The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1385
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Chapter 1385

1385 Spirits Guardian Hades.

‘| don't care if it's the same Felix, | don't want one from a different timeline.’ Selphie rejected the proposal without an ounce ofhesitation.

In her eyes, bringing Felix from another dimension would be considered cheating her own emotions as she had them for thisone, not another variation.

Plus, she would be taking Felix from her own variation as well and god knows what she would do to bring him back.

‘Then, find out a way to create a reversing time spell capable of bringing back even spirits.! Lady Yggdrasil said with a stern tone,‘| don't care what you do, but you aren't allowed to harm yourself.

With that being said, Lady Yggdrasil took off. Honestly, Selphie couldn't harm herself even if she wanted as Lady Yggdrasil'swisp of consciousness was watching from within her.

‘Reversing time to bring back spirits? Even the time primogenitors can't do it, how can | achieve that.‘

Selphie hugged her knees and sulked in silence, having no idea what to do next with her life...But one thing was certain, shewasn't going to give up on finding ways to bring Felix back.novelbin

In The Spirit Realm...The goat—like Charon had guided his boat back to the Heavenly Plane.‘It looks much comfier than the living world...‘ Asna thought to herself as she expanded her senses outside of the boat.

Although she had seen the heavenly plane through Kraken's memories, it wasn't the same experience as seeing it with her owneyes.

Her description fitted the heavenly plane‘s atmosphere quite well as appeared serene and had an otherworldly tableau ofextraordinary beauty and grandeur.

Stretching out in all directions, the landscape below was bathed in a gentle, ethereal glow that seemed to emanate from the veryfabric of the realm itself.

The tranquility here was not just visual but permeated the air, settling over the plane like a comforting blanket of peace and calm.

The sky, a pristine canvas of cerulean and gold was studded with a constellation of spirits in various forms, illuminating the vastexpanse with their radiant aura.

The celestial beasts, majestic and ethereal, gracefully move among the clouds, their every movement emanating waves ofmystical energies.

Even the objects that floated within this aerial ballet were extraordinary, strange, and beautiful all at once. Shimmering orbs oflight, the whispered remains of ancient celestial bodies, mystical platforms carrying age—old temples, and floating islands withverdant flora, all peacefully coexist in this transcendent landscape.

Intermingling with this spectacle were streams of iridescent energies, the spiritual rivers that flowed seamlessly through the air,carrying with them the souls of the departed, who danced in them like spectral fish in a heavenly stream.

The spectral boat continued on its journey toward the center of the heavenly plane. It seemed like everyone respected andfeared the Charons as no one dared to block the boat's path.

Even though the heavenly plane was immensely large and covered possibly more than thousands of times Earth‘s surface area,the boat reached the center in a few minutes at best.

‘I can feel his existence...‘

Asna’‘s soul immediately shuddered the instant she entered the range of the Ethereal Palace. This palace was pulsating with aspiritual radiance that commanded attention.

It stood as a testament to the realm‘s serene might and the profound wisdom of the spirits that governed here.

The palace, a celestial dwelling of pure white marble, glowed with an ethereal luminescence. Towers, domes, and turretsreached into the ever—changing sky, echoing the stars’ twinkling dance.

The palace's size was immeasurable, not bound by ordinary dimensions, and instead expanded and contracted according to thewill of its celestial inhabitants.

The moment the Charon got close to the palace's gate, he stopped the boat and went to pick up Asna/Felix's soul... Then, he gotoff and floated inside the magnificent shimmering unguarded gate.

As he walked across the vast halls, the air was filled with a gentle hum, a celestial symphony, like a soothing hymn reverberatingfrom the palace‘s very foundations...Yet, Charon‘s heart was beating out of his chest in agitation and a bit of excitement.

‘| can't believe | am entering the ethereal palace and about to see the elders and master.’

This Charon was a devoted worker to the spiritual government for eons and he had never got this close to the etherealpalace...Even when his social status could be considered a hundred times higher than golden spirits!

This should speak volumes of how difficult it was to get in touch with the spirits guardian and if it was not for Asna‘s identity, Felixwould have been nothing but another commoner spirit.

"Get in."

Immediately after the Charon arrived at the heart of the palace, the door to the Eathreal Elders Assembly was pushed wide openfor him.

With his spider‘s legs shaking nervously, the Charon walked in with his head bowed to the limit.

Before he could open his mouth, he found himself without the container and had his back already facing the assembly."Leave."

lust like a heavenly decree, the Charon continued his path outside of the assembly and returned to his boat.

This entire experience took merely a few seconds and he didn't even see either his master or the elders... However, his heart wasstill beating out loud in stimulation like someone who had won the lottery.

‘Hehehe, Aakkill will surely die again of envy when | tell him about this.‘ He grinned widely as he took off into the sky, returning tohis eternal duty.

Meanwhile, inside the Ethereal Assembly, a bit of ruckus was risen.

"Brother Hades, it's been a while." Asna greeted with a faint chuckle as she emerged from the container as a humanoid spirit.She was speaking with the eternal kingdom language, a language only unigins could decipher and understand.

"Little witch, | see you are still causing trouble everywhere you go."

The Spirits Guardian Hades replied, his voice as deep as the ocean yet seemingly as pleasing as a hummingbird, a unique voiceindeed.

He was perched regally upon his throne of spectral silver, commanding the attention with an air of quiet, indomitable authority.

His figure, tall and spectral, emanated a unique blend of composure and foreboding, akin to a attractive yet deadly nocturnalpredator.

Amantle of ethereal, smoky mist clung to him, giving him a mysterious, otherworldly aura.

His hair, a riotous cascade of ink—black strands, flowed freely over his shoulders, glimmering with a celestial sheen that hintedat the unimaginable power he possessed.

His eyes, a pair of clear, shining orbs, were the color of a calm, moonlit lake, flickering with wisdom and understanding that onlyeternity could impart.

They held a profound depth, as though they had watched over life, death, and everything in between, giving him an air of bothworld —weary experience and youthful curiosity.

As he sat on his throne, Hadesexuded an air of peacefulness, astark contrast to his ominous, imMele NEES ieeien himuhdelstood that this was a calm bornof the resolution, a silent pledge toguard the spirit realm against anydisturbance, and therein lay his truemight. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“How am | the one causing trouble?" Asna said coldly, "I got kicked out of the eternal kingdom and even sealed by thosebastards.

When | have gotten freed and found my soulmate, they came to mess with me again and this time, they even killed my partner.”

“You know full well what your existence means to them." Hades said. "They will keep trying their very best to keep you fromtaking over your duties."

"| never cared about such a thing andif | had a choice, | would havestripped myself fr RQ allhoftny ee

rssh Shed, "At thismoment, | really just desire to live apeaceful life with Felix, but they cannot even let me have that." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"We're unigins, we aren't born to have peaceful lives.""You sure do look peaceful in your mighty throne away from the woes of the living world," Asna stated with an annoyed tone.

Hades merely showed a faint smilefor a split second before his sereneexpression retupneds fs was hisehtité achfon to her comment as hedid not bother to explain himself orhis position. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"| guess you wanted to meet me to revive you and your little mortal?"Hades switched the subject and this time he used the language of the dead, allowing everyone to understand them."Ye..."

"No." Hades rejected her with an indifferent tone, "The answer is no and will always be no."

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