The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1449
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Chapter 1449

1449 Plotting Against Miss Sanae! II

After Boss Alves sent the snitch away and made sure that none of this would backfire on him, he contacted Miss Sanae rightaway.

“Alvey, | never thought | would hear from you after daring to make a move on me." Miss Sanae picked up the call right away andspoke with the same playful attitude.

"Tsk, | have no interest in empty chitchat with you." Boss Alves jumped straight to the subject, "| have something that will sendyou to jail for a long time and if you don't want me to hand it over to the authorities, pay me a visit in the next half an hour."

Without waiting for her response, he hung up the call and returned to his main office.Meanwhile, Miss Sanae was left staring at her crystal device with a stern expression.

“Alves doesn't seem to be joking or making an empty threat. But, what could he have against me? | made sure to stay bulletproofeven from my own people.”

Unbeknownst to Miss Sanae, the informant that came forward had a very old recording of her from the first days when shestarted dabbling in the grey line.

At that point in time, she was still new to everything and she was bound to leave tracks behind her."Whatever he has, | will know about it when | see it."novelbin

Miss Sanae decided to leave right away. When she exited the office and walked to the door, Felix couldn't help but getsuspicious.

"Did something happen? You have just returned.”“Nothing important, | forgot to handle some matters." Miss Sanae blew him a kiss. "I will be right back, don't miss me too much."Felix's eyelids switched at her antics, but his senses still remained alert.

‘Something is wrong.’ Felix was an expert lie detector and while Miss Sanae was a professional bullsh*ter, he still picked upsome signals.

Without further ado, he stood up and said to his servants, "I will go to the roof to train, don't bother me.""Aight.""Good luck."

Sekiro and Karra nodded and refocused on the TV with little Timmy beside them...In reality, Felix chased after Miss Sanae afterusing his invisibility ability.

‘Why is she heading to the center? Most of her contacts are in the outskirts.’ Felix frowned, believing more and more thatsomething wasn't right with his master.

After a respectable period of flight, Felix was surprised to see Miss Sanae land in front of the Red Fangs Organization'sheadquarters.

It was a towering structure of reflective glass, shimmering ominously with a blood-red hue in the city's skyline.

Knowing that he would be detected immediately after stepping inside the building due to it being private property, Felix took offinto the sky and kept a safe distance from the glass windows.

He reasoned that Miss Sanae would most definitely come here to meet with Boss Alves as no one else was authoritative enoughto invite her over.

His guess proved true...Miss Sanae emerged from the elevator and entered Boss Alves' office on the top floor, leaning againstthe window.

"Show it."

Miss Sanae ordered coldly the moment her eyes came in contact with Boss Alves, not bothering to waste her time on greetings.Boss Alves didn't mind it. He snickered and threw the small recording device on his desk after turning it on.

The recording device crackled to life, capturing the ambient sounds of a room before voices became clear.

"You've put yourself in a precarious position, Mr. Verrilli," Miss Sanae's voice echoed, a hint of amusement in her tone.

There was a short pause, and a deep, strained voice responded, "What do you mean, Miss Sanae?"

She continued, a smirk evident in her voice, "I've gathered quite an interesting collection of your... underground transactions andactivities. Quite a scandal it would make, don't you think?"

Mr. Verrilli audibly swallowed, "What do you want?"

"Oh, it's simple," Miss Sanae replied, her tone dripping with feigned sweetness. "A small fee, a donation if you will, and all this...unpleasantness disappears."

“How much?" Mr. Verrilli's voice shook slightly.

“Let's say...Two hundred thousand? | think that's a fair price for your freedom and reputation." Miss Sanae asked, "Don't youthink so too, Linlin?"


The recording ended abruptly the moment a third voice joined the conversation, but the gravity of the conversation was evident."So, it was him."

Miss Sanae narrowed her eyes after realizing that she had been sold out by one of her oldest partners.

This operation was one of her earliest ones and she trusted him quite a decent amount due to his help in many of her cases.Alas...

"It's quite remarkable how you didn't even try to deny it." Boss Alves said.

"There is nothing to deny." Miss Sanae asked calmly, "What do you want from me?"

"You already know." Boss Alves uttered with a tint of irritation in his voice, "Cancel the servant contract with the Traveler and Kickhim out with his servants.”

Felix who was eavesdropping on their conversation from a distance by using his vibration elemental abilities didn't show anounce of emotion after hearing his order.

He expected it to happen the moment the recording ended."Change your condition." Miss Sanae shook her head, "I have no curiosity in giving up on my servant."

"This isn't a negotiation." Boss Alves slammed his hand on the table angrily, "| want those f*ckers in the streets by evening! If not,you will expect law enforcers to pay you a visit at first light tomorrow!"

"| speculation there is no leeway?" Miss Sanae asked, her eyes narrowed.

Boss Alves remained silent, making her understand that his word was final...Without saying anything else, Miss Sanae turnedaround and took her leave.

Her straight back and overall attitude made Boss Alves a bit nervous if she truly wasn't going to give up on Felix even under thethreat of jail.

‘It can't be, she is known as a selfish greedy witch who will do anything for her self-interest. There is no way she will take the hitfor a servant even when my request was simply kicking him out of her office.’

Boss Alves believed that she would yield at the end since going to jail meant a lot more than a few years lost.

Her already infamous reputation would be thrown into the gutter in addition to her license as a private investigator would bewithdrawn by the government.

Worst of all, she would be bannedfrom requesting any other permits fora very, very iang.tinyé &nt-even if shedecide Soin the government, thiswould be a permanent bad record inher papers. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

All in all, her life would be royally f*cked.

"She will cave in, she must!"

Back in the bureau, Miss Sanae couldbe sitting on her desk with her. headfacing the celling. SkeWasthdtdingher, AavoNt&stress ball, pressing on itonce in a while as her mind wasswimming in thoughts. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Meanwhile, Felix was sitting in the living room, also deep in his own thoughts.‘What is your next move?’ He thought as he glanced at the closed door of the office.

Felix had already come up with the best plan to get both himself and Miss Sanae out of this dilemma. However, he had no plansof telling her about it.

In his mind, whether she sold him out or decided to take the hit for his sake, he wouldn't be affected negatively at all.

The only one affected would be herand if she trusted and respeqie¢ nim,the firs\thing she \sHo Gt do was talktéhith about this situation regardlessof the decision she would make. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

So, he planned on waiting things out until she approached him first.He waited, waited, and waited...Just as evening was about to arrive, she opened the door and gestured for Felix to get inside.

Felix sat on the opposite seat and remained silent, watching her ruffling her hair in frustration and anger he had never seenbefore.

This decision had truly taken a couple of kilograms of her."Ahhh, Traveler, | have a favor to ask." Miss Sanae said, her voice softer than usual."What?"

"Some stuff happened and | think | will be going to jail for a while...| hope you can take care of Little Timmy for me while | amaway." Miss Sanae smiled bitterly.

“Are you for real?" Felix narrowed his eyes in focus, wanting to see if she was being straight with him or trying to manipulate him."Unfortunately, yes." She sighed.When he saw that she was being serious, even he was left somewhat at a loss for words.

"You really decided to go to jail for me? Are you mad?" Felix uttered, surprise written all over his emotionless face.

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