The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 718
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Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Countless passionate Florencians had the same thoughts.

Hearing this, Harry lowered his head in embarrassment. “Yes, I was inconsiderate.”

Luna suddenly stood up and said softly, “Grandfather, actually, I think we can use this opportunity. TheCrestfalls can host a charity birthday banquet and donate all the gifts received to the soldiers on thewestern border.”

Ever since Luna won the championship at the Grand Medicinal Competition, she had become theundisputed leader in Sumeria.

Even though Celestial Enterprise still had the backing of the Wolf King, they willingly accepted secondplace because Andrius chose to step back.

Even across the entire East River State, the Crestfalls was rising in prominence. Whether it waswealth, reputation, or influence, they were leaps and bound better than when Andrius first arrived. Itwas no exaggeration to say they were soaring to new heights.

Dominating the entire East River State would not be difficult. It was just a matter of time.

Luna wanted to make use of this influence to do something for the Lycantroops, which would also bedoing something for the Wolf King.

“Good!” Belarus‘ expression improved upon hearing Luna’s suggestion, and he nodded in agreement.Harry, go make the arrangements now.

“In the name of the Crestfalls, we’ll raise funds for the warriors fighting on the frontlines!

“I haven’t been on the battlefield for a long time, but I never expected that I would still be able tocontribute in my own way. How truly heartwarming…”

At those words, his eyes brightened, and his spirits were high. It was enough being able to serveFlorence!

Afterward, Harry took care of everything, but Luna had a hidden agenda.

Based on her understanding of the Wolf King, he would definitely attend this charity event. It wasanother opportunity for them to meet.

This time, she needed to take the initiative. She would not let herself lose composure and be defeatedthe moment they met like the last time!

Luna immediately opened her contacts and dialed the number on the top.

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is unavailable…”

Luna’s brows furrowed when she heard the mechanical voice.

After a moment, she tried again but got the same message.

-Thus, she drove to Celestial Enterprise.

“Ms. Crestfall, what brings you to Celestial Enterprise today?”

Although Luna’s status had changed, Sonia’s attitude did not change much.

Luna took out an invitation from her bag and handed it over. “Ms. Timberland, my grandfather iscelebrating his 70th birthday tomorrow. We will be holding a charity lunch at the Grand Ocean Hotel.

“In the name of the Crestfalls, we will lead the effort to raise funds and resources for the Lycantroopsfighting on the frontlines. We kindly request your attendance.”

Sonia accepted the invitation, glanced at it casually, and placed it aside.

“Ms. Crestfall, you didn’t come all the way to Celestial Enterprise just to deliver an invitation, did you?”

This matter could easily be handled by an assistant or secretary. It was not necessary for Luna to havecome personally.

Luna also smiled and said, “I’d like to invite the Wolf King too. This also represents the Crestfalls‘support for the war going on in the west and for the Wolf King himself.”

“I understand. I will convey your message, Ms. Crestfall.” Sonia already knew that Luna came here forthe Wolf King.

“In that case, thank you in advance.”

Luna had no choice but to leave after failing to meet the Wolf King.


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