The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1502
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Chapter 1502

1502 The Arrival of The Reinfrocement.

Soon, Asna disappeared through the portal without looking back another time, knowing that her lover's defeated appearancewould break her even more...

"Finish the job."Immediately after, the First Ruler's voice resounded deeply in the minds of Duke Humphrey and Commander Nottingham.

Before they could react, brilliant tendrils of radiant energy descended from the heavens, enveloping Duke Humphrey andCommander Nottingham in a shimmering embrace!

‘Radiant Codex Divinity!’‘Hahaha!! At last! At last.’

Commander Nottingham was left slightly surprised while Duke Humphrey laughed in utter euphoria and excitement as it hadbeen eons since he experienced another divine bestowment.

His reaction was understandable as with each passing moment, they could feel the power of creation and cosmic wisdomcoursing through them, a transformation that left them humbled and exalted.

And then, just as swiftly as it had begun, the bestowal of divinity was complete.

Duke Humphrey and Commander Nottingham resembled two awakened gods with their bodies releasing intense divine light,making it almost impossible to see visage!

“All hail The First Ruler whose cosmic wisdom spans the ages."

Both of them kneeled towards the portal in worship and reverence after breaking out of the time freeze automatically through hisdivinity.

While this was happening, Felix found himself with a turbulent storm of emotions raging within him...It was mostly self-loathingand a torrent of anguish at his weakness.

He sat amidst the ruins of their last encounter, frozen in time, but his heart was heavy with a crushing sense of helplessness.

‘Why am | so useless? What's the point of working so hard to get stronger, if | can't even protect the ones | love...What's thepoint,"

He despised his perceived weakness, his inability to protect the one he loved most from the cosmic machinations that had tornher away.

The feeling of inadequacy weighed on him like an anchor, dragging him into a sea of despair.He had already failed to protect his grandfather, his family, his friends, his home, and his people, over and over again...

Even when his personality was emotionless and ruthless, he didn't have the heart to ask about them, postponing it over and overagain.

Now, even his woman was taken right in front of him and the only thing he could do about it was lower his head and stay on theground like a mere insect.

‘Felix...’ Elder Kraken sighed in dejection as he watched Felix from the sky.

Even with the divinity bestowal on the duke and the commander, Felix still stood out like a sore thumb as his entire body wasilluminated with divine white brilliance.

Yet, Elder Kraken could still see an aura of darkness surrounding him, knowing that Felix's inner thoughts and emotions were notin the best place at the moment.

Whoosh!Elder Kraken appeared next to Felix and patted him on the shoulder in silence.He neither comforted him nor lied to him and uttered that things would get better.

The sudden emergence of the First Ruler made even him, a primogenitor, keep his pride and ego to himself and bow his head insilence, understanding that a single out-of-

line word would get him erased.

Felix was shown mercy because of Asna, but he wouldn't be as lucky.

Elder Kraken wasn't an idiot who let his emotions get the best of him and put himself in an envious position.

Rumble! Whoosh!

Suddenly, a golden light illuminated the entire city akin to a rising sun, causing Elder Kraken to lift his head and stare at the sky.‘Are they?"

What came into his vision were Duke Humphrey and Commander Nottingham raising their hands, fingers glowing with thecosmic energy bestowed upon them.

When he least expected, the divine energies surged outward, rippling through the city like a cosmic wave!Within moments, time's hold on the capital city commenced to unravel. Angels and spirits stirred back to life.

Their movements were hesitant at first as if awakening from a deep slumber, but soon they regained their bearings and clarity ofpurpose.


Miss Sanae, Sekiro, and Karra all rushed immediately to Felix's side as they had witnessed the entire kidnapping situationhappen in front of them.

Meanwhile, the governmental elders and officials had their eyes affixed on the awakening angelic armies.

"This is bad..." Elder Sheol uttered with a grim tone.

"We lost our last true pillar of defense." Elder Elysium nodded, his expression didn't look too good.

All of the ethereal elders had their hopes placed on Asna after realizing that their lord was nowhere to be found.

Now, even Asna was taken away and to make matters worse, the duke and the commander had their strength boosted to anunfathomable level.

"Don't give up just yet." Inspector Charleson placed his hand on his chest and shouted, "The Lord won't forsake us! Trust in himand we shall prevail!"

