The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1444
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Chapter 1444

1444 Getting Taken To The Station.

‘Now, | am certain. Vibration primogenitor must have been at least at the top three strongest primogenitors and if she was stillalive, no one can defeat her besides Lord Shiva.’

Felix knew that it was somewhat useless to rank primogenitors since each one possessed unique powers strong and weakagainst different elements.

However, there were certain primogenitors that were always powerful and dominating in any scenario like Lord Shiva.

Now, he was certain that the vibration primogenitor was part of that group as he really couldn't find a single weakness in herelement if one mastered it to perfection.

Felix was able to blow half of a colosseum with a weak ass punch by using merely spacetime frequency.He couldn't imagine what kind of power he would possess if he managed to master such said frequency.

There was no need to mention what would happen if he managed to somehow master the ultimate ability of the vibrationelement.

"Strings Manipulation...The entire universe is made out of strings vibrating at different frequencies, the one to rule thosefrequencies will be the overlord of the universe.’

This was the ability that Asna had mentioned way before.

She told him that if he managed to perfect the element and found a method to establish a connection with those strings, hewould be able to shape reality to his own will!

That's because all the subatomic particles in the universe were born from frequencies of vibrating strings and each differentfrequency gave rise to different types of particles such as quarks, electrons, or photons.

Even the atom's nucleus was found to be made out of subatomic particles, which meant if Felix understood how thosefrequencies result in the birth of the particles, he could totally defy reality!

But this was an insurmountable mountain at the moment and he knew that even if he spent a lifetime, he would not manage tomaster such an ability.

‘Just how can such a monster die? Did she commit suicide? But why? She was one of the first primogenitors to be born and diedso early, most of the other primogenitors weren't born yet.’ Felix frowned, ‘Her death is too mysterious."

Felix felt that only unigin level beings were capable of taking her down if she hadn't killed herself...His first theory was herstrength was too overpowered even unigins felt threatened by her existence.

‘It can't be, no matter how powerful a primogenitor is, he can't contest against a unigin due to the spiritual pressure difference.’Felix shook his head, 'Unigins can kill primogenitors with a mere look just like the deities can do it to mortals.’

This was one of the reasons primogenitors maintain as much distance as possible from the Eternal Kingdom.‘Who knows what happened.’

Felix dropped the matter at once, not wanting to invest his mind into empty speculations.

He jumped into his bed and turned on the tv, wanting to check on the aftermath of his destruction.novelbin

Asomber reporter appeared on the screen with a live background of the ruined Colosseum.

"In a shocking turn of events, the iconic Colosseum, where tens of thousands gather to witness the grand tournaments, hasfaced an unprecedented disaster."

The screen was cut to clips of the Colosseum crumbling, smoke billowing from its remnants. Then, it switched to short interviewswith the spectators.

"It was chaos! One moment we're cheering, and the next, there's smoke and debris everywhere.""| have lost my wife because of that murderous f*cker! | won't rest until | know he got apprehended and served justice!""The hospital fees are pretty expensive, the government or the culprit should be responsible for paying them!"

Felix's eyelids twitched the more he listened...He could feel the entire city's wrath jump from the screen at him, making himunderstand that this scenario was far from over.

Soon, the reporter returned to the screen and continued on, "The gravity of this tragedy is immense and the tournament hasbeen postponed until the Colosseum gets rebuilt."

Clung Clung...

Suddenly, Felix's attention was stolen by a muffled sound from the outside, resembling heavy boots against wooden floors.‘They are here.’

Felix turned off the tv and walked to the door... Then, he opened it wide and waited a few meters away from it.

Amoment later, a squad of silver law enforcers appeared before him.

They were clad in tailored uniforms adorned with shimmering badges that indicate their special status.

The air around them seemed to ripple with energy, each member exuding a distinctive aura of absolute power.

The squad's captain walked into the room and scanned it entirely with one glance.

Then, his eyes locked into Felix and introduced, "| am Captain Giovanni of the thirtieth corp. By the authority vested in me, |hereby place you under detention.”

Felix didn't flinch, nor did he look surprised."| was expecting you," he responded coolly.

