The Wrong Woman

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Nathan's expression crumbled instantly. As he released Suzanne’s arm in sorrow, he silently retreated a few steps with eyesdowncast.

Suzanne was confused about the sudden shift in his demeanor, but she couldn’t have cared less. Her heart had alreadyshattered when Nathan sent that disappointing message.

She no longer desired to remain his wife, especially knowing he intended to marry Sally immediately following Vera’s passing.

“No need to worry about upsetting Grandma, Nathan. Her illness has taken away her memory of me. Let’s not delay any furtherand proceed with the divorce,” Suzanne murmured, suppressing the pain throbbing in her chest.

With a heavy heart, Nathan questioned softly, “Is that what truly want?”“It is,” Suzanne affirmed, her heart heavy with sorrow as tearsin her eyes.

For three years, She had harbored deep affection and admiration Nathan. Whenever he visited Vera, she would watch theminteract from afar while losing in her own reverie.

She sought to learn everything about him, probing Vera for insights into his preferences, his passions, his quirks, his past, andhis triumphs.

She had never ceased to love him, to dream of their shared future. Upon finally marrying him, she unexpectedly discovered heharbored feelings for another.

Their marriage lacked the joy and contentment she had hoped for.

There were even moments when her heart twinged at the sight of Nathan’s affection for Sally.It was then did Suzanne truly understood the pain of unrequited love within a relationship.After a brief moment of silence, Nathan asked solemnly, “Are you sure about this?”


Avoiding his gaze to hide her tears, Suzanne replied calmly, “My decision was made long ago. It’s just that I’ve finally found areason to do so.”

Nathan remained silent, his eyes drifting skyward with a heavy sigh.Suzanne continued, “I trust you'll respect my decision. Let's part ways with peace.”

With that declaration, she turned on her heels to leave. Just as she took a few strides, Nathan's unexpected reply halted her inher tracks. “But | can’t simply accept your decision,” he confessed.

Stunned, Suzanne struggled to hold back tears as a sharp ache pierced her heart.

Nathan was driving her to the brink of despair. He didn’t reciproc her love, yet he refused to release her. So why did he insist onclingin to a relationship devoid of genuine affection?

She struggled with household tasks and couldn't contribute

financially. Even the hope of having a child together seemed distant. They even slept in separate beds, leaving her no chance toshare warmth with him at night.

With tears streaming down her face, Suzanne steeled herself and spoke with a cold resolve, “Then I'll seek divorce through legalmeans.”

She brushed away her tears and marched forward. Before she could

advance further, Nathan seized her arm. His voice quivered with pain and regret as he reached out to her.novelbin

Frustrated, Suzanne whirled around and forcefully shook off Nathan’s hand. As tears streamed down her face, she cried outamid sobs, Enough is enough! What do you even want from me?”

Taken aback by her tears, Nathan lapsed into a heavy silence.

With anguish gripping her heart, Suzanne lamented, “What have | done to deserve this torment?”

“Just who is the tormentor here?” Nathan countered, unsettled by her accusation. His eyes reddened with frustration.

Wiping her tears away, Suzanne shot back, “I married you out of love, but you see it differently. You claim to respect me andhope to build a life together, yet your heart belongs to Sally.

“Whenever she needsyou, you're by her side in an instant. You even agreed to have her live under the same roof! Am | to share myhusband with another woman?”


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