The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1519
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Chapter 1519

1518 The Spiritual Pool. Across the entire heavenly plane, a hologram of Felix Maxwell materialized in front of the law enforcers’devices automatically, his presence commanded attention. Everyone halted their duties as they stared at Felix with a startledexpression. All law enforcers had recognized him since his name and image became more popular after his squad took down theFallen Specters organization. However, what threw them off wasn't his sudden appearance but the dignified outfit he waswearing with more than five strips on each shoulder, representing the highest authority in the law enforcement department."This..." "Is this a joke?" Nebula, Selaphel, Captain Frederick, Captain Bella, and the rest of the law enforcers who interactedwith Felix before felt like their eyes were playing a trick on them. Alas...Their new reality was already set in stone. "| am FelixMaxwell, known as The Traveler." Felix declared, his voice carrying an air of authority and sternness. "| have been appointed asthe new chief of the law department by Lord Hades.appointment. Who could blame them? Felix just skipped millennia if not more worthy of promotions, jumping from a rookie lawenforcer on his first month to their chief. It was like a classmate becoming the principal overnight and now you were expected tonovelbin

Everyone was left utterly dumbfounded after he confirmed his

respect and listen to his commands! "This has to be a mistake...Lord Hades wouldn't promo..." "It's not." Nebula smiled wryly asshe recalled Felix destroying the eternal kingdom's portal, now more certain than ever that it was him. If Felix just come alongand become the chief, she would have been just as upset and irritated, but knowing the achievements and efforts he had madein the war, she could do nothing but approve of it. "I don't know how he will lead us, but at this moment, he is the strongest lawenforcer and no one is more qualified for the position than him." "Nebula..." Her words caught Selaphel by surprise as she didn'texpect her partner to complement Felix. It was like the grievance she had for him was put down to rest. Felix knew that no onewould accept the news easily, so he had to give them something to accept him and facilitate the chain of command. "| waspromoted as a reward for taking down the angels' commander and more than fifteen hundred angels. In addition, capturing andpunishing the traitor Humphrey." Felix proclaimed calmly, "If you are still unconvinced, take it upon the Lord." The law enforcersstood in stunned silence as Felix revealed his pivotal role in taking down the commander and the duke, as well as shattering theportal. Then, chatter broke in all gatherings. "It was him?!" "The spirit in white and black flames?!" "Is he a plant of Lord Hades?No way a normal spirit can get this powerfull" Felix couldn't care about their reaction and moved on to the real briefing. "As westand here today, | want to express my profound gratitude to all of you. Your courage, your sacrifices, and your unwaveringcommitment have not gone unnoticed. You have been the pillars of strength in our heavenly plane's darkest hour." He carried on,his voice tinged with mourning, "We also mourn the loss of our brave comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice. They will beforever remembered for their valor and dedication." "In their honor, we shall erect a memorial in the center of our city... a symbolof our eternal gratitude and a reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of justice." The order seemed to have touched manylaw enforcers’ heartstrings as almost everyone had lost a close companion, a dear friend, or a lifelong partner. "But, our primaryfocus now is the recovery of wisps and spirits," he asserted, his words resonating with purpose. "The heavenly plane hasundergone profound destruction and before we can rebuild, we have to save our citizens." "Details of the operations will beshared by your superiors...Stay strong, everyone depends on you in this critical hour." With that being said, Felix concluded hisspeech with a formal salute in front of the hologram and turned it off. The moment he closed it shut, his authoritative presencedisappeared immediately and he returned to his old comfortable persona, leaving Miss Sanae and his servants somewhatspeechless. "What?" He raised an eyebrow. "How can you have such a powerful and commanding presence? You were like anatural-born leader." Miss Sanae questioned with a distressed expression, "How can you be so perfect and have it all?"Unbeknownst to them, Felix used to command an entire alliance with thousands of races and an uncountable number of peopleon it. This was nothing but child's play compared to leading the SGAlliance. "Trust me, | don't have it all." Felix smiled faintly, butbehind that smile, a hint of pain was hidden. "..." Miss Sanae knew that she had struck a chord, reminding Felix of his capturedwoman. Just as she wanted to apologize, Felix opened a new hologram and this time contacted only the high inspectors acrossthe realm, surrounding himself in multiple holograms and partaking in his first official meeting. When she saw this, she sigheddeeply and took off with Sekiro, who was dragging Karra by the ear, clearly wanting to stay by Felix's side. *** Seven DaysLater... The capital city was already close to having all of its central and northern zones rebuilt, leaving the outskirts to be a landof junk for now. The rebuilding process went extremely fast only because the spirits, driven by their love for their hometowns,worked tirelessly to rebuild what had been lost voluntarily. Also, because of the captured angels being forced into heartless labor.No one was showing them mercy even when they looked like absolute bums compared to their elegant appearance from before.Amidst this resurgence, Felix had seamlessly transitioned into his new role as chief of the law department...His leadership wasmarked highly, earning the respect and admiration of those he led. Recognizing the need for a new order, he promoted severalhigh inspectors to temporary Arbiteres and captains to high inspectors, restoring the broken chain of command. "It's time foranother dose." Felix remarked as he glanced at his device and stood up from his desk, at the highest floor of the rebuilt lawenforcement department. He removed his outfit swiftly and teleported from his location to another one, hundreds of kilometersaway from the capital city. When he reappeared, he was in the heart of a well-lit cave. It was enveloped in a soft gray mist,lending an otherworldly ambiance to the space. Near one of the cave's walls, a small, crystalline pool shimmered with a faint,captivating luster. Felix showed a wide joyful smile as he walked towards the pool, almost skipping on the way in happiness.Such a reaction was understandable as this pool was made out of the purest spiritual energy known in the entire universe and itsrealms! The spiritual energy was so powerful and condensed, that it became a liquid, which was simply incomprehensible inFelix's mind. Lord Hades had prepared this pool for Felix to help him reach his new limitations. Felix had been using it in the pastfour days and the results were simply inconceivable. After reaching the pool, he slowly dipped his fingertips into the liquid withinthe pool, and a ripple of energy coursed through the water, responding to his touch. As Felix submerged himself further into thepool, the liquid seemed to come alive, its ethereal essence intertwining with his own. With each passing moment, Felix's bodyabsorbed the liquid, each drop related to at least thousands of spiritual treasures! So, he could be uttered to be in nine heavens,embracing and enjoying the sensation. Unfortunately, after exactly ten minutes, Felix was forced to jump out of the pool againsthis will. "Ah, if | only | can do more time each day." Felix sighed in disappointment as he got dressed. He was told by Lord Hadesthat his soul had yet to adapt fully to the core and if he kept accelerating the absorption process, most of the boost would go tothe core instead of his soul. It was like the reserve tank was a million times bigger than the main tank and Felix had to fill themain tank only and stop until his soul could digest the spiritual empowerment. If not, the rest of the pool would go into the coreand he would be wasting it. Lord Hades had told him that he had concentrated more than a thousand trillion cubic meters worthof spiritual energy into this pool and if he wasted it, there would be no more. So, Felix respected the time restriction even whenhe could feel that he could stay there for years. Just as Felix wanted to teleport back to the office, Lord Hades’ emotionless voiceechoed deeply in his mind. ‘Come meet me, now.' ‘Right away.’ Felix's heart skipped a beat in excitement. He was told that thenext time he would be called, the method to turn him into a unigin should be ready for disclosure!The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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