Without another word, two members of the squad flanked him, ensuring he was securely between them. Though the move wasprocedural, it seemed unnecessary.

Felix showed no sign of resisting, his demeanor calm and poised.

Upon reaching the station, Felix was led into an interrogation room. A stark contrast to the warm hues of the sunset outside.

The room was cold, lit by a single overhead light, with a table and two chairs occupying the center...Whether in the spirit realm orthe living room, some things never change.

Captain Giovanni gestured for Felix to sit.

"Do you want your lawyer?” he asked.

It was part of the rules and he could not start the interrogation without telling Felix about his rights.

"No need." Felix shook his head.

Captain Giovanni narrowed his eyes for a moment before his expression returned natural again.“Alright, we will start shortly."

He took off and closed the door behind him, leaving Felix sitting all alone with nothing but a cup of water.Meanwhile, Captain Giovanni and his squad were watching him from behind a one-way glass window."What do you think?" A squad member inquired as he eyed his boss.

"When it came to the death of the people, it was the government's mess up and everyone will be reimbursed fairly and have theirfees paid." Captain Giovanni replied coldly, "But, if we found out that this bastard has intentionally gone for such a powerfulattack even though he knew of its aftermath, then the story changes."

The government was going to pay either way, but it didn't mean that they would allow someone with such evil thoughts to roamfreely.

“Leave him there for eight hours, then we will use the lie detection device to seek out his motives." The captain ordered.

This was exactly what happened as Felix remained in that dark and unwelcoming interrogation room alone without even asecond refill of the water.

Still, he didn't seem riled up in the slightest, which made the squad captain and his members feel a bit of respect for his tenacity.After the duration ended, Captain Giovanni went into the room while holding a small peculiar device.

"Am | free to go?" Felix asked indifferently.

"Not so fast." Captain Giovanni pointed at the machine and ordered, "Put your finger on the hole."

The small device had a small hole on one of its silver surfaces and Felix did as he was told, sliding his index finger inside of it."You know what this is right?"


Felix nodded, understanding that it was a truth device capable of picking lies from the truth with a 100% success rate...So, noone could fool it.

"Let's start then."

"Ask, I've nothing to hide, Captain.”

“We will see about that." Captain Giovanni asked a simple question. "Did you destroy half of the Colosseum?"

"Yes," Felix replied, his voice unwavering.

The captain paused, eyes narrowing. "Why?"

"| punched the spacetime plane, resonating with its frequency. The destruction was an unintended side effect," Felix responded."Wait, what does that even mean?" Captain Giovanni asked, incredulously.

"The explanation treads on myelement and secret to mastering itsabilities. lam not ofceeh toBhawetsucinirrblevant Suestions by law."Felix denied to answer as he had nointerest in explaining the concept ofvibration to him. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

While this irritated Captain Giovanni, he understood that he couldn't force out the answer from Felix.So, he moved on.

“For what purpose did you use that ‘punch’."

"To protect myself and win the battle."

Captain Giovanni leaned back, analyzing the information. "So you claim it was in self-defense?""Yes," Felix admitted.

There was silence for a few moments. Then Captain Giovanni finally asked the real question, "Did you know that your punch willresult in the destruction of the colosseum and the death of the viewers?"


Captain Giovanni glanced at the machine and noticed that it had yet to make any noise, which was an indication of him stilltelling the truth.

"Does that mean you had no idea of your punch's power?"

"No clue, | just wanted to eliminateNebula." Felix shook his head, Wavejust learned thigabitiyf andmycbniro! frwas too primary, but inadesperate situation, | was left with nochoice but to use it." The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The machine was still as silent as always.

"| see..." Captain Giovanni's attitude turned softer after realizing that this might be just a freak incident and Felix truly wasinnocent.

"By the way, you better enhance yourbarrier for my next battles as thmoment | ar pyst intHesain?oBsitionN (Won't hesitate to use thesame ability." Felix informed calmly,"This time, | won't be blamed at all."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Captain Giovanni and his squad members picked up the tint of threat in Felix's voice and yet, they had nothing to retort with.As they say, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

If the government did nothing to prepare for Felix's next battles, it wouldn't be on him even if he completely destroyed the entireColosseum and killed everyone on it!

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