The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1359
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Chapter 1359

‘Cosmic Rift?' Felix raised an eyebrow in intrigue.

‘It's one of the divine axe's strongest attacks.’ Elder Cyclope said, ‘Just make sure to channel spatial elemental energy to activateit!


Felix didn't ask for more as he wanted to see the attack with his own eyes. The first thing he did was increase his size with theaxe yet again to a celestial height.

‘lam going to show you that no one else is capable of wielding you as good as me in this entire universe.’ Felix utteredindifferently as he eyed the divine axe.

Then, he began channeling the spatial elemental energy into it, causing a portion of divine inscriptions to light up, responding tothe call.

As he drew on the fathomless depths of his power, the axe responded in kind; its edge flaring with hues unseen, as if drinking inthe very essence of the cosmos.

Just like it sensed his desire to impress it, the divine axe responded by devouring his life force akin to a hungry hippo to powerup the cosmic rift attack in addition to its amplification!

Humm! Humm...

A purplish hue began manifesting from the axe's blade while it was vibrating left and right, seemingly building inside of it anunfathomable power that was too tough to contain!

"You think | can't handle you?!’ Felix tightened his grip on the axe's handle while his face kept getting whiter and whiter.

"You can do it!’ Asna encouraged him instead of stopping him, knowing that Felix could not back down from this confrontation.‘The divine axe is taking in more fuel than it requires and it will reach a point when it will be too much for it."

Lord Loki mentioned with a look of anticipation as he was seen eating popcorn while sunbathing next to Lord Shiva.

"How much do you think it will absorb before the boy finally gives in?’ He turned around and asked his peer.

"He isn't giving in.’ Lord Shiva responded expressionlessly, not bothering to even glance in his direction.

"You have this much confidence in him?' Lord Loki chuckled, 'He might have millions of years to live, but it doesn't mean he canafford to have his life force devoured this fiercely.’

Lord Shiva ignored him and glanced only once in Felix's direction. Then, he looked down and continued sunbathing lazily.

He understood that Lord Loki was right and that Felix might even end up dead if he lost too much of his life force at once, butstill, he was certain that he wasn't going to give up.

HUMMM!! HUMMMM!!‘| suggest we watch from another dimension."

Elder Cyclope swiftly joined Bodidi in his pocket dimension after seeing that the divine axe's blade was humming nonstop,sending powerful reverberation all over the place.

While he wasn't worried about them, he sure as hell wanted to not be around in case the divine axe did end up blowing up fromwithin!

‘Ashame really, going out like this on your first day.’ Felix mocked.He might sound uncaring and unbothered, but his scrawny dull body said otherwise.

If he bothered to count, he would find out that he had lost more than ten thousand years in merely a couple of seconds,something that would freak out anyone else!

Yet, he still had no plans of backing out.HUMMMM!!!

As everyone's breaths were held either in worry or anticipation at the sight of the divine axe's head seemingly about to explode,Felix felt a sudden gentle sensation running through his fingers.

"Smart choice." Felix neither mocked nor gloated, he simply narrowed his eyes in the direction of the nearest star.

With a deep voice, he muttered, ‘Cosmic Rift.’

And then he swung.

He swung with the weight of galaxies behind his blow.

The axe, an instrument of the cosmos, sang a resounding chord that echoed through the silent, chilling vacuum of space!

The omnipotent force encased within the axe ignited in a prismatic blaze, projecting an unfathomable purplish force gush thatsplit the very fabric of reality!

Reality twisted and distorted as the shockwave tore across the universe, the cosmos seemingly folding upon itself!Aswath of darkness, vast and terrifying, cut through the stars like a gargantuan blade.

The yawning rift, a void as black as the farthest reaches of the universe, bisected the heavens...It spanned more than millions ofkilometers, a horrifying testament to the power Felix and the divine axe had summoned hand in hand!

Yet, it wasn't over.The nearest star, a colossal sphere of fiery plasma, was caught in the torrent of this cosmic calamity.The star quivered under the force of the axe's power, its photons trembling as the incision approached.

