The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 752
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Chapter 752

Chapter 752


Half a minute later, Kabreh, who was bound like a mummy, was dragged into the ward by the soldiersas he was kicked and beaten along the way.

Dark clouds covered Noir’s face as he punched Kabreh twice, causing the latter’s mouth to becomecrooked. Kabreh spit out blood mixed with half of his teeth, which fell to the ground with a clatter.

“Speak! What insect did you infect the Wolf King with, and where’s the cure?”

“Hahahaha…” Kabreh looked at Noir’s insane appearance and glanced at Andrius on the sickbed, thenlaughed triumphantly. “The Wolf King was undefeated in a lifetime of battles and hailed as the lynchpinof Florence, but he was defeated by my hands.

“Hahaha! This feels amazing! Amazing-” He looked as smug as could be..

Noir’s anger flared, and he pulled out a knife and pressed it against Kabreh’s neck. “I’ll give you onemore chance. Where is the cure for the insect?”

“Cure?” Kabreh grinned. Although blood continued to flow from his mouth, his grin was as wide asever.” What cure? I don’t know of a cure.

“There’s no cure for the p–3 serum, so the Wolf King is doomed! You’d better surrender!

“Haha… Arghhh-”

Noir could not stand how smug Kabreh was and swung the back of the knife toward Kabreh’s arm.Although it did not sever the limb outright, the intense pain made Kabreh scream.

“You…” Kabreh gnashed his teeth in pain and shouted in frustration, “You’re torturing a POW! I’ll reportyou

to the International Court of Justice!

“I demand better treatment for POWs! I demand compliance with the Geneva Convention…”


Noir kicked Kabreh’s face, cutting off his words. Then, he unleashed a flurry of merciless punches andkicks before saying coldly, “Fuck the Convention! I’ll let you experience what it means to be hacked intominced meat right now!”

After speaking, Noir stabbed Kabreh’s fingers with the knife and twisted it cruelly, nearly tearing achunk

of flesh off.

“Arghhh!” Kabreh lasted less than three seconds against such inhumane torture and surrendered. “I–I’ll

talk. I’ll talk now!”

His voice trembled heavily as he spoke, “In truth, I don’t have a cure.”

Kabreh saw the look in Noir’s face and quickly added, “I swear, there really isn’t a cure…”novelbin

Everyone’s expressions in the ward turned extremely grim.

Kabreh could not possibly lie at this point. If he claimed there was no cure, then it was highly likely that

was true.

Then, what about the Wolf King?

Andrius asked coldly, “Who gave you the insect?”

“It was…” Kabreh thought about it and shook his head. “The person was wearing a mask, but I’m surethat

they were Florencian. I don’t know anything else. It’s true!”

Kabreh saw Noir about to get violent again and hurriedly swore, “I swear on my mother’s grave. Crossmy heart and hope to die.”

Since he went that far, the others stopped doubting him.

However, this was not an outcome that Noir and the others were willing to accept.

“Noir…” Andrius remained calm and composed as he said, “Throw him into the brigs for now and watchhim closely. Don’t let any mishaps occur.”


Noir personally took Kabreh away.

The beatings were naturally administered.

Andrius fell into thought.

Who was that masked person?

There were not many who wanted to harm him like this in Florence.

Registus was one of them, and so was the Second War God.

Andrius could not think of anyone besides them who had the ability to hand such a potent insect toKabreh. He pondered about it but was still clueless.

“Wolf King…”

Not long after, Noir walked back in and reported, “Ms. Crestfall has awakened. She is recovering quitewell and requests to see you…”

“No.” Andrius said calmly, “Send her back to Sumeria immediately.”


Noir left the ward and headed to the waiting room.

Luna immediately stood up when she saw Noir, her expression filled with anticipation. “What did theWolf King say?”

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