The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

Chapter 101

“You make me laugh!” George sneered mercilessly. “Andrius, can you stop showing off your stupidity?As long as Axel Cloverfield is not a fool, by the time he transferred his assets and money away, he’dalready be in another country.

“With him and his money out of the country, not even the cops can find him. Yet, you are here actinglike a clown, calling it not a big deal. Are you kidding me?”

It was obvious.

Dick looked at him in disdain as well. “Andrius, if you can get the money back, I’ll write my namebackward.”

Even Harry shook his head helplessly when he heard Andrius. He had just called Axel, and judgingfrom the man’s arrogance, he must have already fled the country. Even though he wanted to get themoney back, it was practically impossible.

Andrius glanced at George and Dick and said, “How I get the money back is my business. It hasnothing to do with you two. Please lease Dream’s Waterfront.”

George, Dick, and their families were furious.

Dick looked at Master Crestfall, but the man did not say a word. He then walked up to Andrius andwarned him, “Andrius, you have three more days to act like a fool. In three days…”

He pointed at Andrius‘ nose and continued coldly, “If you don’t blame me for being rude to you and yourfamily.”

He then left with his family.

can’t get

get the

money back,

“Three days. You have three days, Andrius,” George also threatened him when he left with his family.

With George and Dick gone, only Andrius, Luna, and Harry were left at Dream’s Waterfront.

“I’m sorry…” Luna’s eyes teared up. She went up to Andrius and said, “If I had listened to you andHalle, it wouldn’t… It’s all my fault! It’s all my fault!”

She started to sob silently before she could finish talking.

She had been holding back her tears since her uncles‘ arrival. Now with them gone, she broke down intears.

Seeing Luna bathing in her own tears, Andrius swallowed his words and consoled her, ” Actually, it’sreally no big deal. You don’t need to feel bad.”

Luna looked at him and sighed.

Just like George said, as long as Axel and his father had brains, they would have already

left the country when they transferred their assets and money away.

Not even the police had the confidence to get the money back, let alone Andrius who was from themountains.

He was just saying it to comfort her and to buy her a few more days.

“Don’t worry. I will give you the money that I promised you even if I have to sell my house. Not a pennyless, not a penny more,” Luna assured him before she returned to her room, dispirited.

Andrius found it amusing, but he could not bring himself to laugh. The woman might be stupid, but shetended to keep her promise.

Andrius left Dream’s Waterfront and headed to Noir’s garage.

“Andy?” Noir tossed him a cigarette and asked, “What is it this time?”

He finally realized that ever since Andrius was involved with the woman from the Crestfalls, he wouldcome to the garage more often than ever.

Andrius said straightforwardly, “Noir, check and see where Axel Cloverfield and his father are.”

“Axel Cloverfield…”

Noir knew that the man had beef with Andrius. He tapped his chest confidently and said, “Leave it tome.”

Through the internal connections of the Lycantroops, Noir quickly got a hold of Axel and his father’slocation. “Andy, Axel Cloverfield and his father are at the Grand Western Rivermoon Hotel of Sumeria,but they checked in under a fake ID of John McKenzie.”

Andrius smiled.

The father and son did not flee the country immediately but decided to stay in Sumeria, where they hadcommitted their crimes. They seemed to be quite bold, but it also saved Andrius a lot of trouble.

“Come on, let’s go.”

Andrius brought Noir to the designated location.


The Grand Western Rivermoon Hotel was not the best hotel in Sumeria, but it was lavishly decoratedand grand, and it was considered one of the top hotels in the city. Inside the presidential suite, Axel andRichard were eating a feast at the table.

“Dad, are we going to be fine staying here in Sumeria?” Axel asked.

“The most dangerous place is the safest place,” Richard said with a scoff.

He looked like a wise man as he said, “People must have assumed that we had fled the country. Whowould expect us to stay in the city? Besides, we didn’t use our real ID to check–in, so it will be fine.”

Axel pondered and realized that it made sense. The modern city required one’s ID for identification onvarious occasions.

