The Wrong Woman

Chapter 174
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Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Suzanne supported Betty’s decision to divorce, but she drew the line when it came to providing her a place to stay.Instead, she encouraged Betty to look for a job, to enrich herself with knowledge and skills, and to become a better self.Betty, seeing no benefit in further conversation, retreated to the comfort of the York family with disappointment.

Aweek passed, and the long-awaited DNA test results were finally ready.

Despite mentally preparing herself for the outcome, Suzanne found herself shattered by the reality they revealed.

She stood dumbfounded outside the hospital with tears clouding her vision as she saw the words confirming her lack ofbiological relation.

The report validated all the suspicions and inconsistencies surrounding her identity.

If she wasn’t Suzanne, then who was she? Where were her true and friends? And what dark motives lay behind the elaboratesch to mold her into Suzanne?

On her ride home in the car, her mind swirled with these unsettling questions. Overwhelmed and unable to unburden herself, shefound herself longing for Nathan’s comforting presence.

Though the sun bathed the outside world in its warm glow, Suzanne's thoughts churned in turmoil.

Gathering all her courage, she took out her phone and dialed Nathan’s number. After a hesitant pause and a deep breath, shepressed the

call button.



The phone rang twice before Nathan answered, setting Suzanne’s heart racing with excitement.“Suzy,” echoed Nathan’s voice, both deep and soothing.

Her heart fluttered at the sound. Despite their silence all week, his tone carried an unexpected warmth and concern. Shewondered if could she have misinterpreted it.

“Are you busy?” Suzanne asked cautiously, her heart fluttering with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Conversations with Nathan always left her feeling uneasy and apprehensive due to her profound affection and longing in herheart.

“Not really,” he replied.

“| see,” Suzanne responded, her gaze dropping as conflicting emotions swirled within her. She wished to open up to him, yetdoubt clouded her trust. In an instant, words eluded her.

“Is there anything you need?” he inquired.Suzanne sighed, “No. | realized it’s been a week since we last spoke. just wanted to see how you were doing.”

Nathan stood in the corridor outside his office, where an important meeting was underway. He put the meeting on hold as henoticed Suzanne's call.

Leaning against the wall, he gazed down at his shoes, a subtle smile gracing his lips. “Yeah, it's been a week.”For him, a mere week felt interminable, almost like a year had passed.

During the silent hours of the night, Nathan grappled with the decision of whether to call Suzanne. He feared that he mightdisturb her sleep, dreaded the awkwardness of conversation, or worse, worried she might not want to talk at all.


Furthermore, he feared the irresistible urge to fly back to Phoenicia to see her.

Throughout the week, he endured torment as his longing intensified, yet he forced himself to restrain his impulses.

Suzanne fidgeted with her clothes, her fingers betraying her nervousness. After much deliberation, she murmured, “I’m done withmy work.”

Nathan sounded confused. “Hmm?”Suzanne’s face flushed and her palms were sweaty with

nervousness. With a deep breath, she summoned her courage as she continued, “I’ve finished my work, so | can come to seeyou. But I’m afraid | might disturb your work, so I’

“Don’t worry about that,” Nathan interjected eagerly, his voice filled with excitement. “Just wait for me at home. I'll pick you uptomorrow. Is that okay?”


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