The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1483
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Chapter 1483

1483 The Right Choice.

After a couple of minutes of emotional distress, Carbuncle finally realized that he was overreacting...His wife possessed adifferent personality and set of memories, the things she used to love and hate were different.

‘| might end up creeping her up if | acted like this before her.’ Carbuncle coughed as he fixed his little tie, ‘Be cool, be cool, youonly have one shot to impress her and win her over.’

Then, he waited with bated breath in front of his mansion's main gate, standing upright and staring at the sky without a singleblink.

He knew that it would take a while before they arrived, but he didn't care...He kept waiting and waiting for hours until a tiny darkdot appeared high above.

In a few moments, the three-headed crimson lion landed in his garden a dozen meters away from him.

When Carbuncle saw his wife for the first time in millions of years this close to him, a loving smile couldn't help but break on hisface.

He approached them with eyes slightly glazing with water."Amelia..."

He whispered her name, a melody of love and yearning, but her eyes, those mirrors to her essence, reflected the shadows offorgotten love and unremembered whispers.

"Hello, Sir." Amelia bowed her head respectfully, seemingly not daring to meet his eyes.Carbuncle's heart ached at the sight, understanding that she treated him like any other high governmental official.

Instead of letting this affect him, he kept his soft gentle smile and introduced himself. "My lady, | am called Carbuncle, but youmay refer to me with whatever you feel comfortable with.”

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir." Amelia introduced herself politely, "My name is Noha."

"The pleasure is mine, Lady Noha,"

Carbuncle called her by this name, knowing that calling her Amelia was weird when she had no memories of her previous life."Please grace my humble abode with your visit." Carbuncle offered as he extended his arm welcomely.

Amelia glanced at Carbuncle for a moment before nodding in acceptance.

Delighted, Carbuncle led them back to his mansion...As she watched his back, Amelia touched her heart with a slightlydisappointed expression.

With everything that Felix had told her, she thought she would feel something when she met with Carbuncle.Alas, her emotions didn't even tingle a bit, which disappointed her somewhat.

Felix noticed her reaction and advised her. ‘Don't judge too early, you have just escaped from hell and your heart can't be alreadyopen to accept new people in it.’

‘Don't rush things and whatever is going to happen will happen in due time.’‘Don't rush things and whatever is going to happen will happen in due time.’Felix feared that she would make a rash decision of not accepting Carbuncle due to this little problem.

He would hate for that to happen as Carbuncle didn't spend this much effort just to be left like this without even a chance to winher over.

‘l know..."

Fortunately, Amelia wasn't that heartless as she could feel Carbucle's genuine happiness and feelings directed at her, somethingshe never experienced before in the heavenly plane.

After they arrived at the dining hall, Carbuncle offered them to order anything they wanted on the menu.Felix took full liberty while Amelia was a bit shy and didn't order much.When the food arrived, the conversations held between them were quite awkward and downright uncomfortable.

It was expected...One side was burning with love and affection while the other seemed like she was on a dinner date with acomplete stranger.

The worst part, Carbuncle couldn't mention anything about their previous life as it would be considered a breach of the rules.Since Amelia's life was darker than a moonless night, she had nothing to speak about.Carbuncle glanced at Felix with a beseeching look, wanting his help to improve the mood.

Alas, with Felix's emotionless personality, he couldn't even brighten his own mood...He lowered his head and continued eatinghis food, ignoring Carbuncle's pleas.

‘Little prick.’ Carbuncle's eyelids twitched.Knowing that Felix was useless, Carbuncle realized that he had only one chance to convince her before she finished her dinner.So, he mustered his courage and coughed to attract their attention.

When Amelia looked at him, Carbuncle showed a gentle smile and said. "I understand that the stars in your sky may seemunfamiliar. But | wish for you to stay, to give our shared stars a chance to shine again."

"But... how can I trust you with my life when | can't recall a single memory of you," Amelia said with her lips tightened.‘That's where | come in.’ Felix interjected, ‘Just say the word, and your memories will be restored.’

Carbuncle nodded in agreement, 'If you still feel nothing towards me after you recover your memories, then all | can say is thatour story ended when you died and | will accept it as such."

"Will you really accept it?" Amelia asked.

"My love for you won't die out, but | will stop chasing you and wishing you happiness from a distance." Carbuncle smiled, "For |,only wish that you live happily and freely."

‘Smooth.’ Felix praised in his mind, knowing that Carbuncle meant every single word of it even when it seemed like the thoughtof it happening hurt him immensely.

After all, even when we wish for our loved ones to be happy, a part of us would still greed to be happy with them instead ofseeing them with someone else.

That's a whole different level of hurt and many people experienced it in their lives...This entire situation couldn't help but make Felix think of Asna.

He raised his head and eyed the ceiling, wondering if she was living a happy life without him in her life.But soon, he shook his head at the thought.

‘Asna will never be happy as long as

she is an imprisoner of her past andfuture.’ Felix tteradicAlniy> The day |frfeelher-ttom her celestial shackles is

the day she will experience true

happiness.’ The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

"|...L will give it a shot."Suddenly, Felix's thoughts were interrupted by Amelia agreeing to Carbuncle's offer."Really?"

Carbuncle's eyes shone brighter, his wings shimmered with renewed hope. The notion of his wife returning fully caused him tofeel butterflies in his stomach.novelbin

‘| don't think | can stay near youwithout my memories. | can see youhurting deep down gndtisfoWingapbrightrhile'to comfort me.' Ameliasaid with a faint smile, '| would rathergive both of us a closure whether it'sa good or a bad one.’ The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Felix nodded in concurrence without saying much. Her decision was the correct one in this peculiar situation.While he had given her three choices, in reality, only the first one should be picked if she wanted to continue her life normally.

If she decided to be Carbuncle's servant without his memories, neither of them would be at ease as Carbuncle would want tooffer her his affection and win her over.

Since she was a distinct personentirely, she would feel lke he-wasfalling inatection withthe outerekterlor of his wife and this wouldn'tfeel like authentic love to her. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

So, she could either stay as far as possible from him or give her previous life a chance to return.

Good thing she made the better decision as even Felix would feel devastated by the thought of Carbuncle losing his wife onceand for all after everything he had gone through...

The second chapter will be released later tonight.

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