instead, he summoned his own spiritual pressure, matchingQuetzalcoatl's with unwavering resolve.

"Kid, just because you can handle primogi..."

Before Lord Quetzalcoatl could finish his sentence, he started to sense Felix's spiritual pressure growing in intensity and forcewith each passing moment!


Just as he was processing this inconceivable situation, Felix's spiritual pressure surged forth like a tidal wave, overwhelmingQuetzalcoatl's own!

The ancient deity's resistance crumbled under the sheer power of Felix's spirit, and his spiritual pressure was forcibly takendown!

The shock that coursed through the primogenitors was palpable at such an unbelievable sight...Even the elemental lords in LadySphinx's mind were left utterly stunned.

All of them heard from Elder Kraken that Felix's spiritual pressure was told to be more advanced than primogenitors after his newempowerment, but hearing about it was one thing, and witnessing it in action was another.

It was a moment that defied their understanding of the natural order, a moment where an indomitable human spirit had bested adeity's might!

‘| can't believe this...Felix has really leveled up his social status above primogenitors. No wonder the universe made such asound, it was the birth of the first human above all mortals and deities.’ Thor muttered in a daze.

‘This is unreal...’ Carbuncle responded, just as taken back as him. 'He can now singlehandedly own the entire universe if hedesires as long as the unigins do not interfere."

‘It can be said, that he has really reached the pinnacle.’ Lord Shiva snickered, ‘Who would have pondered he would pull it off.’Everyone in Lady Sphinx's mind was working their best to help Felix reach this stage or at least get close to it.Now, that he had achieved it somewhat overnight, it left them unable to accept it right away.

It might be just spiritual pressure and one's strength depended on many other qualities, but all of them understood that without aspiritual pressure to back them up, they were utterly meaningless.

It was like a mortal standing against a primogenitor. It didn't matter if he spent millions of years mastering his elementalmanipulation, one glance from a primogenitor was enough to put him in his place!

Abruptly, the deafening silence was broken by Felix as he articulated with his head bowed in the direction of Lord Quetzalcoatl.

“Elder, | deeply apologize for making you get punished by Lord Hades. It was never our intention to cause you trouble. If you lentus an ear, we can explain the situation and then you can be the judge whether Lord Hades’ punishment was a good thing or not."

"Huh? Yes, of course."

Lord Quetzalcoat! woke up from his daze and anwsered absentmindedly, seemingly still trying his best to process what had justhappened.

As they said when the sword comes forward, the pen falls down.

Now, that Felix had displayed that he wasn't to be f*cked with, he had gained Lord Quetzalcoatl's attention forcefully even withthe age disparity between them.

It was like Lord Quetzalcoatl had no other choice but to respect having a conversation with Felix since he was considered nowas the weaker side!

Soon, Felix began narrating a bit of what happened during the eternal kingdom's invasion and how Lord Hades was on his toeswith any foreign entry.

He obviously didn't give him the details and just enough to believe him.

He went this far since Lord Quetzalcoatl had indeed been good to them and it wouldn't be in their best interest to get on his badside or create a lasting grudge.

After he was done with the narration, Lord Quetzalcoatl turned to Lady Sphinx and she backed him up with a single head nod,making him understand that the situation was far more complex than he anticipated.

"They actually dared to invade the spirit realm and almost won...F*ck, how did | miss such an event!"Lord Quetzalcoatl held his head in frustration at the thought of not being there to witness such a glorious war.

“We know you have a big mouth, but you must keep this to yourself." Lady Sphinx warned, "Lord Hades wouldn't take it nicely ifhe knew that the invasion's news is spreading out."

"You don't have to tell me twice.” Lord Quetzalcoatl agreed with a faint shiver coursing down his spine after recalling what LordHades did to him.

He felt his wrath through and through, making him understand that he was done fooling around and being polite.

He also realized that if it wasn't for Felix's mission, he might have entered the spirit realm at a different time and got caught byhim.

Then, he might not even receive a couple of slaps and a warning, but utter erasure right there and then.

Unigins couldn't give a sh*t about the primogenitors' lives as they see them just like any other mortal.

"So, we good?" Felix asked with a faint smile.

Lord Quetzalcoatl stared deeply into Felix's eyes, knowing that there were so many juicy secrets he was hiding.

Like the fact that his relationship with Lord Hades was so good he allowed him to get revived with his memories intact.Or his spiritual pressure reaching a drastic level even primogenitors had no clue how to achieve.

Still, he nodded. "We good."

Just like Felix didn't want to create a grudge against Lord Quetzalcoatl, he also realized that it was best to be on hisside...Especially now more than ever.

"Thank you for everything elder, | am indebtly grateful for your revival and if you require anything from me, please do not hesitateto ask." Felix bowed in appreciation again.

“Haha, | will take you by your word."Lord Quetzalcoat! chuckled in approval and left them alone, not wanting to overstay his welcome.

He didn't even bother to ask Felix about his spiritual pressure and other details, knowing that if he hadn't mentioned them, thenhe wasn't interested in sharing their information.

"You see why strength is the mostimportant thing?" Fenrir steppedforward and articulated) .C O mMexpresstoniessly, "lf your spiritualpressure didn't put him in his place,the conversation would have taken amuch different turn." The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"It's good, but it's not enough," Felix replied calmly, not feeling an ounce of pleasure or happiness at flexing his shoulders onLord Quetzalcoatl.

He knew what awaited him at the eternal kingdom and this wasn't even enough to get him an entry past its gate.

"Everything will come at its rightfultime. | always tell you don't rush yourimprovement." Lady Sehingpatiedhimian Wewadand articulated withan irritated tone, "Now, take thoseannoying bastards back in your mind.| have had enough of them." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Before Felix could reply, Lady Sphinx had already linked his soul with hers and forcefully kicked everyone into his consciousnessspace, uncaring about their disgruntled curses.

‘Not cool Sphinxy!"

"My joint is ruined..."

‘What a tyrant!"

‘Your consciousness sucks anyways!"

‘Ahh...Home sweet home.’

Acontent and peaceful smile slowly spread across Felix's face as he heard the familiar voices of his masters and tenantsreturning, their presence occupying his consciousness space once more.

These were the voices that had guided him, mentored him, and provided him with the strength and wisdom to overcomecountless challenges.


As much as it was annoying to hearthem speak in his mind before, it wasa million times pete (Obeleft Sidnewith-histswa thoughts... Just one yearin the heavenly plane made himappreciate their company more thananything. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

‘Welcome back, masters..."

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