The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1373
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Chapter 1373

1373 Nimo's Domination

His form turned into an ethereal cloud of darkness, dissipating and reappearing somewhere else in the void realm, narrowlyavoiding the lethal strike.

Even with Nimo's lockdown and Felix's hasty actions, it. was still not enough to land a hit on Wendigo.Eee Eee!

Nimo didn't seem too pleased with his failure, as he ditched Felix behind him and rushed in the direction of Wendigo, sensing hisexistence even though there was a significant distance between them.

‘Nim...Forget it, he can handle him alone in the void realm.‘ Felix was worried for a second, hut then, he realized that he neededto be worried for Wendigo.

Nimo might not be able to face Wendigo in the matter universe properly due to the lack of experience but in the void realm. Hehad all the tools to make his life a living hell, and force him to continue running away!

So, instead of going after them and holding Nimo's back, Felix returned to Manananggal's side and did something no one wouldhave expected.

He made It'lanananggal wear his void suit and then he took him out of the aircraft. Without hesitation, he took off in the oppositedirection.

As for him combating the void energy? He used nonother than concept destruction energy to cover himself and marked voidenergyll

‘Its erasure prowess isn't as good as with other elements, but it's better than nothing.’ Felix commentated as he watched hisdestruction particles fighting off against the void energy.

Since both energies were destructive in nature, they were seeking to eliminate each other. However, his destruction energy wascoming on top as it was the origin of destruction itself.

"Check on Nimo quickly.‘ Asna rushed him with a concerned tone.

While Felix knew that Nimo would be fine, he still switched his focus to his wisp inside Nimo‘s consciousness space...Then, hesaw everything in front of Nimo.

‘Damn, he must be wondering if he was fighting against the paragon of sins.‘

Felix expressed with a sympathetic look at the sight of Nimo creating seven versions of himselfand each one was wielding a sinlaw as they surrounded the stunned Wendigo.

He hit the nail right in the head.‘What the f*ck is this?’ Wendigo kept looking around him, sizing up each copy of Nimo and its sin symbol above their heads.

He didn't feel an ounce of elemental energy coming from them, which made it confirmed that Nimo was wielding all the laws ofthe seven sins!

This removed any more suspicion of Nimo being a more unique void creature.Eee Eee!

Nimo controlled the clone that used the Law of Greed, tapping into its magnificent power. Though, even as the laws‘ guardian, hestill had to pay a steep price to invoke its powers.

His energy wavered for a moment before allowing his consciousness to fragment. The essence of him, a fragment of awareness,detached and got devoured, as the price for invoking such a mighty law.

Eee Ee...He grimaced, the pain sharp but transient...But, it was worth it.Reality around them seemed to quiver, as though a stone had been thrown into the tranquil pond that was the universe.

Asphere of distorted reality formed around Wendigo, an area manipulated by the power of Greed. Within this sphere, all wassubjugated to Nimo's will!

‘What is this..."

Atush of fear crossed Wendigo's features as he felt his control over the darkness element wane, slipping away like waterthrough his fingers...llis powers were smothered, as though under a thick blanket, leaving him stripped of his natural abilities.

‘I can't feel the darkness around me or in me...What the hell did he do?’

Wendigo felt completely naked in this new environment as he kept trying to connect with the darkness particles, but none wereresponsive!

If Nimo could speak, he would have told him that he used his greed law to wish for the erasure of darkness particles in this entirearea. c It was like he made a request to the universe and the universe obliged!

Eee Eee!Nimo wasn't done yet as he took control of his clone responsible for the law of envy.

Then, he used its unfathomable powers to transform his clone into his father, possessing all of his abilities! skills, and even hisoverpowered physical strength, becoming a deity in the blink of an eye!

Eee Bee!

The only thing he couldn't copy was Felix‘s intelligence as Nimo still squealed while making his move.

He extended his palm forward and released a torrent of uncontrollable destruction energy in the direction of Wendigo.

He might have copied Felix's stuff, but he wasn't anywhere close to using them as effectively as him.

This allowed Wendigo to evade this apparent attack even when his darkness control was taken from him in the area.

‘Damn, if Nimo merged with his alter ego and possessed his intelligence back, he will be unstoppable...Unigins sure are scary.’Felix commentated as he watched Nimo completely pressuring Wendigo with all sorts of attacks.

There was no plan, no thought process behind his attacks, but they were deadly enough to make Wendigo not stop moving foreven a second!

What's worse? He could not create any more shields to protect himself from the void energy."Sh*t., Sh*t, sh*t., | can not stay here for another second!"

Wendigo's expression kept getting uglier and uglier as the void energy was starting to eat into him for real and he could donothing to stop it.

The worst pa rt, he had completely lost track of Felix and his partner, making him understand that even if he managed to surviveNimo's onslaught by some miracle,he wouldn't be able to fulfill his mission.

Still, he wasn't planning to leave empty—handed.‘Tl take you with me if | have to!"Without an ounce of hesitation, Wendigo used his ultimate ability...Eclipse Consciousness!

His eyes glowed ominously, his form a specter in the void.

Summoning all his will into his eyes, they turned into pools of eternal darkness as they focused on Nimo's colorful eyes.

As he gazed deeper into them, the darkness within Nimo began to reflect in Wendigo's eyes, giving him the weapon he neededto take him down.

The darkness particles in the area might have been eliminated, but the darkness within Nimo was still there.

Vet, Nimo remained eerily calm...infact, he seemed somewhat curiousabout the rising shadagay tenetsthatywets avhing out to his soulbarrier, ready to swallow it whole andcast his consciousness into thedeepest abyss. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

However, the moment the darkness tendrils made contact with Nimo's soul, something incredible happened.

A fierce, invisible resistance met the intruding darkness...'1‘he shadowy tendrils recoiled, shriveling back as though burned by anunseen flame!

The Eclipse of Consciousness, a technique that had felled countless foes, retracted in the face of Nimo’s soul.The insidious darkness skulked back, whimpering like a cowed wolf facing a superior adversary.‘Impossible...°


Wendigo's confident smirk faded,replaced with a look of genuine,shock. He expegtadséme fesistancefronit\Ni dg soul, but he neverthought in his wildest dreams that itwould react in this manner! Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

‘Am | really facing the Parag...Aghh!!"

Alas, before he could react to this duinbfounding situation, the void power source had finally gotten hold of his body and causedhim grave agony as his cells began to disintegrate.

Albeit unwillingly, Wendigo was forced to use darkness relocation and escape to the matter universe, recreating his body usingthe cosmic dark matter...

Eee Eee! Eee Ece!

Felix and the tenants did not knowwhat to think at the sight of Nisopra pilin HeAreetion ofFelix laf efeating one of the mostfearsome primogenitors in theuniverse. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

He seemed not to care about such things but more about receiving praise and belly rubs from Felix as a reward.

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