The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1366
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Chapter 1366

1366 Your Personal Hell. II"You think so?""That sounds impossible...Right?"

His peers found it difficult to believe as the notion of complete rebirth implied that there was literally nothing to kill Manananggalunless he was killed off every time he was reborn until every drop of his blood was erased from the universe!

This kind of certainty was the only thing keeping Wendigo and Saurous as calm as a summer sea in this difficult time.

"| can't find him anywhere not reach him." Saurous said with a suppressed tone. "He is either dead or taken to anotherdimension."

"As much as | hate to admit it, it does sound like his death is the most plausible reason. An ambush by two primogenitors and adeity with multiple ultimates isn‘t something easily evadable." Wendigo replied, his eyes two vortexes of pure chaotic darkness,reflecting his inner emotional state.

The moment those two escaped from Lady Sphinx and Fenrir, they reached out to their partner using Queen Ai as well astelepathically.

When both mediums failed, they even attempted to awaken his dormant wisp of consciousness inside their minds.

Alas, it didn't respond to their calls, which was another indication of Manananggal's main consciousness being either offline ortoo occupied to respond.

When they asked Queen Ai for the last recording of their partner before he went offline, they saw nothing but absolutedestruction unfolding in his wake.

They recognized it to be totality collapse instantly, which made his death more plausible.

If he was killed, so be it. He is bound to be revived in the upcoming hours and reach us on his own." Wendigo stated, "Let's justbe patient and wait."

While both of them were fuming internally about how their assassination plan backfired on them so badly, they knew thatexpressing it would solve nothing.

They didn't even bother to go after the SGAlliance's troops again, knowing that the Lady Sphinx and Fenrir would be there toprotect them.

Thus, there wasn't much for them to be done at the moment besides waiting for their partner to reach out to them and regroup.Alas, if only they knew what was happening to their partner at the moment, they wouldn't sit for even a second...

One minute before, when Manananggal had just gotten transported into the castle...

"My personal hell?" Manananggal sneered. "You think | can be kept here against my will?"

"Be my guest and give it a try." Felix extended his hand welcomely, not an ounce of worry on his face.

His unnerving confidence would have made anyone else feel bothered, but not Manananggal.

He pointed his finger at the castle's ceiling and called calmly, "Blood Overtake."

Whoosh! ! !

His blood rushed forth, spilling from him in crimson torrents! The rich, vibrant life fluid splashed against the castle's stones,seeping into cracks and crevices, and flowing across the floors and along the walls.novelbin

It surged like an unleashed river, rapid and relentless!

The castle began to shift and shimmer under the onslaught. Its stony visage became slick with blood, walls glistening, floorsdrenched. Every room, every corridor,and every inch of the castle was soaked in Manananggal's life essence!

liven his wife and children weren't spared from being submerged under his blood ocean. When the castle seemed to have beenfilled, he called in his mind,'Bloodification.’

As Manananggal channeled his unique ability, the haunting silence of the castle was pierced by an echoing pulse, as though thevery heart of the fortress had been awakened!

The crimson life fluid that coated every surface started to react, and the bloodification process was initiated.

The castle began to morph and shift under this new power, its cold, hard stonework dissolving, replaced by a pulsating, livingstructure of blood.

Stone towers transformed into towering spires of flowing crimson, arches, and ceilings becoming a network of veins and arteries!The floors morphed into a semi—solid state, undulating like a calm sea under Mananangga''s feet.

The castle had become a castle of blood, a living, breathing monument sculpted from his very essence!

"When you own the illusion, even the owner is helpless against you."

The moment he said this, Manananggal snapped his finger, and the blood castle fell through, becoming a flowing river around itscreator!

Before he could feel pleased with himself for even a second, Felix emerged from the river as a humanoid blood figure and said,"You are right, illusions are easy to handle in such cases as they are still labeled as mental attacks. But, this is no ordinaryillusion attack."

