The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 742
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Chapter 742

Chapter 742

The young woman was Halle!

Halle approached, her face as beautiful as a flower. She had a vague smile as she said teasingly, “WolfKing, I heard you’re looking for a woman. Why didn’t you ask me?”

Andrius almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

He never expected that both Luna and Halle would actually come all the way from Sumeria to thewestern border.


This was a war zone. It was a place where life–and–death struggles take place, not where they cometo play house.

These women were really too reckless!

Halle saw Andrius‘ silence and smiled playfully. “What? Are you not pleased, Wolf King? Even if youare, you don’t have a choice! After all… You won’t find anyone more suitable than me.”

It was true.

This time, Andrius could only admit defeat.

“Hehe…” Halle laughed cheerfully when she saw Andrius‘ somewhat accepting expression. Sheapproached him and whispered, “This time, you’ve finally fallen into my hands.”

Andrius could not help but roll his eyes.

As Noir and the other high–ranking members of the Lycantroops, they had long lost their composure.They were holding back their laughter with great effort.

“Ahem.” Andrius cleared his throat and instructed, “Noir, get the arrangements done. The moregrandiose the ceremony, the better. Make sure it’s widely known!”

“Yes!” Noir stood at attention and saluted.

Two days later, two earth–shattering news came from the western border.

First, under the Wolf King’s clever strategy, the elite forces of the coalition forces were surrounded andcompletely annihilated outside Bina Pass!

There were numerous photos accompanying the news, including live shots and satellite images.

Among them were even photos of high–ranking generals from the Western Nations like the FourthMarshal who was imprisoned in the Lycantroops‘ cells after being captured.

The news instantly filled the nation with jpy!

“Amazing! I knew the Wolf King would be fine.”

“We have to rely on the Wolf King for wars. He was born to be a warrior. He has led Florence to victoryin battle after battle!”

“There’s no way we will lose the war with the Wolf King!”

“Traitors, scoundrels, and rebels from the Western Nations, the Wolf King is leading his soldiers on tomarch. I advise you to surrender as soon as possible!”

“Weren’t the Western Nations arrogant and boastful before? Why are you all silent now? Keep barking.

Chapter 742


Come on, what are you guys barking about? @Arbral @…”

It had to be said that Andrius executed this battle beautifully, greatly boosting the nation’s confidence,dispersing the shadows, and creating a favorable situation.

This not only struck a blow to the arrogance of the Western Nations but also greatly uplifted the spiritsof the people.

Countless people spread the news and cheered.

Secondly, at this critical moment of national crisis, the Wolf King decided to get married on thebattlefield. The wedding venue was set at the largest hotel in Yatburg, the Cloud Canopy Hotel.

Moreover, numerous honorable individuals from Florence were invited to attend the ceremony

For those who could not attend, there were countless domestic and international reporters on–site,ready to broadcast the Wolf Kings wedding live.

Furthermore, the Wolf King issued an order. The next day, a counterattack would be launched againstthe coalition forces with the aim of driving them out of Florence and making them pay a heavy price.

Expelling invaders was everyone’s responsibility. They had to restore their land even at the cost ofbloodshed!

This news was even more shocking than the first one.

The Wolf King stood at the top of the world.

Countless princesses from powerful countries had openly shown their affection for him, even willing tobe his concubines.

Several queen consorts also publicly promised that they would abdicate the throne for the Wolf King aslong as was willing to marry them.

Furthermore, in order to win the Wolf King’s favor, they mastered various styles of womanhood–pureand chaste, aloof and mature; regal and noble, adorable and petite, innocent yet seductive…

As long as it was something men liked, they learned it.

However, the Wolf King had always treated their advances with indifference, keeping out of reach ofthem.

Now, he was publicly announcing his wedding in Yatburg. It was a highly anticipated event and wouldbe broadcast live.novelbin

That night, countless women’s dreams were shattered and heartbroken.

It was not just in Florence. The sounds of hearts breaking echoed all around the world.

However, what captured the attention of Florence and various nations the most was…

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