“Pervail?" Duke Humphrey chuckled from a distance after hearing him.

"| know that laugh, don't have any thoughts about fooling around with them." Commander Nottingham uttered with a serioustone, "Godfather has given us a maximum of thirty minutes to kill as many spirits as possible. We are still too far behind in theschedule.”

Twenty minutes from the start of the invasion and at this moment, more than ten minutes already passed by and they were stillstuck in the capital.

"You're right, let's get this over with and move on to other cities." Duke Humphrey nodded with a sinister smile. "Order yourarmies to clean up the city and leave the government to me."

Just as Commander Nottingham was about to give out the order, he felt his danger senses tingling.

He narrowed his eyes and looked into the horizons. Right there, from the shimmering horizons of the heavenly plane,reinforcements from other cities began to appear, like a radiant tide of hope surging forth!

These law enforcers, clad in shimmering armor adorned with symbols of justice, descended from the heavens with a grace andpurpose that echoed their commitment to maintaining celestial order!

“Reinforcement! They are finally here!" Hazel yelled in excitement.“About damn time." Nidam sighed in relief as he reached out in his pocket, wanting to light up another cigarette.The ethereal elders and the rest of the alive citizens seemed to have all had a bit of hope restored within them.

The law enforcers, led by their distinguished captains, inspectors, and arbiters, formed an unbroken ring of spectral might thatencircled the turmoil below!

They entered the city from all corners and their numbers seemed to be close to matching the angelic armies.

After all, each city had hundreds of law enforcers, and even if those reinforcements were from merely a couple of cities, theirnumbers should be significant.

“Our apologies for being late, we have been held back a bit by the shockwave storm." The Aribars left their armies and unitedunder Chief Alaric.

"| thought so." Chief Alaric nodded and said, "Don't worry, you have arrived at the perfect time."

"There is more reinforcement on the way, so we just need to hold up until all of our forces gather up and outnumber them." Oneof the arbiters informed.

"My thoughts exactly." Chief Alaric agreed with the rest of the ethereal elders.

“As long as we protect ourselves from their divine lights and hold strong, Lord Hades will return and put an end to this once andfor all!"

With the reinforcement backing them up, the morales were on a new-time high, and many law enforcers were ready to takerevenge on their city.

Everyone was just awaiting the order and a full-out war would be launched."Enforcers, Char..."

Just as Chief Alaric was about to dothe honor, he was forced to swallowthe rest of the words dfier BukeHuntiph Appeared as a luminousfigure of divine authority amidst theirgathering. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

No one managed to see his movement at all, leaving all of them with startled widened eyes affixed on him.“lam thankful for saving us the trouble and bringing more spirits to us."

Before Inspector Charleson and others could react to his bold statement, Duke Humphrey invoked his immense divine powerwith an unwavering gaze.

"Divine Eruption."The intense golden divine energy around him swelled and intensified, forming a radiant and blinding sphere of light.The governmental officials, their faces twisted by malevolence, had no time to react.

They were caught within the searing brilliance of Duke Humphrey's divine explosion, a force of cosmic retribution that brooked noresistance!

In an instant, their forms dissolved into countless shimmering motes of light, like fallen stars extinguished by the dawn.Their presence was obliterated without mercy or hesitation, leaving no trace of their existence behind.

Inspector Charleson, Nidam, Hazel, the elders, and even the Arbiters were caught in this mind-blowing display of absolutestrength.

After the intense golden light faded away, the only thing left in that area was Duke Humphrey.

A hushed reverence fell upon all who beheld it...Even the angels showed timid and respectful looks at the duke, don't evenmention the armies of law enforcers.

Just a second ago, morales were atan all-time high and victory seemedover the horizons .AyoStantiater,almost Yh Othe upper echelons ofthe government were sent to theether. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

"Kill them all first." CommanderNottingham ordered calmly aspointed at the stunhed and ?fiighten (aw enforcers’ armies,seemingly unaffected by his ally'sdisplay of strength. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

It was expected as he was also a high-ranked worthy official to accept the First Ruler's blessings and this was nothing but aneveryday sight to him!

Second chapter will be released at night!

Ps: Try to understand the author's words as the website publishing time - 10 hours later.

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