His smile turned sinister the moment he finished his last sentence, causing chills to course down Mananannggal's spine.‘Illusion domain...1 am inside an illusion domain.’

Manananggal deep down anticipated that Felix would have used illusion domain against him the moment he knew that he hadintegrated with Lord Loki's bloodline.

He wanted this truth to be false so badly as he recognized that once a person get inside an illusion domain without immunity, hisfate was considered sealed!

The other illusions were considered mental attacks, but the illusion domain was considered a reality-bending ability.

Those two were far too separate from each other in terms of significance, one could even say that they were considered as twodifferent elements!

"So, | hope you won't interrupt our fun limes again as | have great things stored for you." Felix's sinister smile widened as theblood river returned to a blood castle before it became a stone castle again.

Manananggal's expression couldn't help but turn ugly at the sight of his pregnant wife and his children returning to life again likeFelix did nothing but reverse time in his presence.

"Shall we begin?"

Immediately after Manananggal's ears registered Felix's words, he found himself sitting at a long elegant dining table with hischildren facing him.

As for his wife?

She was laying on the table in front of him without a piece of cloth to hide even her private parts...Yet, she didn't seemuncomfortable as she had a gentle smile while eying her loving husband.

"Ili darling. " She greeted, her voice as soft as a hummingbird's whisper.

Her sweet look and voice reminded Manananggal of the best times of his life, which made him even angrier at Felix."You bastard...You really want to do this?" Manananggal said with a tone spilling with venom.His calm and collected noble demeanor was no more as his vampire's bloodthirsty side was finally on display.

"| don't understand, wasn't eatingunborn children from the womb ofbreathing pregnant women one ofyour finest Cele Ayife2" Pelik’uttered Iwi alconfused tone, but hissadistic tone was still the same. "| amjust being nice and giving your lastmeal before your execution...After all,the moment you were locked herewith me, you became my own deathrow prisoner." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

If someone else heard this, they would feel shivers course on their skin from the mere horror of the statement, don't evenmention actually watching him do it!

Yet, Felix was fully bent on taking matters this far as Manananggal's evil deeds made him deserving of this punishment morethan anything.

"You think | will give you and your masters the pleasure of seeing me eat my own child from my wife's stomach?" Is'lanananggalscoffed, "| would rather give up on this body and start fresh again.”

"| knew that you won't show any remorse after listening to your heinous crimes, but | didn’t think it will be this bad. "Felix's gaze got colder, not liking Manannaggal's response one bit.

When he heard about Manananggal's crimes from his masters and how the entire conflict between their factions resulted fromthem, he didn't dare to believe it.

He always thought that it started because Fenrir's pregnant wife got killed by Manananggal, but he didn't think it would be evenworse than that.

Aliving primogenitor, one of the most intelligent, powerful, and authoritative beings in the universe actually sent his subordinatesto hunt down fresh pregnant women to feast on their newborn children?

Just the thought alone made him feel sick to his stomach, but when he was shown memories by his masters of him doing it overand over again made Felix's heart burn with uncontrollable fury.

If this was his reaction, it was understandable how would the other primogenitors react when they found out about it.

While most primogenitors merelysettled with a voiced warning tomake him stop, theasgardiahs 1Obkitra stepNuatherGnd decided to makeManananggal pay for his crimes ashis subordinates had targeted manywomen from their own territories.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

As their ancestors and protectors, it didn't sit right with them to just let him get away with it because of his status as aprimr'rgenitor.

So, they confronted him, and because of their decision, Fenrir's pregnant wife wasn't just killed by Manananggal but sufferedunder the same treatment as others...

"Crimes? You really are as delusionalas your masters." Manananggaluttered coldly, Oat@ sidered otines oward lesser

Ortals. Inst like you eat innocentanimals without a second thought,what makes you think | can't do thesame for mortals?" The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"In my eyes, you are nothing but talking animals."

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