The Wrong Woman

Chapter 459
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Chapter 459

Chapter 459

Mila seethed with anger, each word a furious accusation. "All you want is money! I would give you all of our family assets, why did you have to kill my grandmother? Why harm my family?"

finances are locked within the Oliver chuckled indifferently, "Now that the Hoffis fa country and I'm now a fugitive in Norvania, if I fail to do something to assert my strength, you'd underestimate my ability."

A shadow darkened Mila's face, her fists clenched tightly, a wave of hatred flooding her heart.

Oliver continued, "I've recently married a woman named Avery. She'll oversee all family assets and become the group owner tomorrow. With Zach's appointment letter and the asset transfer agreement, she will hold the reins of power.

"If you wish to spare your family the fate that befell Loretta, don't intervene in Avery's inheritance. And keep Nathan at bay. If I fail to access the funds again, your family will face dire consequences."

For Mila, nothing outweighed the importance of her family's safety. Without hesitation, she agreed, "As long as you no longer harm my family, I promise you anything."

Oliver smirked, "Very well, Mila. Then give me the hydronium."

Mila reminded him, “It's worthless without me. No one else comprehends its intricacies and applications."

Oliver countered, "But I can sell it. Its value? A staggering five billion dollars per gram."

Mila scoffed, "Your greed knows no bounds."

"Tomorrow, deliver all 48 bottles to Avery," he ordered.

Mila agreed promptly, "Fine."

With that, Mila ended the call and tossed her phone aside.

Phoebe widened her eyes and stared at Mila nervously, her expression incredulous.

Sensing her concern, Mila gently patted her hand to reassure her. "Besides me, only the old professors at the military truly understand it."

Phoebe recalled the border explosion incident where those professors failed in their research on two bottles Azurium.

She instantly understood Mila's intention. "Are you planning to give Oliver fake material in place of the substance?"

Mila nodded.

"Wouldn't he harm your family if he discovers it's fake?" Phoebe inquired cautiously.

Mila countered, "He's no savant in chemistry; he wouldn't grasp the intricacies. Even the most formidable chemist wouldn't discern the counterfeit without encountering the genuine material. "

Phoebe nodded in concurrence, finding Mila's argument compelling. "That's a valid point,"

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Mila's concern deepened, her expression reflecting the gravity of her thoughts. "Unless..." Anxious, Phoebe interjected, "Unless what?"

Mila's countenance darkened, her voice laden with apprehension. "Unless there's a spy in Nate's research team."

Phoebe's surprise was palpable. "Surely not?"

Lost in thought, Mila reflected on the incidents involving the impostor Sally infiltrating the research Institute, causing chaos, and spilling the precious Azurium.

It seemed someone had facilitated her entry and orchestrated the spillage.

In those times, Azurium held immense value in Norvania, a rarity even with abundant resources.

Without Mila's blueprints for refining Azurium, acquiring it in Norvanian would demand hefty sums or necessitate sourcing it from overseas.

As Mila mulled over these thoughts, her apprehension intensified, prompting her to reach for her phone with urgency.

Sensing Mila's distress, Phoebe inquired, "What's wrong?"

With swift determination, Mila dialed, her response swift ft and resolute To alert Nate.

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