While Richard was preparing to transfer their assets out of the country, he had already prepared fakeIDs and passports just in case, and he had planned it meticulously.

As long as they stayed away from familiar faces, no one knew that they were Axel and RichardCloverfield.novelbin

“Dad, you’re awesome!”

Axel poured himself a glass of 82‘ Chateau Lafite and filled up Richard’s glass.



The father and son were already fantasizing about their beautiful and amazing lives ahead.


The phone on the table buzzed.

Richard leisurely picked it up for a glance, but his expression changed.

“Richard Cloverfield, your card number XXXXXX3344 is suspected to be involved in illegal fundraising,and your account has been frozen. If you have any inquiries, please call 66666,”

His bank card had been frozen!

His heart skipped a beat, and his eyes fluttered. He bolted up and started to pack his things.

Axel noticed the nervous look on his face. “Dad, what happened?”

“Pack your things. We have to go now!”

Richard dared not waste a single minute. “Our cards have been frozen! The police must be on to us!They might be here soon!”

“Huh? I… I…” Axel suddenly lost his appetite. He, too, started to pack his things.

A minute later, the two of them with their luggage went to the door.

When they opened the door, they saw two people in front of them. It was Andrius and Noir.

hapter 102

“A–Andrius Moonshade? Why are you here?! How did you know we are here?” Axel’s pupils shrank infear, and he could not believe his eyes.

Andrius scoffed in disdain. “You two committed fraudulent crimes and are afraid of people knowingwhere you are. Why wouldn’t I know about that?”

The father and son knew that they could not get away that easily now. In order to escape, they wouldhave to silence or even kill Andrius.

The two of them jumped toward Andrius.

“You’re asking for it,” Andrius said with a grunt. He punched both of them and knocked them to thefloor.

He then called Marcus and said, “Marcus, come to Grand Western Rivermoon Hotel. I have a bigpresent for you.”

A big present?

Marcus immediately said, “Yes, sir. I’m on my way.”

Even though he had a full plate dealing with the mess Axel and his father had created, when Andriuscalled him for a meeting, he agreed to meet as well.

“Oh, and remember to bring some men over,” Andrius added.

Men? What did he mean?

Marcus was confused but dared not ask further. He answered, “Alright. Please wait for a while, WolfKing. I’ll get my men ready.”

A while later, Marcus arrived at Grand Western Rivermoon Hotel with several police officers. When hesaw Axel and Richard lying down on the floor, he was delighted and pleasantly surprised.

“Wolf King, this is really a HUGE present!” Marcus exclaimed.

Just when he was dealing with the mess that the two of them created, the Wolf King had settled hisproblem for him.

“Take them back.” Andrius added, “Oh, and try to retrieve the money they scammed as soon aspossible and return the money to the Crestfalls first.”

“Yes, sir.”

Marcus immediately called his secretary, Jackie Canister, who settled the procedures quickly andvisited Luna.

He sent Luna a bank card and said, “This is the money that the Cloverfields took from you. It is all inhere. Please be careful next time.”

The whole family was shocked.

They already got their money back?

Suddenly, they thought of what Andrius said earlier. He said that he could get the money back, but itwas too quick for them to even believe it.

“T–thank you, Secretary Canister.”

Luna was over the moon and could barely contain herself. She accepted the card from Jackierespectfully.

Harry had multiple thoughts in his mind, so he asked, “Secretary Canister, did Andrius retrieve themoney back for us?”

“Andrius?” Jackie did not know who Andrius was.

Whenever Marcus met Andrius, he would usually send Jackie away and would never tell Jackie aboutthe man’s identity, so Jackie had no idea who Andrius was.

“What Andrius? This is Mayor Freely’s order. Make no mistake about it.”

He then left.

The Crestfalls understood what happened. They were able to get the money back, but it had nothing todo with Andrius.

Maybe Mayor Freely was eager to initiate the Valiant Institute project and did not want anything tohappen to the Crestfalls, who were in charge of the project, hence the speedy recovery of the money.

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