The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1376
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Chapter 1376

1376 The Day of Judgement. III"Huh..."

Manananggal's words were cut off straight from his throat by the cosmosbreaker slicing his neck apart like it was made out ofjelly...

As his head floated away in slow motion, countless eyes from across the universe bore witness to the chilling spectacle unfoldingbefore them.

Trillions of heartbeats synchronized in a chilling crescendo of tension, collective breaths held captive as they all watched on witha morbid fascination, their gazes glued to the enormous screens.

The dull thud of his head falling lifeless on the ground rang loud in the deathly silence.

Whether it was the comments section, the primogenitors' assembly, or the inner circle hall. Everyone was hit by an indescribableshock wave that rippled through their hearts.

While the citizens reacted to this brutal execution sight, the primogenitors and leaders’ felt chills course on their spines at thenotion that Felix might have truly killed a primogenitor.

“He really went for it, what an id..."

Just as Saurous was about to mock Felix's stupidity, certain that his brother would be revived in a few hours, the universe hadshattered his confidence into pieces...

RUMBLE RUMBLE!!!novelbin

A phenomenal jolt seemed to shake the universe. The thrill of witnessing the unprecedented event surged across galaxies andsolar systems like a wave, tearing through time and space.

In response, the cosmos quivered, giving birth to the extraordinary event — Universal Thunderclap!

The sound erupted in the minds of every being across the universe, a cosmic applause that shook the very foundation of theirexistence!

It wasn't heard through the cars; it was felt, deep down in the core of their being, as if the universe itself was rejoicing at the endof a horrifying era.

Spectators near and far felt the shockwaves of the celestial event, their senses bombarded with overwhelming vibrations.Each clap was a booming testament to the end of a reign of terror, each echoing resonance a tribute to Felix's achievement.

It was as if the universe itself was cheering for the vanquisher of a primogenitor, a human rising from a mortal to a deity andslaying one of the universe's gifts.

A feat no one thought was possible before!

"it can't be..."


The darkins felt like they're hit by a thunderbolt at the horrid implication of the universe's reaction after their brother got killed.They knew what it meant, all primogenitors knew what it meant, yet none of them dared to believe it...

In the heart of the execution ground, Felix stood tall and resolute. His gaze is cold and unwavering as he looked down upon thelifeless form of Manananggal, his enemy, his nightmare, now no more than a lifeless heap at his feet.

As the magnitude of the moment seeped into their consciousness, a chilling sense of; finality hung in the air.

The deed was done...The nightmare was over and, the universe exhaled, the echoes of Manananggal's reign of terror fading intothe annals of cosmic history.

Without voicing a single word, Felix turned around and shut down the stream, returning everyone to watching the previous activestreams.

Yet, no one focused on those streams as their minds were consumed with too many unanswered questions...

While the citizens had no one to turn to, Erebus, Cherufe, and the rest of the primogenitors reached out to the one and onlyperson with the answer.

“Lord Osiris. Has Manananggal really died?"

Variations of this question were sent akin to a bullet barrage on Lord Osiris’ inbox from all primogenitors, dearly seeking to knowthe truth.

The universe's celebration confirmed it by 99%, but they still felt that there was no way Manananggal would get off this easily.Alas, Lord Osiris sent them all one response.“His death string was erased from reality and it's not being recreated again."

This answer sent goosebumps across everyone's skin as they realized that Manananggal didn't just die, but had his soul erasedfrom existence.

Death strings being cut implied there was a chance of them emerging together and bringing the lost life.But, when they were erased? It was like Manananggal's soul never existed before.All of this would not have drawn much of a reaction from them if it was not for the second part of his statement.

"They actually did it, how...lust how?" Elder Aspidochelone wondered with a dazed look as he sit with his peers, who shared thesame reaction.

“Even if he used concept destruction and erased his soul, a new one can always be created using his ultimate ability...But, tomake that even impossible, how did they pull it off?"

“Manananggal was talking about illusion and illusion domain, maybe the boy has used Lord Loki's bloodline and takenadvantage of his godly domain?" Siren guessed.

"The only way to find out is by asking them directly, but | doubt they will entertain our inquiries." Kumiho bit her nails in irritationas her curiosity was killing her.

"Do you think they will answer us if we proposed we add their student to our assembly?" Jorogumo suggested, her playful smileseeming to speak with an ulterior motive.

"The hell, a primogenitor has just been slain by the hands of a previous mortal and you're suggesting we add him to our circle?"Cherufe retorted, his nostrils set in flames.

"That's exactly why | am suggesting to add him." Jorogumo said, "He has just slain a primogenitor, something that none of uswere able to pull off even after billions of years. Having him on our side is better than not."

"You have a good point, but | also agree with Cherufe." Erebus shook his head, "This isn't the time to even bring this matter up.""Indeed, what will he think of us?"

“He might actually think we are afraid of him."


While everyone seemed in favor of adding Felix to their circle, none of them wanted to do it right now.

As for finding out about how he got rid of Manananggal, well, they could only be patient and bury their burning curiosity.

It might seem weird that none ofthem showed any sympathetic

, mMfeelings toward.oneiot their peersdeath, - ‘Préally wasn't... Thedarkins had fallen too hard fromgrace with all of their shenanigans.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

After they decided to use their descendants as hostages, enmity was already starting to emerge between them.So, even if all three of them died, none of them would feel an ounce of sadness or mourn for their passing.On the other hand, the darkins had a totally opposite reaction after finding out the truth from Lord Osiris...

Aseething rage boiled within Saurous and Wendigo, their minds tainted with baleful darkness as the death of their partnerreverberated through their consciousness.

Staring out into the vast cosmic landscape, the stars shimmering like so many watching eyes, their anguish morphed intounadulterated wrath...

“LIL kill him...1 will kill them all...1 WILL KILL THEM ALL!"With a roar of fury that split the silence of space, Saurous flexed his control over gravity.

He clenched his fist, and in response,the nearest star convulsed under theimmense ravitation, £9)cdtestialbedylimploding in an explosivesupernova that painted the nearbygalaxies in streaks of fiery radiance...The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

The remnants of the dying star were left to scatter aimlessly, becoming echoes of its former glory.

Planets trembled in their orbits, yanked out of their tranquil paths by the unleashed gravity, and either shattered into cosmicdebris or hurled into the depths of the black void...

Wendigo, on the other hand, transformed his hatred into a tangible force, his darkness spreading outwards like a corrosive mist.

Whole celestial bodies got shroudedin this murk, their vibrant existepeequickly fading awayStars St oncetWinRle {th Warmth and life nowflickered feehly before being snuffedout entirely. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

His eerie darkness consumed planets in its wake, their surface swiftly disintegrating and vanishing into oblivion.The realms of space around them transformed into a barren wasteland, a testament to their profound wrath...

Their bereavement resonated through the cosmos as they vented their sorrow and rage, transforming solar systems into cosmicgraveyards.

Their brotherhood which lasted for more than five billion years had finally been broken.

The worst part? Mananangga''s soul had been erased, which meant they could not even visit or meet him in the spirit realm.He was gone once and for all, and they could not accept their reality...

“One down, two more to go."

As they vented their rage and anger, they had no clue that Felix was already preparing himself for his next target, for his nextprey, and for his next revenge!

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