The Wrong Woman

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

Chapter 53Nathan grew silent.

Suzanne was slightly panicked. She hurriedly explained, “I promise | won't lay on you while sleeping like last time. | can tie myhands if it helps.”

While Suzanne was still anxious, Nathan got up and walked over to


She hurriedly tucked her feet up and rolled to the other side of the bed.

Nathan wordlessly took off his shoes and lay down without


Suzanne remained sitting on one end of the table.

She was the one who invited Nathan to come to bed, yet here she was, being all timid.Suzanne felt uncomfortable with how contradictory she was being.

Nathan said quietly, “Lay down. Let’s have a chat.”

How could a man’s voice be so magnetic and attractive?

Suzanne’s heart skipped a beat. She laid down obediently, not darin to move a finger. “What do we talk about?”“Have you taken out your earphones?”


“Are you tired?”

“No. | usually sleep past 11:00 pm.”

Nathan continued asking in a calm tone, “How did you meet my



Suzanne didn’t hesitate to tell him the truth. “I was pretty lost after waking up without any of my memories. | didn’t know what |could do, so | went to become a caretaker at an old folks’ home. Grandma met me one day while she was visiting her friend atthe center.

“She was incredibly fond of me from the start, and | liked her a lot too. We got along really well. | soon became her personalcaretaker.”

Nathan grew silent for some time before asking, “You were Grandma’s caretaker for three years, yet we barely met one anotherand got to chat. Why would you believe her when she said | liked you and wanted to marry you?”

The question made Suzanne grow silent.She wasn’t someone who lacked self-awareness. So, why did shebelieve Vera?

In the end, Suzanne was still too fond of Nathan. She had fallen in love with him at first sight, then heard of all his great deedsfrom Vera. Just like that, she fell hopelessly in love with him.

How could she have reacted logically when she heard she could marry Nathan?Suzanne even thought she could attract Nathan with her looks.

Who knew Nathan had been forced by his grandmother to marry? Suzanne hadn’t even been aware that her ignorance hadruined relationship with Sally.

Suzanne felt guiltier the more she thought about it. She said weakly I’m sorry, Nathan.”

Though she truly loved him, she wished more than anyone else that he could find happiness, that he could be with the womanhe loved and have a happy marriage together



“There’s still a chance, you know?” Suzanne’s voice was incredibly soft, laced with some sadness. “We can get divorcedtomorrow. | know Sally has been waiting for you all this while.”

Maybe it was because of the weather or how dim the room was right now. It created the perfect atmosphere for saying thesethings.

This was the first time Nathan had opened up to Suzanne. He said calmly, “I won't deny it-I’ve always liked Sally. She was 14 theyear

she left me. | was 18 then.

“| really was in love with her, but she was too young, so | never told her. She was my first love and my first heartbreak. It was aterrible feeling.”

Suzanne quietly listened to Nathan’s and Sally’s love story. Tears

secretly fell down her cheeks, landing on the pillow. She bit her lip to stop from making any sound. She didn’t want Nathan tohear her cry.

Suzanne both envied and admired Sally. How could Sally be so luckyto be so loved by such a fine man? For so many years too.

Nathan continued saying, “Sally came back two years ago. She’d change so much both in appearance and personality. Myfeelings her haven’t progressed since ten years ago. It may have been because of her upbringing and education, but the personshe is no is so strange to me, and disappointing, too.

“I'm not sure if | still love her. | don’t owe her anything. But | do owe you something.”Suzanne was stunned to hear his words. She secretly wiped her tears away and cleared her throat. “What do you owe me?”

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