The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1492
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Chapter 1492

1492 Taking The Fight to The City.

Meanwhile, in a majestic palace high above in the sky, tens of thousands of kilometers away from the capital city, Asna stood onthe balcony of her bedroom, her heart pounding like the fierce drumming of a storm in her chest.

Her glittering amber eyes were affixed on the tiny spatial whirlwind high above in the sky.

She might not have seen everything due to the long distance, but she had witnessed the invasion of Godfather Hephaestus andhis angelic army.

Although she could not see through the portal, her eyes seemed to reflect the memories she experienced in that sinister place,causing her trauma to resurface...

Her hands trembled as she clutched into the balcony railing, trying her best to ease her agitated emotions.Even when her trauma of imprisonment was awakened, her mind was consumed by Felix and Felix alone.‘Is he okay? Did they hurt him? Don't tell me they caught him?"

When she thought about how Felix was put in danger by her own kind again, she couldn't accept it not even a little... Her agitatedcore started to burn in rage the more she imagined Felix getting harmed by them.

“None of you f*ckers are going to touch him again!"

When her rage reached its peak, she cursed hatefully as she jumped out of the balcony and flew in the direction of the capitalcity, fighting against all of her instincts.

Lord Hades didn't lock Asna in her palace and gave her freedom to leave and roam wherever she wanted. The only reason Asnanever left the palace was because she knew that his eyes would be on her.

If she dared to obtain close to Felix, his eyes would be on him. In turn, it would cause him to find out that his memories wererestored and screw Felix all over.

So, for his sake, she stayed put in her bedroom...But no more!

Meanwhile, back in the city, Duke Humphrey and his subordinates were spread around the city to increase their odds of locatingFelix.

Thud! Thud!!Suddenly, Sharky was forced to move to the side after two angels landed on the ruined building next to him akin to canon balls.

As he watched them melt into disgusting liquid, his face couldn't help but twist under its mask...As an active criminal, he didn'twant to attract law enforcers’ interest to him.

"How are they doing it? | was watching them closely, and they dropped dead without warning.’

Duke Humphrey ordered them to pick targets and keep their eyes on them so that when they got attacked, they could easily trailback to the source.

Alas, even when with his peak concentration, he witnessed absolutely nothing.

"Sh*t, if we weren't in the spirit realm | would have believed it to be a ghost.’ Sharky cursed while sprinting to the other angels.‘Anything?’ Judge Marcel inquired.

‘Nothing here.’

‘| witnessed two angels die in front of me and still found no trace.’ Sharky informed, ‘Is this really the right strategy?’

"Same happened here.”

After Duke Humphrey heard their claims, he knitted his eyebrows in displeasure. He realized that the opponent they weredealing with wasn't so simple, and this didn't please him one bit.

He had accounted for so many things for the sake of returning to his home. He wasn't going to let a random variable ruin hisefforts.

‘The only angels dying are the ones in the sky.' Duke Humphrey narrowed his eyes, analyzing the situation with the few Intel inhis possession. ‘The assailant is never near them and he can even kill multiple ones from different areas at the same time."

‘This could only mean that he is either high above or outside of the city walls firing invisible projectiles."

This was the only logical conclusion in his mind. To test it out, he reached out to Commander Nottingham and requested heorder his army to fight below the city walls.

Commander Nottingham did as he was told after realizing that his soldiers' deaths weren't slowing down at all.

The moment the angels received the order, the sky was cleared off them, leaving only rising smoke and ruined skyscrapers insight.

"It's about time they catch on."Felix retracted his eye from the scope after his targets disappeared, seemingly not too bothered by it.

"Damn it, looks like they figured you out." Sekiro frowned as he pulled a katana from his sheath, "What now? Should we rushthem?"novelbin

Sekiro might not seem like it, but he was a decent swordsman who could take care of himself against regular foes.

Unfortunately, those angels were no regular enemies and if he dared step inside the city, he knew deep down that he wouldobtain eliminated instantly.

Still, he wasn't a coward to stay back and watch his master go in alone.

Luckily for him, Felix had no interest in bringing extra baggage with him.

"lam going in, stay here and protect them." Felix ordered while canceling out the sniper rifle.

"l wa..."

With one indifferent stare from Felix, Sekiro was forced to lower his head and reply, "| understand.”

“Master...Do you really have to go in?" Karra asked with a worried tone as she held onto his shirt, "There are thousands ofthem..."

Felix patted her on the head for a moment before saying, "| am afraid it's my duty."

There was no one more wanting to leave this place than him at the moment, Alas, he could not turn his back on hisresponsibilities.

Before they could say anything, Felix took a step forward and disappeared out of sight, teleporting back to the city.

“How mysterious..."

Miss Sanae's eyes tingled with untold curiosity as she witnessed Felix use a spatial ability, another element that was impossibleto master in less than decades even for geniuses.

Too bad, no one was there to ease her curiosity.

Argh!!! Mommy...Leave me alone, please!... LORD HADES SAVE US! BOOM! BOOM!!..

The moment Felix opened his eyes, he witnessed a scene like no other, a scene a child would never be able to imagine as itwent against all of his fairytail beliefs.

Angelic divine beings were hunting down helpless and defenseless spirits, scorching them to death or cutting them into pieceswith their glowing Excalibur-like swords...

Lord Hades' protection was temporary and it had served its purpose already, leaving those poor spirits to rely only on the lawenforcers’ protection.

Alas, there was far too little of them and far too many angels...Plus, the difference in strength was absolutely maddening.

Felix had just witnessed a singleangel killing off four law aie

with a single swing sf is ae ;réleasing'a aire scorching blade intheir direction... Their telekinesisbarrier shattered almost instantly.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Just because Felix was capable of killing them off easily, it didn't mean that they were weak. It was just Felix's overpoweredabilities were simply unmatched.

‘Looks like | have to do a bit more work than | thought.’ Felix sighed as he strolled towards the mentioned angel, not bothering toeven hide his face.

"How brave, walking to your owndeath after witnessing whathappened to your eglleagues THeangel showed a a Stern expression ashe proclaimed, "Your courage andbravery have earned my respect,shall award you with a painle..." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!


In one fluid motion, Felix had slicedthe angel from the torso with aglowing s patial blade, eranbehind hi Un'the blink of an eye aftercasting a time acceleration spell onhimself. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


By the time the angel finished his sentence, his body separated right from the center, releasing a fountain of glittering blood intothe air.

His brain couldn't even fathom how he died before he died...

“How noisy, do they think we comprehend them?" Felix said with an indifferent tone as his hawk-like eyes began scanning thearea around him.

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