Then, with a deafening silence that resonated through the cosmos, the star was cleaved in twain under the stunned eyes of Asnaand the tenants...Even Lord Shiva and Lord Loki had their pupils enlarged at this harrowing but breathtaking sight.

"Oh, dear..."‘This is..."

In that monumental moment, the star began to collapse upon itself. Its halves spiraled into the dark abyss of the rift, a final dancebefore their end.

The pressure mounted, a cauldron of nuclear reactions going haywire as the equilibrium of the star was shattered.And then came the supernova!novelbin

The star's demise was not silent, nor was it subtle. It erupted in an explosion of light, gamma radiation, and cosmic particles thatbathed the universe in a brilliant glow!

It was a death throe of a star, an epitaph written in pure energy.

The cosmos reeled from the force of the Cosmic Rift, space-time shuddering as the echo of the star's death resonated throughthe universe.

Amidst this colossal display of power, Felix stood with a frozen expression.

His gaze was steady, his grip on the celestial axe unwavering, but his heart was about to leap out of his chest from sheer shock.Humm...

The divine axe hummed one last time before going silent, seemingly telling Felix and everyone that it wasn't to be trifled with."Holy sh*t! Holy sh’t! Is this real life?!" Bodidi exclaimed loudly in disbelief.

Shivers were coursing down his spine at the cries of space after being brutally cut down like this.

"My god...Can even primogenitors cause such damage?" Candace stated while covering her mouth, feeling as agitated asBodidi.

No one bothered to answer her as everyone else was just as taken back.

It wasn't because of the damage as there were many primogenitors capable of destroying stars, but by the notion it was done,using a divine weapon!

“Elder Cyclope really wasn't joking around when he said that it deserves an entirely new grade for it." Thor proclaimed.

"He sure as hell wasn't." Jérmungandr added with a satisfied smile.

"Felix, you better get out of there." Lady Sphinx warned.


Felix broke out of his daze at last and swiftly entered the void realm after minimizing his size.

He knew that Lady Sphinx warned him not because of the supernova's incoming explosion force, but because of the cosmicradiation.

He could take on the force with hisdestruction immunity, but the-pogmicradiation guided Nehdrest damagewhelt exposed to such a heavy andpotent quantity at once. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

In a few minutes at best, Felix emerged in a different solar system.

The moment he got out of the void rift, he entered his spaceship and beamed the divine axe in his hands, staring at it with anawed look.

Elder Cyclope appeared next to him from a dimensional portal with Bodidi behind him.

"You better not think this is thenormal cosmic rift attack. The onlyreason the attack reached such

Ges MCU tess Manu rerke?amplifidatioh/empowering skillsbeing fueled by a massive quantity oflifeforce." He said. "In reality, thenormal cosmic rift attack can slicespace apart for a hundred thousandkilometers or less using all of itsstored elemental energy.” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"| know, but it still feels amazing to know that it can reach such heights." Felix said with a wide grin as he caressed the divineaxe's handle.

The divine axe seemed to enjoy his touch like they weren't trying to get each other killed just a few moments ago.

"| guess it accepted you after all." Asna mused. "Didn't think you will make it happen so quickly."

"For such a prideful divine weapon, iteither respects and accept you framthe start or it wilkalivabs) look‘downof yau. dr smiled, "Felix hadearned its respect by not caving ineven in the face of death." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Losing life force was manageable for anyone with longevity, but to lose it so fast it could cause one's death, was a differentchallenge on its own.

Even when Felix looked like a corpse and seemed to be moments away from a meeting with the grim reaper, he fought on.The divine axe recognized his indomitable will more than anything!

"| think you have earned the right to name it now." Asna narrowed her eyes at him, "You better not be thinking of a stupid nameagain.”

She still dreaded his garbage naming sense to this day after he named the sand guardians.

"Don't worry, | already know what to name it." Felix smirked, as his mind replayed the last scene of him and the axe breaking thecosmos apart.

"From this day onward, you shall be called, The CosmosBreaker." Felix proclaimed with a proud look, not seeing Asna and mostof the tenants rolling their eyes at him.

Alas, no matter what they feel about the name, Felix had no plans to change it.

“Now, let's introduce you to my beloved ‘friends’, the darkins." Felix's smirk turned cold.

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