The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1389
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Chapter 1389

Elder Kraken stopped behind a crowd gathering around a platform where many spirit servants were put on display...Each spiritwas encapsulated in a protective sphere of energy.

None of those spirits seemed ashamed or depressed.

In fact, they were waving at the prospective buyers, seemingly wanting to allure someone to purchase them and turn them intotheir servants.

Felix wasn't surprised by this as servants weren't treated really as slaves in the heavenly plane, but more as loyal workers orsubordinates.

As workers, they also get paid for their services on a monthly basis and obviously, the currency was non other than Lumus.

This implied that even if a spirit had the option to have multiple servants, no one would hire more than necessary unless theycould afford to keep them.

Since the easiest way to obtain a consistent supply of Lumus was to become a servant for a higher spirit, everyone was sellingtheir own selves.

"Did anyone catch your eyes?" Elder Kraken offered, "I can buy you one and pay him for one year in advance until you canafford to pay him without needing to liquidate your own color."

“Much appreciated."Felix accepted the offer with open arms.

He understood that the worst thing he could do now was to liquidate his own color to obtain Lumus due to the depreciation of itsvalue.

All spirits were capable of lowering their own color light intensity and transforming it into usable Lumus currency.However, this was considered an emergency solution that no one dared to go for it unless they were truly strapped for Lumus.This was because the value differed by at least ten times.

For example, if Felix was paid one thousand Lumus for a small job and consumed them to increase his color's intensity, if hewanted to pull out the same one thousand Lumus, he would lose ten times worth of light intensity!

The system operated like this so anyone who sought to increase their color grade, must go for it after being financially secured100%.

While spirits did not need food to live, they do need houses.

The government made sure to tax the living sh*t out of them to give everyone a sense of crisis that their stay in the heavenlyplane was not free of charge.

In this sense, the heavenly plane was more or less the same as our despicable capitalistic world.

‘| guess even in death, there is no escaping from capitalism. Felix commentated in his mind as he read the details of the firstservant in front of him.

She resembled a graceful wind spirit with the ethereal semblance of a dancing willow tree, making her seem gentle and kind.

"She specializes in soothing turbulent emotions and providing a calming aura. Her price is set at five hundred Lumus a month,quite a bargain for her peaceful presence and empathetic abilities.

Still, Felix passed her on...He had no use for her set of abilities as she was more fit for the spirits wanting to relax and enjoy theireternity.

Suddenly, a breathtaking seductress leaned closer to Felix with an enticing smile laced with promises of forbidden pleasures, hereyes sparkling with unabashed interest.

Then, she whispered with a voice as velvety as the night, her words caressing his senses like a soft, warm breeze."Master, won't you consider me as your servant? | promise you, there's much more to me than what meets the eye."

Her intoxicating fragrance filled his senses, a heady blend of wildflowers and exotic spices, making it harder for anyone to resisther charm.

Alas, Felix's new personality was void of such intimate emotions as he merely glanced at her monthly payment and shook hishead, "One thousand Lumus a month for sex? Not interested."

Then, he walked away with Elder Kraken and continued browsing for potential servant candidates.

"Your loss, handsome." The beautiful seductress merely smiled charmingly as she waved her fingers at Felix before attemptingto trap another potential master.novelbin

In the heavenly plane, there weren't much of negative emotions implanted inside the spirits when they first step inside of it.So, no one really would be humiliated to get rejected and cause a scene or such nonsense.“How about this one?” Elder Kraken asked, his eyes focused on a figure dressed in a traditional Japanese ouifit.

He was a humanoid lizard standing upright, his scales gleaming with a light yellow hue, like sunrays reflecting off of polishedgold.

His muscular body was covered in tightly fitted traditional garb known as a Jinbei, a type of short-sleeved kimono often worn insummer.

His attire, though simple, was immaculate - a crisp white top tied neatly with a vibrant blue sash around his robust waist, andmatching loose trousers that reached just below his knees.

His head was adorned with a wide-brimmed, woven straw hat that shaded his angular, reptilian features.Underneath, a pair of gleaming eyes flickered with a calm yet attentive gaze, betraying his keen intellect and observant nature.

The long, muscular tail that extended behind him moved subtly with his every gesture, showcasing his exceptional balance andcontrol.

Despite his unconventional appearance, there was a quiet dignity about him that commanded respect... Yet, not many peoplewere around his display platform.

When Felix read his monthly fees, he understood why."One thousand and five hundred Lumus a month?" Felix raised an eyebrow, "Isn't it a bit too expensive for a light yellow servant."

"When it came to servants, do not bother yourself with their colors but by their reliability, obedience, and loyalty." Elder Krakenshared. "In his case, his details are more fit with your situation as he will help you immensely in your tough journey."

"True." Felix nodded calmly.

While his price was a bit too much for him, Felix understood that it was better to own one reliable servant than have threeuseless cheap ones.

Since Elder Kraken was going to pay an entire year in advance, Felix did not have to worry too much about the payments fornow.

"Introduce yourself." Felix ordered with a stoic expression as he stood under the samurai-like lizard."Sekiro, Sekiro Yoshida."

Sekiro gave a slight respectful head

nod with his hands held tage anand

then remeised evan Hd neither

p¥ortloted himself nor begged to be

picked like most other servants. The

content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read

the latest chapter there!

“One thousand and five hundred Lumus a month isn't a bit expensive, do not you think?" Felix said."| know my worth." Sekiro replied, his voice as steady as ever.Instead of grilling him for more answers, Felix merely stared into his eyes and Sekiro did not even blink in return.

After staring at each other with similar stoic expressions, Felix finally turned to Elder Kraken and gave him a slight nod ofapproval.

"| knew that you will pick him." ElderKraken chuckled a esroughtt Out

t ee illugninatig § den crystals andthree red crystals from his pockets.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

The moment they're brought out in the open, everyone's attention was attracted to them as they seemed to have beenmesmerized.

It was a normal reaction whenconsidering that each gold ngrystalwas va dat fivelthto and Lumusafid\dne red crystal was valued atone thousand Lumus! The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Only the filthy well-off spirits traded with such high-graded crystals as the rest used green/yellow/orange crystals in bulks.Elder Kraken pushed the floating illuminating crystals to Sekiro and he put them straightaway in his pocket.

Then, he jumped down from the platform and bowed his head deeply in front of Felix.

"lam under your care, master."

"Mmmm." Felix nodded expressionlessly.

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